Content Posted in 2023
Marilyn Eva Cobb with Elsie Margaret Stanton Cobb and others standing on jetty, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Marketing Water Quality Friendly Services, Julia Peterson
Marlborough, NH 2021 annual report., Marlborough Town Representatives
Marsh Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Martial Arts Lesson Plan Manager, Eric Nash
Mary Johanna Brown Named UNH Paul J. Holloway Entrepreneur of the Year, Robbin Ray
Mary Johanna Brown Named UNH Paul J. Holloway Entrepreneur of the Year, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Masthead, Editorial Board
Masthead, Editorial Board
Masthead, Editorial Board
May 2, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
May 8, 2023 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
May 8, 2023 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
May 9, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
May 9, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
McGrath ’25 Named Hollings Scholarship Recipient, Keith Testa
McKenna Dance Center 15th Anniversary Performance Event, Ana McKenna
Meal planning for equity, Sustainability Institute
Measuring the impact of pollution closures on commercial shellfish harvest: The case of soft-shell clams in Machias Bay, Maine, Keith S. Evans, Kevin Athearn, Xuan Chen, Kathleen P. Bell, and Tora Johnson
Measuring the Inventor's Contribution, Christopher S. Storm
MEDIA ADVISORY: UNH Carsey School Unveils Toolkit to Assess Civic Health, Erika L. Mantz
Media Advisory: University of New Hampshire 2023 Commencement, Thomas Cronin
Media Availability: British Historian to Comment on Coronation of King Charles III, Robbin Ray
Media Availability: Experts to Comment on New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Primary Status, Robbin Ray
Media Availability: UNH British Historian to Comment on Royal Visit to Boston, Robbin Ray
Medicaid Transition Small Stakeholder Meeting, Lucy C. Hodder, Deborah Fournier, and Molly Umana
Medicaid Transition Small Stakeholder Meeting: Return to Regular Eligibility Operations, Lucy C. Hodder, Deborah Fournier, and Molly Umana
Medicaid Transition (Unwind): Return to Regular Eligibility Operations, Lucy Hodder and Deborah H. Fournier
Meet the Current SI Interns!, Sustainability Institute
Meet the Sustainability Institute Fall 2021 Interns, Cassie Hollasch
Meet your 2023 Teen Conference Commissioners, Kristen Landau
Melanin pigments extracted from horsehair as antibacterial agents, Tahmineh Rahmani Eliato, Joshua T. Smith, Zhen Tian, Eun-Sik Kim, Wonseok Hwang, Cheryl P. Andam, and Young Jo Kim
Melinda Friedman honored with Distinguished Alumni Award, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Member Election Certificate issued to Ivorey Cobb from The World Association of Judges of the World Peace through Law Center, November 28, 1975, The World Association of Judges of the World Peace through Law Center
Mendums Pond 2021 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Mendums Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Mental Health Care Access for NH Youth: A Comparison of Two Models, Katherine Lipp, Maya Gelting, Delitha Watts, Erica-Lyn Plante, Jeanne Ryer, and Felicia Brackett
Mental Health in Collegiate Student-Athletes vs. Non-Student-Athletes, Noah Stansbury
Mentoring and the Effects it has on Adult Learners in Post-Secondary Institutions, Stephanie Haynes
Merrimack County Highlights 2022, Amy Loader
Merrymeeting Lake 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Meta-Analytic Connectivity Modelling of Healthy Swallowing, Chris R. Tilton
Methods for translating narrative scenarios into quantitative assessments of land use change, Varun Rao Mallampalli, Georgia Mavrommati, Jonathan Thompson, Matthew Duveneck, Spencer Meyer, Arika Ligmann-Zielinska, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Kristen Hychka, Melissa A. Kenney, Kasper Kok, and Mark E. Borsuk
Metronome: A Kernel Bypass Distributed Database, Owen Hilyard
MHCDS Resource Technology Platform, Lillian Emerson
Micromechanical origins of remarkable elongation-to-fracture in AHSS TRIP steels via continuous bending under tension, Rishabh Sharma, Camille M. Poulin, Marko Knezevic, Michael P. Miles, and David T. Fullwood
Middle Danforth Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Migration of NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab VADDS Accounting System from COLSA Server VETLAB1 to UNH IT Services Central Virtual Server, Phillip Hammond
Migration Sustains New Hampshire’s Population Gain: Examining the Origins of Recent Migrants, Kenneth M. Johnson
Millennial Disengagement in the Workplace, Brian Lashway
Mimi McDonald wearing pink dress standing outside her grandparents' home, 1970, Unknown
Mindful Movement and Hike, Extension
Mindfulness Meditation and Flow State Experiences: Unlocking Human Potential, Anthony Scialla
Mini Cooper Rebuild - The White Elephant in my Garage, Perry Hopkins
Minotaur: French Military Justice and the Aernoult-Rousset Affair, John J. Cerullo
Mirror Lake 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Mitigating Coastal Erosion For Great Bay, Autumn Bedell
Mitigating the legacy effects of ditching in a New England salt marsh, David M. Burdick, Gregg E. Moore, Susan C. Adamowicz, Geoffrey M. Wilson, and Chris R. Peter
Mobilizing the power of higher education to tackle the grand challenge of sustainability: Lessons from novel initiatives, David D. Hart, James L. Buizer, Jonathan A. Foley, Lewis E. Gilbert, Lisa J. Graumlich, Anne R. Kapuscinski, Jonathan G. Kramer, Margaret A. Palmer, David R. Peart, and Linda Silka
Modeling global competencies for computing education, Stephen Thomas Frezza, Arnold N. Pears, Mats Daniels, Viggo Kann, Amanpreet Kapoor, Roger McDermott, Anne Kathrin Peters, Charles Robert Wallace, Mihaela Sabin, and Asa Cajander
Modeling of phase transition in fabrication of polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs), Chi Ma and Yan Li
Modeling of plasticity-induced martensitic transformation to achieve hierarchical, heterogeneous, and tailored microstructures in stainless steels, Zhangxi Feng, Elizabeth M. Mamros, Jinjin Ha, Brad L. Kinsey, and Marko Knezevic
Modeling the Impacts of Invasive Streamside Plants and Food Availability on Brook Trout Feeding and Growth, Matt Scott
Modelling competencies for computing education beyond 2020: a research based approach to defining competencies in the computing disciplines, Stephen Thomas Frezza, Mats Daniels, Arnold N. Pears, Asa Cajander, Viggo Kann, Amanpreet Kapoor, Roger McDermott, Anne Kahtrin Peters, Mihaela Sabin, and Charles Robert Wallace
Modernism on the Edge of the Anthropocene: The Ecological Imagination of Forster, West, Warner, Woolf, and Eliot, Leanna Jean Lostoski-Ho
Molecular Engineering of Multifunctional Metallophthalocyanine-Containing Framework Materials, Aylin Aykanat, Zheng Meng, Georganna Benedetto, and Katherine A. Mirica
Molecular interactions and inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease by a thiadiazolidinone derivative, Jacob Andrzejczyk, Katarina Jovic, Logan M. Brown, Valerie G. Pascetta, Krisztina Varga, and Harish Vashisth
Moment-to-Moment Fluctuations in Sustained Attention in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury, Kelly Claire Marinick
Monitoring Forest Edges—Gateways to Our Woodlands, Nicholas Gosling
More Kids, Brighter Futures: Expanding the Union Street Clubhouse to Meet the Needs of the Community, Michael St. Onge
More Than Three-Quarters in Vermont Think Trump Has Committed a Crime But Few Predict Prison Time 8/24/2023, UNH Survey Center
More U.S. Women of Childbearing Age, but Fewer Have Given Birth, Kenneth M. Johnson
Most Granite Staters Have 4th of July Plans, Plurality See Out-of-State Tourists as Net Positive for NH 6/26/2023, UNH Survey Center
Most NH 2024 DEM Primary Voters Don't Want Biden to Run for Reelection, President Tied With 2020 Candidates 1/25/2023, UNH Survey Center
Most Vermonters Approve of Biden's Handling of Ukraine But Are Divided on Increasing Aid 3/24/2023, UNH Survey Center
Motion passed 5-13-96 in the Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate
Motion Passed as Amended 3-18-96, Faculty Senate
Motion: Suspending Online Rules through Spring 2021 Faculty Senate 2020-2021 Session, Faculty Senate
Motivating Employees, Danielle Wiggin
Motivating Teams: Competition and Cooperation, David Etlinger
Motivation in Healthcare Personnel, Jessica Horton
mpacts of Parental Incarceration on Child's Well-Being and Interventions to Support Them, Anna Stacey Roberge
Multi Cluster Removal Container Procurement, Stephen Shea
Multicultural Overnight Program, Dauri Torres
Multifamily house renovation project, Matthew Hurley
Multi-Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Optical Communication System Design, Igor Vladimirov
Muslim Service during Eid, 2018, Becky Field
Muslim Service during Eid, 2018, Becky Field
Myths Retold, In the Garden, Molly Bolick
Nanostructured Cyclodextrin-Mediated Surface for Capacitive Determination of Cortisol in Multiple Biofluids, Zahra Panahi, Tianyu Ren, and Jeffrey M. Halpern
Nashua, NH, Yard to Garden Project, Hilary Grubbs
National 4-H Week Proclamation from Dept of Ag, Christine Whiting
National College of the State Judiciary Course Completion Certificate presented to Ivorey Cobb, July 11, 1975, National College of the State Judiciary; University of Nevada, Reno
Navigating fish passage decisions during regulatory dam relicensing in Maine, Sarah Vogel and Jessica Jansujwicz
NBA Tean Valuation: What Drives Value?, Jackson Cleary
NDPS Business Management Systems Development & Implementation, Laura Bailey
Necessary Attributes for Transitioning Military Leaders, Amanda Lavallee
Nepali High School Senior, 2019, Becky Field
Net Impact UNH: Collaboration for Sustainable Impact, Kathryn Roscoe
Neuronal Primary Cilia in Postnatal Brains & Alzheimer’s Disease Mice EEG Patterns Under Fear Conditioning, Sierra Rose Mae Walsh
New ABET Information Technology Program Criteria: The 5 W's Questions, Jim Leone, Sandra Gorka, Scott Murray, and Mihaela Sabin
New Census Data Reflect the Continuing Impact of Covid on U.S. Demographic Trends, Kenneth M. Johnson
New employee onboarding IT setup training for hiring managers, Donna Bordeleau
New Englanders' Use of Child Care Varies by Income, Even Among Working Households, Jessica A. Carson
New England High School Students Innovate to Solve Sustainability Problems, Brent Powell
New England Households Rely on a Mix of Child Care Arrangements, Jessica A. Carson
New England Municipality Sustainability Network Experience Inspires Sustainability Institute Intern, Julie Bobyock
New England State Climate Action Assessment Using the UCS Resilience Gap Framework, Jo Field, Miriam Israel, and Roger Stephenson
New Guidance and an Exciting Path Forward, Benjamin Scott Savard
New Hampshire Air National Guard Exercise, Sophia Inman
New Hampshire Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations (2016), UNH Cooperative Extension
New Hampshire Center for Freshwater Biology and Lakes Lay Monitoring Program Programmatic QAPP 2021, Robert Craycraft and Jeffrey A. Schloss
New Hampshire Center for Freshwater Biology and Lakes Lay Monitoring Program Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Appendices, Robert Craycraft and Jeffrey A. Schloss
New Hampshire Democratic Primary Voters Unenthusiastic But Back Biden 7/19/2023, UNH Survey Center
New Hampshire Disapproves of Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Few Expect House to Impeach Biden 10/5/2023, UNH Survey Center
New Hampshire Highlights 2022, Amy Loader
New Hampshire Parents Use Child Care but Seek More Options, Jessica A. Carson and Sarah Boege
New Hampshire’s Changing Climate, Land Cover, and Ecosystems, Ecosystems & Society Project Research Team
New Hampshire Selected Essentials in Farm Employment Law, Seth Wilner
New Hampshire Timber Harvesting Laws Guide, Steven S. Roberge, Mike Gagnon, and UNH Cooperative Extension
New Hampshire Volunteer Beach Profile Monitoring Program (VBPMP): Implementation, Field Methods, and Data Processing, Larry G. Ward, Rachel C. Morrison, Alyson Eberhardt, and Wellsley Costello
Newlyweds Ivorey Cobb and Elsie Margaret Stanton Cobb, Unknown
New Records of Southern Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann; Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in New York, New Hampshire, and Maine, USA Indicate Northward Range Expansion, Caroline R. Kanaskie, Thomas C. Schmeelk, Jessica A. Cancelliere, and Jeff R. Garnas
New Research into Potential Impacts of Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) to Begin at UNH, Nicholas Gosling
Newspaper clipping: "Central Hi-Y Plans Extensive Program", Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Newspaper clipping:"Fifth Ave. High School", Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Newspaper clipping: "Ivorey Cobb Favors Colebrook's Rugged Life" The Boston Sunday Globe, May 10, 1964. copy 1, Value, John B.
Newspaper clipping: "Ivorey Cobb Favors Colebrook's Rugged Life" The Boston Sunday Globe, May 10, 1964. copy 2, Value, John B.
Newspaper Clippings reporting Ivorey Cobb's New Hampshire Judgeship Nomination, April 1964, Pittsburgh Courier; New York Times; Manchester Union Leader; Erie News
Newspapers: Print vs. Online, Hillary Walsh
New Study Examines Disproportionately High Food Insufficiency Rates Among LGBTQ+ New Englanders, Nicholas Gosling and Alexandra Hatch
New York World's Fair English Dance Society Day certificate, 1965, New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation
NH 4-H Animal Requirements and Deadlines, Extension
NH 4-H ESE Animal Program Qualifying Process, Extension
NH 4-H Horse Art Show, Extension
NH 4-H Horse Poster Contest, Extension
NH 4-H STEM Ambassador FAQ Sheet, Landau
NH 4-H STEM Ambassador Interest Packet, Landau and kristen Landau
NH Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019-2021 Health Care Claims Data, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, Katie Lipp, Amy Costello, and Chris White
NH Consumers Still Downbeat, Affordable Housing Remains Elusive in Granite State 2/22/2023, UNH Survey Center
NH Farm Network Meeting Minutes April 2023 Resilient Farms - Mitigating Economic Risks, Olivia Saunders
NH Farm Network Open Forum 1/9/2023, Olivia Saunders
NH Farm Network Open Forum Disaster Response 07 10 23, Olivia Saunders
NH Food Alliance: the Power of Local Community for a More Resilient Food System, Sustainability Institute
NH Health Regulations for Fairs & Shows, Cooperative Extension
NH Issues: Strong Support for Recreational Marijuana Use & Gun Control in New Hampshire 2/23/2023, UNH Survey Center
NH Pessimistic About Personal Finances, Half Report Struggles to Afford Basic Necessities 8/30/2023, UNH Survey Center
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 10/25/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 4/7/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
NH Prescribed Fire Council Meeting Minutes - 8/9/2022, UNH Cooperative Extension
NH Research Finds Affordability and Lack of Openings Obstacles to Child Care, Erika Mantz
NH State Representative from Afghanistan, 2019, Becky Field
NH State Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act, Jay Aube and Julia Peterson
NH Supports TikTok Ban; Divided on Social Media Platforms Regulating Speech 4/21/2023, UNH Survey Center
NH’s Workforce: The Youth Retention Initiative For educational, occupational and residential futures in New Hampshire, Andrew D. Coppens, Sarah Jusseaume, Cindy L. Hartman, Jayson Seaman, Erin H. Sharp, and Molly Donovan
NH World Language Day, Susan Dumais
NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2023 Report, CRRC and NOAA
Northeast Passage Receives $25,000 Pledge from Kennebunk Savings, Scott Ripley
Northeast Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
North River Lake 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Noticing Learners’ Strengths Through Cultural Research, Barbara Rogoff, Andrew D. Coppens, Lucia Alcala, Itzel Aceves-Azuara, Omar Ruvalcaba, Angelica Lopez, and Andrew Dayton
November 1, 2021 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
November 14, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
November 29, 2021 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
NSF Director, Sen. Shaheen Tour UNH Facilities, Engage with Students, Keith Testa
Numerical Analysis of SS316L Biaxial Cruciform Specimens Under Proportional Loading Paths, Elizabeth M. Mamros, Matthew C. Eaton, Jinjin Ha, and Brad L. Kinsey
Numerical Modeling of Flexible Structures in Open Ocean Environment, Alexander Knysh
Nursing Students' and Recent Graduates' Observations of Fatphobia in the Clinical Setting, Myah Kerbyson
Nutrition/ Food Pantry Pathway Flyer, UNH Cooperative Extension
Nutritive comparison of ruminant feed, integrating crab and lobster meal, Kelsi L. Devolve
Nuts and Bolts: Getting Started in Farming Checklist, Kelly McAdam and Extension Community & Economic Development
Observations of American Shad Alosa sapidissima Approaching and Using a Vertical Slot Fishway at the Head-of-Tide Brunswick Dam on the Androscoggin River, Maine, Daniel M. Weaver, Michael Brown, and Joseph D. Zydlewski
Observing and modeling the influence of layering on bubble trapping in polar firn, Logan E. Mitchell, Christopher Buizert, Edward J. Brook, Daniel J. Breton, John Fegyveresi, Daniel Baggenstos, Anais Orsi, Jeffrey Severinghaus, Richard B. Alley, Mary Albert, Rachael H. Rhodes, Joseph R. McConnell, Michael Sigl, Olivia Maselli, Stephanie Gregory, and Jinho Ahn
Occupational Safety Course Development, Zachary Northcutt
Occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in New Hampshire Biosolids, Katherine A. Wieck
Occurrence of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in New Hampshire Biosolids, Katherine A. Wieck
October 17, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
October 18, 2021 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
October 31, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, April 19, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, April 5, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, August 16, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, August 2, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, August 30, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, December 14, 2022, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, December 20, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, December 6, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, February 22, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, February 8, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, January 11, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, January 25, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, July 19, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, July 5, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, June 14, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, March 22, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, March 8, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, May 17, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, May 31, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, May 3, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, November 16, 2022, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, November 21, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, November 2, 2022, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, November 30, 2022, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, November 8, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, October 11, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, October 25, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, September 13, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach Update, September 27, 2023, Office of Research, Economic Engagement and Outreach
Old Maid's Last Prayer and the Primrose Girl broadside, Old Sturbridge Village. Printing Office
OLLI at UNH Spring 2023 Catalog, Dave Kellam
OLLI Fall 2023 Catalog, Toniann Leavitt
On a Mission, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
On-Demand Electrochemical Fabrication of Ordered Nanoparticle Arrays using Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy, Md. Maksudur Rahman, Chloe L. Tolbert, Partha Saha, Jeffrey M. Halpern, and Caleb M. Hill
One of the Most Fun Experiences, Sarah Earle
Online Onboarding Corporate Governance Training In The COVID-19, Seth C. Oranburg and Benjamin P. Kahn
On Numerical Modeling of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Kostiantyn Vasylevskyi, Kateryna I. Miroshnichenko, Stanislav Buklovskyi, Igor I. Tsukrov, Hannah Grover, and Douglas Van Citters
On the Bookshelf and Streaming, Susan Dumais
On the Other Hand... Reflections of COP26, Cameron Wake
On The Road Lending Program Evaluation: Final Report, Michael E. Swack, Jolan Rivera, and Sanjeev Sharma
Opening of a New Nano-Brewery and Tasting Room in Virginia, Dana Newcomer
Operation Share the Warmth, Shantelle Berry
Oral Exams in Shift to Remote Learning, Mihaela Sabin, Karen H. Jin, and Adrienne Smith
Organic-rich sedimentation in the South Pacific Ocean associated with Late Paleocene climatic cooling, Christopher J. Hollis, Michael J. S. Tayler, Benjamin Andrew, Kyle W. Taylor, Pontus Lurcock, Peter K. Bijl, Denise K. Kulhanek, Erica M. Crouch, Campbell S. Nelson, Richard D. Pancost, Matthew Huber, Gary S. Wilson, G. Todd Ventura, James S. Crampton, Poul Schioler, and Andy Phillips
Organizational Impact of a Toxic Personality, Ryan White
Organizational Leadership Change for an Age-Diverse Organization, Sunnie McPhetres
Organizational structure and the effect it has on employee job satisfaction, Theresa Faist
Origins of high ductility exhibited by an extruded magnesium alloy Mg-1.8Zn-0.2Ca: Experiments and crystal plasticity modeling, Jie Wang, Gaoming Zhu, Leyun Wang, Evgenii Vasilev, Jun-Sang Park, Gang Sha, Xiaoqin Zeng, and Marko Knezevic
Our Happily Ever After, Matthew Joyal
Out of Bounds? The Legal Implications of the Emerging Rivalry Between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour, Michael Dube, Libba Galloway, Chantel McCabe, Michael McCann, and Alan Milstein
Panel: Transfer Students, Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Mihaela Sabin, and Sandra Gorka
Paper Rocket Template, Claes Thelemarck
Paper Towels vs. Electric Hand Dryers: How a Small Decision Creates Big Questions, Anya Teehan
Parade procession, July 4, 1964, Unknown
Paralegal Training in New Hampshire, Donald Shedd
Paris street scene, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Paris street scene, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Passings: David J. Hebert, Susan Dumais
Passings: Emeritus of Anthropology Charles Bolian, Susan Dumais
Passings: Emeritus of Education Michael D. Andrew, Joseph Onosko
Passings: Emeritus of Music W. Niel Sir, Corey Kurylo
Passings: Emeritus of Political Science Lawrence O'Connell, Susan Dumais
Passings: Professor Emeritus of History Douglas Wheeler, Kurk Dorsey
Pathway to Paying Tribute, Keith Testa
Patterns and Predictors of Recent Forest Conversion in New England, Alexandra M. Thorn, Jonathan R. Thompson, and Joshua S. Plisinski
Paul Academic Excellence Luncheon, Karen Schwendeman
Paul Robertson: Lecturer in the Department of Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies, Brigid C. Casellini
People Don’t Leave Companies: They Leave Managers, Tina Sharby
People standing near storefront, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Perceived Gender Discrimination in the United States Air Force, Linzi Gail Eppinger
Performing as a Leader: How Performing Arts Participation Prepares Future Leaders for the 21st Century Business Culture, Jared Griffin
Permafrost hydrology in changing climatic conditions: seasonal variability of stable isotope composition in rivers in discontinuous permafrost, Dmitry A. Streletskaya, Nikita I. Tananaev, Thomas Opel, Nikolay I. Shiklomanov, Kelsey E. Nyland, Irina D. Streletskaya, Igor Tokarev, and Alexandr I. Shiklomanov
Permanent Supportive Housing as a Solution to Homelessness, Antonio Serna
Perspectives on Dispositions in Computing Competencies, John Impagliazzo, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Rajendra K. Raj, and Mihaela Sabin
Pest Alert: Learn to Recognize Asian Longhorned Beetle Damage, UNH Cooperative Extension
Pest Alert: Tip Blight on Eastern Hemlocks -Sirococcus tsugae, UNH Cooperative Extension
Phase space and collective variable based simulation methods for studies of rare events, Sanjib Paul, Nisanth N. Nair, and Harish Vashisth
Phase transition in polymer derived ceramics (PDCs) and its effect on mechanical response, Chi Ma and Yan Li
Phenanthrene: Establishing Lower and Upper Bounds to the Binding Energy of a Very Weakly Bound Anion, Elisabeth Gruber, Siegfried Kollotzek, Stefan Bergmeister, Fabio Zappa, Milan Ončák, Paul Scheier, and Olof E. Echt
Philippino Boy with American Flag, 2012, Becky Field
Photocatalytic Methane Conversion, Isabelle Mann
Physical Modification of Hybrid Hydrogels to Fabricate Full-Scale Construct Using Three-Dimensional Bio-Printing Process, Cartwright Nelson, Slesha Tuladhar, and Ahasan Habib
Physical Therapy Facilities Demolition and Relocation, Peter Girard
Physiology and Biochemistry of Cold-hardy Table Grapevines, Annasamy S. Chandrakala
Pine River Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
PIRC News, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRCnews, Fall 2015, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRC Newsletter, Winter 2020, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRCnews, Spring 2016, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRCnews, Winter 2017, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRC Quarterly Newsletter, Spring 2019, Prevention Innovations Research Center
PIRC Spring 2020 Newsletter, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Pittsburgh Crusader: The Voice of All Negros, "Militant Liberal Agressive", Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, June 4, 1937, Vol. 2, No. 43, price five cents, Pittsburgh Crusader
Pittsburgh Examiner: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 27, 1941, Vol. 9, No. 14, price five cents, Pittsburgh Examiner
Place Your Bets: The Legal Integration of Sports Betting With Cryptocurrency, Andrew Topps
Placing the Peices of Silence, Lena Neris Gemmer
Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics, Vanessa R. Levesque, Kathleen P. Bell, and Aram J. K. Calhoun
Plant-a-Row - Grafton County 4-H 2023, Extension
Plant Drainage Analysis, Catherine Bodenrader and Josephine Crotty
Plantsman, Apr/May 2008, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, Aug/Sep 2007, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, Dec/Jan 2008, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, Feb/Mar 2008, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, June/July 2007, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, June/July 2008, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, Oct/Nov 2007, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plantsman, Winter 2007, New Hampshire Plant Growers' Association
Plastic anisotropy evolution of SS316L and modeling for novel cruciform specimen, Elizabeth M. Mamros, Sarah M. Mayer, Sarah M. Mayer, Dilip K. Banerjee, Mark A. Iadicola, Brad L. Kinsey, and Jinjin Ha
Plastic Storage in River Sediments Across an Urbanization Gradient in the Ipswich Watershed in Massachusetts, Jackie L. Harris
Platinum Brewing Company, Patrick Rolfe
Play Like a Girl, Get Paid Like a… Man?, Amanda M. Malool
Poodle sitting on balcony, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Pop & Perjury: the IRS Valuation War with the Estate of Michael Jackson, Beckett Cantley and Geoffrey Dietrich
Pops of Color, David Vogt and Scott Ripley
Population Gains Widespread in New Hampshire Counties Due to Migration, Kenneth M. Johnson
Populism & Identity in Bolivia: The Effects of the Morales Presidency, Conor Hill
Portrait of Elsie Margaret Stanton Cobb, 1938-1944, Unknown
Portrait of Ivorey Cobb as a young man, ca. 1933
Postcard from Ivorey Cobb to Gretel Anne and Marilyn Eva Cobb, undated, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Postcard of a woman next to a cabin in Austrian Mountains, Unknown
Poster for the Federation of American Branches of the English Folk Dance Society's Folk Dance Festival, held April 18th, 1931., English Folk Dance Society
Potato Disguise Contest, Kim Bylancik
Potential Impact of the Tax Gap, Jae Yun
Poultry Health and Management for the Small Flock, Kendall Kunelius
Practice at the Boundaries: Summary of a workshop of practitioners working at the interfaces of science, policy and society for environmental outcomes, Angela Bednarek, Carina Wyborn, Ryan Meyer, Adam Parris, Peat Leith, and Bridie McGreavy
Praying during a Muslim Service, 2012, Becky Field
Praying during a Muslim Service, 2012, Becky Field
Praying during a Muslim Service, 2012, Becky Field
Predicting Eye Disease, Nicholas Gosling
Prediction of Movement of Spilled Oil under Ice, James Wood, Nancy Kinner Dr., and Jessica Manning
Pregnant Somali Woman, 2018, Becky Field
Preliminary Findings for STEM Undergraduate Research Mentoring Across Neurodiversity, Sarah K. Young
Prescod-Weinstein Honored with Cottrell Scholar Award, Beth Potier
President Dean Delivers 2023 State of the University Address, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
PRESS RELEASE: UNH Again Earns Highest National Rating for Sustainability, Sustainability Institute
Preventing Coccidiosis in Cattle, Nicholas Gosling
Preventing Youth Exploitation, Robbin Ray
Prevention Matters, January/February 2018, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Prevention Matters, July/August 2018, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Prevention Matters, March/April 2018, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Prevention Matters, May/June 2018, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Prevention Matters, September/October 2018, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Pride and Pancakes: Three Decades of Celebrating Inclusion, Keith Testa
Primary Issues: NH Insists First-in-Nation Primary Stays First; Confident Votes Will Be Accurately Counted 7/20/2023, UNH Survey Center
Printable Community Survey Packet, Joy Gagnon
Probing secondary coordination sphere interactions within porphyrin-cored polymer nanoparticles, Brian F. Patenaude, Erik B. Berda, and Samuel Pazincni
Process Documentation, Leadership, and Ice Cream: A Case Study, Paige McAfee
Producing Your Own Eggs, Kendall Kunelius
Productivity Working From Home During The Pandemic, Jacqueline M. Veglia
Professional Competencies in Computing Education: Pedagogies and Assessment, Rajendra K. Raj, Mihaela Sabin, John Impagliazzo, David S. Bowers, Mats Daniels, Felienne F. J. Hermans, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Renee McCauley, Syed Waqar Nabi, and Michael J. Oudshoorn
Project Close-out Process Improvement Project, Andre Cardoso
Protecting Your Long-Term Lease, Seth Wilner
Protocol for deposition of conductive oxides onto 3D-printed materials for electronic device applications, Julia E. Huddy and William J. Scheideler
Province Lake 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Provisional title: Cindy Hoggard and brother taking photographs, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional Title: Family photographs - 1940s, Unknown
Provisional title: Hoggard family group photo, Unknown
Provisional title: Hoggard family looking at photographs, Unknown
Provisional title: Hoggard family posing for group photograph outside, Unknown
Provisional Title: Photographs - Cobb Family in Europe, 1950s
Provisional Title: Photographs - Korean War - 1950 - 1954
Provisional Title: Photographs - Korean War - 1950 - 1955
Provisional Title: Photographs - Korean War - 1950 - 1956
Provisional Title: Photographs - Korean War - 1950 - 1957
Provisional Title: Photographs - Korean War - 1950 - 1966, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Provisional title: Stanton family group photo, Unknown
Psychology Grads Helping Those Who Need it Most, Dave Moore
Public Opinion of the SEC’s Proposal for Mandatory Climate Disclosures, Isaac Blanchette
Pursuing a Future in Intelligence, Autumn Bedell
Put Yourself Out There, Anna Madden
Pyseg: A Python Package for 2D Material Flake Localization, Segmentation, and Thickness Prediction, Diana B. Horangic
Quad Way Utilities Reconstruction at the University of New Hampshire, Kathleen Jones
Quality Assurance Memorandum for Year 2021 Estuarine Grab Data, Lara Martin
Quality Assurance Report for Year 2021 Estuarine Water Quality Datasonde Monitoring, Lara Martin
Quality Improvement of Workflow for Contrast-Enhanced Mammography, Monica Weber
Quantifying and Modeling the Effects of Internal Waves on Synthetic Aperture Sonar, Nicholas Anthony La Manna
Quantifying Uncertainty in Forest Nutrient Budgets, Ruth D. Yanai, Carrie R. Levine, Mark B. Green, and John L. Campbell
Quantitative Confidence, Sarah Schaier
Quantitative Results from a Study of Professional Dispositions, Amruth N. Kumar, Renee McCauley, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Mihaela Sabin, Natalie Kiesler, and Rajendra K. Raj
Race Director for Run for Randi 5k Road Race, Paul Lawrence
Racial Equity in New Hampshire Farm to School, Daisy RM Young, Nathan Salas, Brooke Kane, and Suzanne Scharff
Rain Garden Sizing, Installation and Maintenance, Lisa Loosigian and Julia Peterson
Raising Broilers, Tom Danko
Raven Pond, Shelby Lyn Colburn
Reaction Coordinate and Thermodynamics of Base Flipping in RNA, Lev Levintov, Sanjib Paul, and Harish Vashisth
Reading test of Marilyn Eva Cobb sent to Ivorey Cobb, October 28, 1954, Cobb, Marilyn Eva, 1944-2015
Realtime Event Detection in Sports Sensor Data with Machine Learning, Mallory Cashman
Rebuilding the structure at a medium-sized research library: A case study, Kimberly Sweetman
Reccurent Neural Network for the Detection of Odontocetes, Christopher Michael Foster
Receipts and expenditures of the town of Brookfield, from March 1, 1875, to March 1, 1876, and a statement of inventory and taxes of April 1st, 1875., Brookfield Town Representatives
Receipts and expenditures of the town of Brookfield, from March 1, 1878, to March 1, 1879, and a statement of inventory and taxes of April 1st, 1878., Brookfield Town Representatives
Recent advances in non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of hydrophobic metabolites in biofluids, Zahra Panahi, Luciana Custer, and Jeffrey M. Halpern
Recent Demographic Trends Have Implications for Rural Health Care, Kenneth M. Johnson
Recent Grads Build Careers of Impact for a Sustainable World, Sustainability Institute
Recommendation for Ivorey Cobb's promotion to rank of Captain from Captain Marion Johnson to the Adjutant General in Washington, D.C., August 12, 1950, Johnson, Marion
Recruiting and Retaining Millennials In Today’s Higher Education Workplace, Mark Geuther
Reducing Blood Culture Contamination Rates Through Staff Education: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Kirsten M. Mutuberria
Reducing Blood Culture Contamination Rates Through Staff Education: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Kirsten M. Mutuberria
Reducing CLABSI Rates Through Education on Maintaining CVC Dressing Integrity: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Hanna I. Lentine
Reducing Instances of Staff Exposure to Ionizing Radiation in the PACU, Christina McAuliffe
Reducing the Variability and Cost of Determining the Coefficient of Friction of Various Lubricants, James M. Wirth
Reducing Violence in the Workplace: A Quality Improvement Project, Molly McQueeney
Reducing Waste on Campus, One Piece of Trash at a Time, Cassie Hollasch
REEO COI Charter, Matt Kelly
REEO DEI Awareness, Matt Kelly
Referenda Ahead: Most Mainers Lack Understanding of Questions But Most Still Plan to Vote 8/28/2023, UNH Survey Center
Refining Statutory Construction: Contextualism & Deference, Sam Kalen
Region 1 Medical Training Center, Sandra Hebert
Regional Assessment of Moose Fecal Parasites and Microbiome, Abigail M. Lebsack
Registered Nurse Competencies and the Implementation of Self-Care Interventions Among Surgical Patients with Type Two Diabetes: A Quality Improvement Project, Elizabeth Fossum
Registration Form 4-H Foundation Golf Tournament, Extension
Reimagining the Game Plan, Keith Testa
Reliability of the Balance Error Scoring System test is maintained during remote administration, Joseph Planchet, Camden Lynch, Pamella Mozzer, and Daniel Seichepine
Religion and the Psychology of Dreyfusard Intellectualism, John J. Cerullo
Religious Continuity in Ancient Corinth: Case Studies in Hero-Worship, Maggie Siobhan Joyce
Remote Sensing of Riparian Areas and Invasive Species, Molly E. Yanchuck
Remote Work: Building a Framework for Success, Charmane Sablock
Renovation of Simulator Facility for KC-46A Beddown Phase 1, Eugene Mozzoni
Report from the STEM 2026 Workshop on Assessment, Evaluation, and Accreditation, Rebecca Bates, Angela Arnold, Cary Komoto, Peggy Brickman, R. Alan Cheville, Elizabeth Longley, Jose Mestre, Mihaela Sabin, and James Warnock
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending February 20th, 1868., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 1st, 1867., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Report of the superintending school committee of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 11, 1862, report of the overseer of the poor, selectmen's report and bills., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Report of the sup. school committee, and expenses of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending February 26, 1859., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Report of the town officers of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 1st, 1870., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the selectmen, the overseer of the poor, and the auditor of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 2, 1854., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the superintending school committee, and selectmen, of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending Feb. 28, 1860., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the superintending school committee, and selectmen, of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 1, 1861., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the superintending school committee, overseer of the poor, and selectmen, of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 10, 1863., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the superintending school committee, overseer of the poor and selectmen, of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 8th, 1864., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Reports of the superintending school committee, the overseers of the poor, and the selectmen of the town of Lyndeborough, for the year ending March 1, 1858., Lyndeborough Town Representatives
Request for promotion to rank of Captain from Ivorey Cobb sent to the Adjutant General in Washington, D.C., August 12, 1950, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Research at UNH Brings 'Bigger Picture' into Focus for Senior, Scott Ripley
Research from Renowned Phycologist Now Archived at UNH, Sarah Schaier
Research Snapshot: Northern Lights, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Research Snapshot: Offshore Survival, Beth Potier
Research-to-Practice, PIRC's Spring Newsletter, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Research-to-Practice, PIRC's Winter Newsletter, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Research-to-Practice, Prevention Innovations Winter Newsletter, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Reshaping Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Hourly Rounding to Increase Patient Safety and Instill Values-based Care: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Jacqueline Juhn
Residential-Scale Stormwater Management Practices, Lisa Loosigian and Julia Peterson
Resilience as Discourse, Bridie McGreavy
Resiliency of Healthcare Workers During the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic, Robert Fishwick
Resistance to Change: Why Does it Happen?, Stephanie Lee
Resolution from Agenda Committee on branch libraries, Faculty Senate
Resolving the Role of Surface Pressure Gradients on the Positional State of Short Cylinders in Nearshore Envirionments, Spencer Marquardt
Resonant leadership: Sustaining emotional intelligence - A workshop for welcome center professionals, Emily Bolduc-Fabian
Resource Guide for Consumers: How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - 2023 Update, Lucy C. Hodder, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
Restoration of Tidal Marshes, J. W. Day, David M. Burdick, C. Ibanez, W. J. Mitsch, T. Elsey-Quirk, and S. Rivaes
Resume Portfolio for Sullivan County 4-H, extension
Retaining Residents Is Important to New Hampshire's Future: Why Do People Stay?, Kristine Bundschuh and Kenneth M. Johnson
Retention in 2017--18 higher education computing programs in the United States, Rodrigo Duran, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Mihaela Sabin, Cara Tang, Mark Allen Weiss, and Stuart H. Zweben
Rethinking Absolute Immunity from Defamation Suits in Private Quasi-Judicial Proceedings, Nat Stern
Retracing Colonists’ Spread into Great Bay, Rebecca Irelan
Revising the ABET Information Technology Criteria to Reflect the IT 2017 Curriculum Guidelines, Scott Murray, Sandra Gorka, Becky Rutherfoord, and Mihaela Sabin
Revival of the UNH Energy Club, Samuel Mercer
Revolutionary Advances in the Treatment of Genetic Disease, Emma Kaitlyn Carrigan
Rheological Analysis of Low Viscosity Hydrogels for 3D Bio-Printing Processes, Slesha Tuladhar, Cartwright Nelson, and Md Ahasan Habib
Rheological Investigation of Pre-Crosslinked Hybrid Hydrogels for 3D Bio-printing Processes, Slesha Tuladhar, Cartwright Nelson, and Ahasan Habib
Rheological Study of Highly Thixotropic Hydrogels for 3D BioPrinting Processes, Slesha Tuladhar, Cartwright Nelson, and Ahasan Habib
Right Neural Substrates of Language and Music Processing Left Out: Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) and Meta-Analytic Connectivity Modelling (MACM), Lauren C. Keith
Ringing the Bell at a Buddhist Temple, 2015, Becky Field
River in front of Cobb family home, Unknown
River Reach Restored by Dam Removal Offers Suitable Spawning Habitat for Endangered Shortnose Sturgeon, Catherine Johnston, Gayle Barbin Zydelwski, Sean Smith, Joseph D. Zydlewski, and Michael T. Kinnison
Robin Hood Rescuing Will Sturly broadside, Norris, T.
Rockingham County Highlights 2022, Amy Loader
Role Modeling as a Computing Educator in Higher Education: A Focus on Care, Emotions and Professional Competencies, Virginia Grande, Paivi Kinnunen, Anne Kahtrin Peters, Matthew Barr, Asa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Amari N. Lewis, Mihaela Sabin, Matilde Sanchez-Pena, and Neena Thota
Role of conformational heterogeneity in ligand recognition by viral RNA molecules, Lev Levintov and Harish Vashisth
Role of Entropy in Colloidal Self-Assembly, Brunno C. Rocha, Sanjib Paul, and Harish Vashisth
Role of Mutations in Differential Recognition of Viral RNA Molecules by Peptides, Amit Kumar and Harish Vashisth
Role of salt-bridging interactions in recognition of viral RNA by arginine-rich peptides, Lev Levintov and Harish Vashisth
Round Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Row of several parked "USA" vehicles, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Row of United States Army trucks, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Rumney, New Hampshire annual report of the town offices for fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, 2022 town meeting., Rumney Town Representatives
Runoff Coefficients of High-flow Events in Undisturbed New England Basins, Iman Hosseini-Shakib, Kevin H. Gardner, and Anne Lightbody
Russian Woman at Farm Stand, 2018, Becky Field
Russian Woman Working on a Farm, 2018, Becky Field
Rwandan Woman at Home, 2019, Becky Field
Rwandan Woman Harvesting Onions, 2018, Becky Field
Rwandan Woman Taking a Break in the Onion Fields, 2018, Becky Field
Rwandan Woman Taking a Break in the Onion Fields, 2018, Becky Field
Safety Improvement in the Workplace, James Alier
Salary Tipsheet - Farm Commons Podcast Episode 1, Seth Wilner
Sales Performance: How Leaders and Organizations Affect and Promote a Healthy Sales Culture, Louis Lancaster
Sargents Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Save the Date: NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge, Sustainability Institute
Saving a Sought-after Shellfish Species, Nicholas Gosling
Saving Special Places 2023 Full Conference Registration, Amanda Stone
Saving Special Places 2023 Virtual Sessions Registration, Amanda Stone
Scene of Piazza Goldoni, Unknown
Schoolyard SITES Appendix II: Decision Cascade, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Appendix III: Science Notebook, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Appendix I: Project Planning Guide, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Appendix IV: Educator-Learner Responsibility Chart, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Appendix VII: Schoolyard SITES Unit & Lesson Template, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Appendix V: Investigation Plan, Lara Gengarelly
Schoolyard SITES Curriculum Workbook, Lara Gengarelly, Erik Froburg, Malin Clyde, and Haley Andreozzi
Schwartz Joins IOD as Assistant Research Professor, Kaarin Clausen
Science and policy: scientific expertise and individual participation in boundary management, Hollie Smith, Brianne Suldovsky, and Laura Lindenfeld
Science Communication and Stakeholder Expertise: Insights from Sustainability Science, Brianne Suldovsky, Bridie McGreavy, and Laura Lindenfeld
Science in action or science inaction? Evaluating the implementation of "best available science” in hydropower relicensing, Sarah K. Vogel, Jessica S. Jansujwicz, Carly C. Sponarski, and Joseph D. Zydlewski
Science in Indigenous homelands: addressing power and justice in sustainability science from/with/in the Penobscot River, Bridie McGreavy, Darren Ranco, John Daigle, Suzanne Greenlaw, Nolan Altvater, Tyler Quiring, Natalie Michelle, Jan Paul, Maliyan Binette, Brawley Benson, Anthony Sutton, and David D. Hart
Scottish Marine Renewable Energy: U.S. Approaches for Development of Wave and Tidal Technologies, Stella Kathryn Fairall
Scott Receives High Marks For Handling of July 2023 Floods But Many Say Hometown Not Fully Recovered 8/29/2023, UNH Survey Center
Screening for Dementia among Adults with Intellectual Disability: Outcomes from a Pilot Study, Calliope Holingue, Elizabeth Wise, Andrea Caoili, and Ann E. Klein
Screen Time Reconsidered: Exploring Student Perceptions of the Multimodal Composing Process, Krista Law Jackman
SeagrassNet Monitoring in the Great Bay Estuary, NH/ME Field Season 2021, Kalle Matso, David M. Burdick, Lara Martin, Amanda Giacchetti, Trevor Mattera, and Tom Gregory
SeagrassNet Monitoring in the Great Bay Estuary, NH/ME Field Season 2022, Kalle Matso, Lara Martin, Trevor Mattera, Tom Gregory, and David M. Burdick
Seaperch 2023 Pool Course Overview & Rules, Claes Thelemarck
Seaperch 2023 Technical Report Instructions, Claes Thelemarck
Seaweed communities in four subtidal habitats within the Great Bay estuary, New Hampshire: Oyster farm gear, oyster reef, eelgrass bed, and mudflat, Megan Glenn, Arthur C. Mathieson, Raymond Grizzle, and David M. Burdick
Securities Regulation and Social Media, Seth C. Oranburg
Sediment May Be Solution to Preventing Tidal Marsh Loss, Nicholas Gosling
Seed Breeding, Smart Insoles Receive UNHInnovation Fund Grants, Allison Bell
Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction and Foundation Rocking in Unsaturated Ground, Matthew Michael Turner
Selecting Plants for Stormwater Installations, Sean O'Brien
Self-assembly behavior of experimentally realizable lobed patchy particles, Sanjib Paul and Harish Vashisth
Self-Assembly in Mixtures of Charged Lobed Particles, Arpita Srivastava, Brunno C. Rocha, and Harish Vashisth
Self-assembly of lobed particles into amorphous and crystalline porous structures, Sanjib Paul and Harish Vashisth
Self-Assembly of Porous Structures From a Binary Mixture of Lobed Patchy Particles, Sanjib Paul and Harish Vashisth
Selling Homemade Food Poducts in New Hampshire - The Basics - Health and Hygiene, Ann Hamilton
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire The Basics - Part One, Ann Hamilton
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire The Basics - Part Three, Mary S. Choate
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire The Basics - Part Three, Mary S. Choate
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire The Basics - Part Three, Mary S. Choate
Selling Homemade Food Products in New Hampshire The Basics - Part Two, Mary S. Choate
selling-homemade-food-products-nh-basics-cleaning-sanitizing-fact-sheet, Ann Hamilton
Semester in the City Alumna Update, College for Social Innovation
Senior Inspired by Internship at Historic Mount Washington Resort, Micky Bedell, Scott Ripley, and David Vogt
Senior Reflects on Deep Dive into Sustainable Business Education & Experiences, Cassie Hollasch
Sensor technologies for quality control in engineered tissue manufacturing, Mary Clare McCorry, Kenneth F. Reardon, Marcie Black, Chrysanthi Williams, Greta Babakhanova, Jeffrey M. Halpern, Sumona Sarkar, Nathan S. Swami, Katherine A. Mirica, Sarah Boermeester, and Abbie Underhill
September 26, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting – Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
September 27, 2021 Faculty Senate Meeting - Final Agenda, Faculty Senate
Sequence Type 631 Vibrio parahaemolyticus, an Emerging Foodborne Pathogen in North America, Feng Xu, Narjol Gonzalez-Escalona, Julie Haendiges, Robert A. Myers, Jana Ferguson, Tracy Stiles, Eric Hickey, Michael Moore, John Michael Hickey, Christopher Schillaci, Laurn Mank, Kristin DeRosia-Banick, Nicholas Matluk, Amy Robbins, Robert P. Sebra, Vaughn S. Cooper, Stephen H. Jones, and Cheryl A. Whistler
Series: Changemaker Fellows Connect with Alumni, Jason Plant
Series: SITC @ UNH Spotlights: Autumn Thon, Cassie Hollasch
Series: SITC @ UNH Spotlights: Matthew Oriente, Cassie Hollasch
Service at Buddhist Temple, 2013, Becky Field
Seven Queens broadside, 1953, Turton, Godfrey; Buday, György (George), 1907-1990
Sextually Active Youth: A Nationally Representative Study of Youth Sexting and Peer Influence in the United States, Tori Sciara
SF6+: Stabilizing Transient Ions in Helium Nanodroplets, Simon Albertini, Stefan Bergmeister, Felix Laimer, Paul Martini, Elisabeth Gruber, Fabio Zappa, Milan Ončák, Paul Scheier, and Olof E. Echt
Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems in the Northeastern United States: System Distancing and Policy Considerations, Aeowyn Kendall
Shaped by Experience, Anna Madden
Shaws Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Shear enhancement of mechanical and microstructural properties of synthetic graphite and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene carbon composites, Hannah J. Favreau, Kateryna I. Miroshnichenko, Peder C. Solberg, Igor I. Tsukrov, and Douglas W. Van Citters
Shear resistance of an auxetic chiral mechanical metamaterial, Shengguang Jin, Yannis P. Korkolis, and Yaning Li
Shifting currents in water diplomacy: negotiating conflict in the Danube and Nile River basins, Catherine M. Ashcraft
Shipping Sounds, Rebecca Irelan
Shoals Marine Laboratory Offers Mom an Island Garden Adventure, Robbin Ray
Shoreline Oil Spill Response Knowledge Gaps and Technological Development Opportunities: A Workshop Report, CRRC, NOAA, and BSEE
Short-Term Effects of Thin-Layer Sand Placement on Salt Marsh Grasses: A Marsh Organ Field Experiment, Andrew R. Payne, David M. Burdick, Gregg E. Moore, and Cathleen Wigand
Show Your Wildcat Pride and Receive a UNH Hat, Jeremy Gasowski
Silver Lake (Madison) 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
SIMAP Receives $5000 Grant, Sustainability Institute
Simple Guide to Research Integrity for Undergraduate Researchers, Julie Simpson
Simple Guide to Using Generative Artificial Intelligence Writing Tools in Research & Scholarship at UNH, Julie Simpson, Patricia Condon, William Clyde, Jennifer Miksus-Olds, Christopher Neefus, Jennifer O’Brien, Theresa Oehmke, Shantel Palacio, Allyson Ryder, John E. Sparrow, May-Win Thein, Anita R. Tucker, Karen T. Van Gundy, and James Wible
Single-Crystalline Hydrogen-Bonded Crosslinked Organic Frameworks and Their Dynamic Guest Sorption, Jayanta Samanta, Yunjia Zhang, Mingshi Zhang, Albert D. Chen, and Chenfeng Ke
SIPCO2: A simple, inexpensive surface water pCO2 sensor, Christopher W. Hunt, Lisle Snyder, Joseph E. Salisbury, Douglas Vandemark, and William H. McDowell
Sisters Sprinkling Water on Sisters, 2016, Becky Field
SI Team Members Contribute to Annual Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education, Sustainability Institute
Site Awareness Exercises at Richardson Park, Lisa Loosigian and Julia Peterson
Six in Ten in NH Believe Trump Committed a Crime & Half Expect at Least One Conviction in Cases Against Him 4/18/2023, UNH Survey Center
Six in Ten Mainers Believe Trump Committed a Crime & Will Be Convicted in Mishandled Docs Case 6/22/2023, UNH Survey Center
Six Students, Alumni Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, Brooks Payette, Sarah Schaier, and Beth Potier
Size selection from fishways and potential evolutionary responses in a threatened Atlantic salmon population, G. A. Maynard, M. T. Kinnison, and Joseph D. Zydlewski
Slow and deliberate cooperation in the commons, Chris Brozyna, Todd Guilfoos, and Stephen Atlas
SLR Foreword, Nathaniel J.D. Grabman
SLR Masthead, Editorial Board
SLR TOC, Editorial Board
Small-Scale Growing & Marketing for Beginning Farmers - Session 4: Producing and Marketing Grains_Slides, Jesse Wright
Social Media and Democracy, Seth C. Oranburg
Social Security benefits play key role in preventing older Americans from lacking enough quality food, Sophie Mitra, Debra L. Brucker, and Katie Jajtner
Societal Factors Enabling Increased Rates of Sexual Victimization Within Greek-Life, Erica Stroheker
Soft Skill Development and College Student Preparedness for the Workforce: How Can University and College Departments Help?, Sarah Jeppesen
Software Quality Assurance C++, Ashwini Pokhrel
Soils Scientist from El Salvador, 2018, Becky Field
Solar PhotoVoltaic, William Cole
Soldiers walking around brick building, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Solid Management and Its Effects on Staff Retention, Susan Savage
Solvation of Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Helium: Cationic and Anionic Hexabenzocoronene, Miriam Kappe, Florent Calvo, Johannes Schöntag, Holger F. Bettinger, Serge Krasnokutski, Martin Kuhn, Elisabeth Gruber, Fabio Zappa, Paul Scheier, and Olof E. Echt
Solving Police Recruitment and Retention Issues, Thomas Hennessey
Somali Boy, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Boy in Front of His Home, 2016, Becky Field
Somali Brother and Sister, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Family Reunited, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Family Reunited, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Family Reunited, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Family Reunited, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Family with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Family with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Family with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Family with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Girl in Doorway, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Girl in Doorway, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Girl on Her Porch, 2019, Becky Field
Somali Mother and Daughters, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Mother with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Mother with New Baby, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Siblings, 2012, Becky Field
Somali Siblings at a Farmers' Market, 2019, Becky Field
Somali Sisters at a Doorway, 2013, Becky Field
Somali Woman and Grandson, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Woman at Home, 2018, Becky Field
Somali Woman in Blue, 2012, Becky Field
Some Important Literary and Historical Data wall chart, 1949, The Dryden Press
Soundscapes and Seascapes, Nicholas Gosling
Sources of uncertainty in estimating stream solute export from headwater catchments at three sites, Ruth D. Yanai, Naoko Tokuchi, John L. Campbell, Mark B. Green, Eiji Matsuzaki, Stephanie N. Laseter, Cindi L. Brown, Amey S. Bailey, Pilar Lyons, Carrie R. Levine, Donald C. Buso, Gene E. Likens, Jennifer D. Knoepp, and Keitaro Fukushima
South Sudanese Man at Home, 2014, Becky Field
Special Permit Application - Resistant Ribes (Currant/Gooseberry), UNH Cooperative Extension
Special Session UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI – M13 Resolution of support for Ukraine and all affected by Russia’s Invasion, Faculty Senate
Spectroscopic investigation of biomolecular dynamics using light scattering methods, Eva Rose M. Balog
Spirit of 4-H Giving Can Construction Contest - 2023, Extension
Splashing of Large Helium Nanodroplets Upon Surface Collisions, Paul Martini, Simon Albertini, Felix Laimer, Miriam Meyer, Michael Gatchell, Olof E. Echt, Fabio Zappa, and Paul Scheier
Spring 2022 Inquiry Journal: Abstracts, Brigid C. Casellini
Spring 2022 Inquiry Journal: Editorial Staff, Brigid C. Casellini
Spring 2022 Inquiry Journal: Table of Contents, Brigid C. Casellini
Spring 2023 B Impact Clinic Cohort Announced, Sustainability Institute
Spring 2023 Carbon Clinic Cohort Announced, Sustainability Institute
Spring 2023 Semester in the City Cohort, Sustainability Institute
Spring Changemaker Speaker Series Events Announced, Sustainability Institute
Spruce & Fir Needles Trees Tell Their Stories October 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Stabilization of Phenanthrene Anions in Helium Nanodroplets, Siegfried Kollotzek, Farhad Izadi, Miriam Meyer, Stefan Bergmeister, Fabio Zappa, Stephan Denifl, Olof E. Echt, Paul Scheier, and Elisabeth Gruber
Stable water isotopes suggest sub-canopy water recycling in a northern forested catchment, Mark B. Green, Bethany K. Laursen, John L. Campbell, Kevin J. McGuire, and Eric P. Kelsey
Standard Requirements for Scheduling Surgery, Patricia Kozlosky
Stanton family on beach, Unknown
Starbucks Barista Championship Contest, Olivia Hoffman
Start Up Financing, Seth C. Oranburg
State 4-H Horse Show Design Contest, Mary Davis
State Service Foresters' Attitudes Toward Using Climate and Weather Information When Advising Forest Landowners, J. Stuart Carlton, James R. Angel, Songlin Fei, Matthew Huber, Thomas M. Koontz, Brian J. MacGowan, Nathan D. Mullendore, Nicholas Babin, and Linda S. Prokopy
STATUS REPORT ON MOTIONS PASSED DURING THE 2016-17 SESSION OF THE FACULTY SENATE (XXI) Presented to the Faculty Senate on February 12, 2018, Faculty Senate
Steep but Not Deep: A Critical Review of Climate Change Effects on NH Ski Areas and their Consumer Population, Stephanie Menard
Stone church rising into sky, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Stop Eating Lobsters? Mainers Say No 6/23/2023, UNH Survey Center
Storage Facility Upgrade: Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Revenue, Jason Burds
Strafford County Highlights 2022, Amy Loader
Strategic Planning and Leadership in Higher Education, Marilyn Shriver
Strategies for Paying Yourself as a Business Owner - Farm Commons Podcast Episode 7, Seth Wilner
Strategies to Retain Nurses and Prevent Turnover, Elizabeth Cooper
Strawberry Enterprise Budget, Rebecca Sideman, Kaitlyn Orde, and William Edwards
Strawberry Production Guide For the Northeast, Midwest, and Eastern Canada 2nd Edition, Rebecca Sideman and Kaitlyn Orde
Streamlining the Postpartum Educational Process for Safe and Equitable Patient Care: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Shea N. Cook
Street scene including soldiers and United States Army jeeps with artillery, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Strengthening Connections: Downtowns & Trails Hopkinton-Contoocook, 2023, Shannon Rogers Ph.D. and Michael Polizzotti
Strengthening New Hampshire’s Primary Care Workforce Pipeline: Utilization of Alternative Scheduling Models, Elizabeth Harrison
Strengthening the role of universities in addressing sustainability challenges: the Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions as an institutional experiment, David D. Hart, Kathleen P. Bell, Laura A. Lindenfeld, Shaleen Jain, Teresa R. Johnson, Darren Ranco, and Brain McGill
Stress-assisted (γ→α′) and strain-induced (γ→ε→α′) phase transformation kinetics laws implemented in a crystal plasticity model for predicting strain path sensitive deformation of austenitic steels, Zhangxi Feng, Milovan Zecevic, and Marko Knezevic
Striking a Buddhist Wooden Bell, 2015, Becky Field
Structural models of viral insulin-like peptides and their analogs, Biswajit Gorai and Harish Vashisth
Structures and interactions of insulin-like peptides from cone snail venom, Biswajit Gorai and Harish Vashisth
Student Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Food Waste at UNH Dining Halls, Alexander Soule
Student Emotional Response to Oral Assessments in Computing and Mathematics, Jeremiah Johnson, Karen H. Jin, and Mihaela Sabin
Student Interns in DC for New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan, Susan Dumais
Student Leadership Development: Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, David McKillop
Student Opportunities from the Changemaker Collaborative Fall '21-Summer '22, Sustainability Institute
Students Making Impact at UNH Through New Peer to Peer Education Program, Sustainability Institute
Student Social Entrepreneurs Grab Opportunities and Run with Knowledge Gained, Sustainability Institute
Students: Take your college experience to the next level!, Sustainability Institute
Sub-Canopy Path Planning for Snow Depth Remote Sensing Using Autonomous Multi-UAVs, Debarpan Bhowmick
Subjective Communication: A New Training Method, William Plaisted
Subordinate Leadership Through Decentralized Command, Joseph Yahnian
Successional dynamics of a 35 year old freshwater mitigation wetland in southeastern New Hampshire, J. Grant McKown, Gregg E. Moore, Andrew R. Payne, Natalie A. White, and Jennifer L. Gibson
Sulewski Named Associate Director at IOD, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Sullivan County Highlights 2022, Amy Loader
Sullivan County Record Book 14-18, extension
Sullivan County Records 11-13, extension
Sullivan County Records 8-10, extension
Sullivan's Passions for Research and Running Intersect at UNH, Scott Ripley
Summer 2019 PIRC Newsletter, Prevention Innovations Research Center
Summer 2021 Sustainability Fellows Make Significant Impacts in the Region, Sustainability Institute
Summer Solstice Folk Music and Dance Festival poster, 1990, California Traditional Music Society
Sunset Lake (Hampstead) 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Sununu Job Approval Stays High; Cost of Housing Most Important Problem 8/28/2023, UNH Survey Center
Supporting business and societal impact, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Supporting children’s initiative: Appreciating family contributions or paying children for chores, Andrew D. Coppens and Lucia Alcala
Supporting Student Completion: Implementing Strategic Academic Scheduling, Cari Perreault
Supportive Program Strengths and Gaps for New Hampshire Families: "Just enough money to barely pay for most things", Sarah Boege and Jessica A. Carson
Surf Science in the Gulf of Maine: Understanding Perceptions of Risk Related to Water Quality and Decision Making in the Surfing Community, Sophia Scott and Shannon Rogers
Surf's up? How does water quality risk impact surfer decisions?, Sophia Q. Scott and Shannon H. Rogers
Survivors: The Forgotten Followers of Toxic Leadership, Jason Grant
SUST 401 Made a World of Difference to Me, Cassidy Yates
Sustainability Advocates Empowered to Make Change in Residence Halls, Megan Broderick
Sustainability in a Student's Words, Sustainability Institute
Sustainability Institute Celebrates 25 Years, Scott Ripley and David Vogt
Sustainability on Campus: Stormwater Management, Tyler Garcia
Sustainability Science and Climate Change Communication, Bridie McGreavy and David D. Hart
Swains Lake (Station A) 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Swains Lake (Station B) 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Swapping Classrooms for Cow Barns, Nicholas Gosling
Swedenborgianism in the Works of J.S. LeFanu: Desocialization and the Victorian Ghost Story, John J. Cerullo
Swing Fore Charity with Rochester Social Club, Diane Towle
SWOT Analysis Farm Scenario - Agritourism, Gail McWilliam Jellie and Extension Community & Economic Development
SWOT Analysis Tool - Agritourism, Gail McWilliam Jellie and Extension Community & Economic Development
Syl Saller ’79 Named COLA’s 2023 Impactful Alumna, Susan Dumais
Synthesis, Modification, and Characterization of Semiconductor Photocatalysts for Environmental Remediation, Norbert Okechukwu Okolie
Synthetic Approaches Towards [4]Triangulene., Md Al Faruk
Syrian Girl at a Window, 2018, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Syrian Pastry Chef, 2012, Becky Field
Table of Contents, Editorial Board
Table of Contents, Editorial Board
Table of Contents, Editorial Board
Tackling Issues through Learned Skills, Sustainability Institute
Tackling the Challenge, Keith Testa
Take the Campus Climate Survey by April 21, Scott Ripley
Take the Food Solutions New England Pledge, Sustainability Institute
Taking the Next Step, Anna Madden
Tales Out of School: Delineating Student Speech Protections for the Digital Age, Jason Zenor
Tapping Into New Syrup Flavors, Nicholas Gosling
Targeting STAT3 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Using GSK3ꞵ and Integrin Inhibitors, Emily A. Pratt
Taxonomic Classification of Viral and Bacterial DNA Following 2021 Avian Mass Mortality Event, Tessa Baillargeon
Taxonomic Classification of Viral and Bacterial DNA Following Avian Mass Mortality Event, Tessa Mae Baillargeon
Teaching ABC’s & Earning 123’s, Katlyn Brutus
The 2023 Undergraduate Research Conference is Underway, Jeremy Gasowski
The 5 Rs of Environmentally Conscious Research, Nicholas Gosling
The Aernoult-Rousset Affair: Military Justice on Trial in Belle Époque France, John J. Cerullo
The Aernoult-Rousset Agitation 1909-1912: A Dreyfus Affair à la prolétarienne, John J. Cerullo
The association of disability status with job tenure for U.S. workers, Debra L. Brucker, Megan Henly, and Marisa Rafal
The Balsams ski lodge and parking lot, 1969, Unknown
The Benefits of the Non-Medical Attendant Program for Wounded Soldiers, Gary Bent
The Bimetallic Stemmed Thermometer, Ann Hamilton
The Bold Soldier and the Sweet Pig of Richmond Hill broadside, Old Sturbridge Village. Printing Office
The challenge of simulating the warmth of the mid-Miocene climatic optimum in CESM1, A. Goldner, N. Herold, and Matthew Huber
The Challenge of Space, Susan Dumais
The Clinical Observations of Nursing Students and Recent Graduates Caring for LGBTQ+ People, Emily E. Roy
The Clumsy Leviathan: The Subtreasury and American Federal Power in the Nineteenth Century, Aaron Lee Chin
The Complexities of Counting Fish: Engaging Citizen Scientists in Fish Monitoring, Karen H. Bieluch, Theodore Willis, Jason Smith, and Karen A. Wilson
The consequences of dam passage for downstream-migrating American eel in the Penobscot River, Maine, Matthew A. Mensinger, Erik J. Blomberg, and Joseph D. Zydlewski
The Cost of Poor Leadership in Public Education: Leadership Impacts and Results, Beth Bierwirth
The cost of surgical site infections: A look at the financial and medical impact on patients and hospitals, Amy Fournier
The Crusading Days of Jackie Stewart: Evaluating the Development of Safety in Motor Racing During the 1960s., Alex Twitchen
The cultural nature of helping without being asked, from the toddler years into middle childhood, Barbara Rogoff and Andrew D. Coppens
The Current State of Behavioral Health in Primary Care for NH Youth, Katherine Lipp, Delitha Watts, Janet Thomas, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, Felicia Brackett, Corina Chao, Maya Gelting, Sophie Weider, Jeanne Ryer, Amy Costello, and Chris White
The Dangers of Valor: Roger Vercel’s and Bertrand Tavernier’s Capitaine Conan, John J. Cerullo
The Death Penalty: How Salient Party Platforms Contradict Historical Underlying Ideals, Isabel May Conners
The decision is in the details: Justifying decisions about socioscientific issues, Jordan D. Bader, Kelsey A. Ahearn, Beverly A. Allen, Diya M. Anand, Andrew D. Coppens, and Melissa L. Aikens
The Eastern Old-Growth Forest Conference Registration Form (Mail In), UNH Cooperative Extension
The Effect of Discharge, Tides, and Wind on Lift-Off Turbulence, Jianfeng Wang, Daniel G. MacDonald, Philip M. Orton, Kelly Cole, and Jian Lan
The effect of hypoxia on GLI expression and their downstream effect in Waldenström Macroglobulinemia, Estefania Yzar-Garcia
The Effect of Temperature on the Strain-Induced Austenite to Martensite Transformation in SS 316L During Uniaxial Tension, Elizabeth M. Mamros, M. Bram Kuijer, Mohammad Ali Davarpanah, Ian Baker, and Brad L. Kinsey
The Effects of Bacillus velezensis NCIMB 30322 on Growth of Chenopodium ficifolium in Nutrient-depleted Conditions, Ciana B. Lazu
The Effects of Different Personalized Services on Consumer Cognition, Emotion, and Intention to Share Information, Thomas John Stimson II and Jing Wang
The Effects of Film Viewing on Young Adults’ Perceptions on Love and Intimacy, Leia Krans
The Effects of Increasing Ocean Acidification on Mytilus edulis in the Gulf of Maine, Charlotte Hailey Grippo and Maddalena Tea Glass
The Effects of Mentoring, Coaching, and Effective Communication on Organizations, Jamie Morse
The Effects of Rotation and River Discharge on Net Mixing in Small-Mouth Kelvin Number Plumes, Kelly L. Cole and Robert D. Hetland
The Effects of Stress on Law Enforcement and Effective Interventions, Allison Jean
The End of the Line; Next Stop: Higher Education V2.0, Justin Chase
The Epistemic Turn: Critical Sociology and the ‘Generation of ‘68’, John J. Cerullo
The Evolution of Assigned Reading: The Diversity in New Hampshire High School Reading and Student Reading Engagement, Julian Maduro
The Flint Water Crisis, Chris Surfus and Cara Sanner
The Frog and Mouse or the Frog He Would a Wooing Go broadside, Old Sturbridge Village. Printing Office
The Gig Economy, Smart Contracts, and Disruption of Traditional Work Arrangements, Seth C. Oranburg and Liya Palagashvili
The Global Minimum Tax: Hurdles to Implementation of an Effective Tax, Eric H. Mrozek
The Granite, 2018, University of New Hampshire
The Granite State Flying Club, Amy Lou Emanuel
The Growth Drivers and Inhibitors of the B Corp Movement, Jason Plant
The Historic Returns of Gold: Is it the Best Hedge Against Inflation?, Jack William Gillis
The Impact of Compensation Framing on Work Relationships, Jack Wixson
The impact of nutrient depletion on the effect of HHQ on Emiliania huxleyi, Marley Gonsalves
The impact of thiamin (B1) and its precursors on microzooplankton-phytoplankton interactions, Sara Smith
The Importance of a Supportive School Climate on the Mental Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Students, Ila Bartenstein
The Importance of Team Design in the Beauty Industry, Stela Pereu
The Importance of the Lowly Skunk, Nicholas Gosling
The Influence of Permafrost Soil Structure on Microbial Community Diversity and Abundance, nathan D. blais
The Intersection Between Recovery Capital and Authentic Leadership, Melissa Silvey
The Intersection of Gentrification, Race, and Historical Sociology: Utilizing the Construction of a Racial Gentrification Index to Measure Racialized Versus Economic Changes Across Massachusetts from 2000 to 2020, Paige Elizabeth DePasquale
The Kelayres Massacre, John J. Cerullo and Gennaro Delena
The layer that did not swim away: broadband acoustic discrimination and characterization of ocean stratification, Elizabeth Reed-Weidner
The Legal Subject and the Judicialization of French Civic Culture: Fin de Siècle Roots of Contemporary Politics, John J. Cerullo
The Many Masks of Me, William Price Jr
The Market’s Reaction to the Disclosure of a Cybersecurity Breach, Jill L. Mattucci
The Ministerial Role of the President of the Senate in Counting Electoral Votes: A Post-January 6 Perspective, Joel K. Goldstein
The necessary elements to consider when identifying an ideal organizational structure, Bryant Burns
The New Hampshire, Vol. 48, No. 28 (Jan. 22, 1959), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 01 (Sep. 4, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 02 (Sep. 11, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 03 (Sep. 15, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 04 (Sep. 18, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 05 (Sep. 22, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 06 (Sep. 25, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 07 (Sep. 29, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 08 (Oct. 2, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 09 (Oct. 6, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 10 (Oct. 9, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 11 (Oct. 13, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 12 (Oct. 16, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 13 (Oct. 20, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 14 (Oct. 23, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 15 (Oct. 27, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 16 (Oct. 30, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 17 (Nov. 3, 1992), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 83, No. 18 (Nov. 6, 1992), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 48 (Apr. 30, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 49 (May 3, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 4 (Sep. 19, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 50 (May 7, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 5 (Sep. 22, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 6 (Sep. 26, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 7 (Sep. 29, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 8 (Oct. 3, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 86, No. 9 (Oct. 6, 1995), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 10 (Oct. 11, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 11 (Oct. 15, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 12 (Oct. 18, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 13 (Oct. 22, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 14 (Oct. 25, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 15 (Oct. 29, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 16 (Nov. 1, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 17 (Nov. 5, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 18 (Nov. 8, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 19 (Nov. 12, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 1 (Sep. 3, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 20 (Nov. 15, 1996), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 2 (Sep. 13, 1996), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 39 (Mar. 14, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 3 (Sep. 17, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 40 (Mar. 28, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 41 (Apr. 1, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 42 (Apr. 4, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 43 (Apr. 8, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 44 (Apr. 11, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 45 (Apr. 15, 1997), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 49 (Apr. 29, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 4 (Sep. 20, 1996), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 5 (Sep. 24, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 6 (Sep. 27, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 7 (Oct. 1, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 8 (Oct. 4, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 87, No. 9 (Oct. 8, 1996), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 10 (Oct. 10, 1997), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 1 (Sep. 9, 1997), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 2 (Sep. 12, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 30 (Feb. 10, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 31 (Feb. 13, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 32 (Feb. 20, 1998), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 3 (Sep. 16, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 40 (Mar. 31, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 41 (Apr. 3, 1998), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 4 (Sep. 19, 1997), The New Hampshire
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The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 51 (May 8, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 5 (Sep. 23, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 6 (Sep. 26, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 7 (Sep. 30, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 8 (Oct. 3, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 88, No. 9 (Oct. 7, 1997), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 10 (Oct. 2, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 11 (Oct. 6, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 12 (Oct. 9, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 13 (Oct. 13, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 14 (Oct. 16, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 15 (Oct. 20, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 16 (Oct. 27, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 17 (Oct. 30, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 18 (Nov. 3, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 19 (Nov. 10, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 20 (Nov. 13, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 21 (Nov. 17, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 22 (Nov. 20, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 23 (Nov. 24, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 24 (Dec. 4, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 2 (Sep. 2, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 4 (Sep. 15, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 6 (Sep. 22, 1998), The New Hampshire
The New Hampshire, Vol. 89, No. 7 (Sep. 25, 1998), The New Hampshire
The politics of fresh water: setting the stage, Tamar Mayer and Catherine M. Ashcraft
The Power to Create a Healthier, More Inclusive Future, Elizabeth Cain
The Prevalence and Impact of Dairy/Beef Crosses on Cattle Producers in New Hampshire, Eleanor J. Braun
The Prevalence and Impact of Dairy/Beef Crosses on Cattle Producers in New Hampshire, Eleanor J. Braun
The price of snow: albedo valuation and a case study for forest management, David A. Lutz and Richard B. Howarth
The Protestant Work Ethic and COVID-19, Abigail Towers
The Pursuit of an Online Master’s Degree: A Personal Journey, Jennifer Johnston
The Recent U.S. Population Growth Rate Increased from Last Year's Record Low, but Remains Below Historical Levels, Kenneth M. Johnson
The relationship between alpha-defensin 1 and gut microbiome composition in a population of Bhutanese refugee adults with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, Daisha Alana Drake
The relationship between alpha-defensin 1 and gut microbiome composition in a population of Bhutanese refugee adults with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, Daisha Alana Drake
The Relationship Between Marijuana Policy and Prejudice Regarding Adult Black Americans, Caitlin Turner
The Relationship between the Organization’s Aspirations for a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion, its Documents and Policy, and Employee Experience, Carolyn O'Driscoll
The Resilience of Race: A Cultural Sustainability Manifesto, Siobhan Senier, Anthony Lioi, Mary Kate Ryan, Pavithra Vasudevan, Angel Nieves, Darren Ranco, and Courtney Marshall
The river as a chemostat: fresh perspectives on dissolved organic matter flowing down the river continuum, Irena F. Creed, Diane M. McKnight, Brian A. Pellerin, Mark B. Green, Brian A. Bergamaschi, George R. Aiken, Douglas A. Burns, Stuart E. G. Findlay, Jamie B. Shanley, Rob G. Striegl, Brent T. Aulenbach, David W. Clow, Hjalmar Laudon, Brian L. McGlynn, Kevin J. McGuire, Richard A. Smith, and Sarah M. Stackpoole
Thermo-hydrogen refinement of microstructure to improve mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V fabricated via laser powder bed fusion, Marko Knezevic, Saeede Ghorbanpour, Nicholas C. Ferreri, Iftekhar A. Riyad, Andelle D. Kudzal, James D. Paramore, Sven C. Vogel, and Brandon A. McWilliams
Thermo-responsive 3D-printed polyrotaxane monolith, Qianming Lin, Miao Tang, and Chengfeng Ke
The role of leadership in a law enforcement organization’s morale, Brian Fleming
The Role of Leadership with Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving Professions, Ashley Kitchell
The Role of Race in Missing Persons Cases, Ashanti Maronie
The Role of State Courts in Constraining Partisan Gerrymandering in Congressional Elections, Jonathan Cervas, Bernard Grofman, and Scott Matsuda
The Role of Transformational Leadership to Prevent Burnout and Turnover in the Nonprofit Sector, Melissa Norton
The Safety, Efficacy and Tolerability of Blenderized Diets for Gastronomy-Fed Individuals, Jocelyn Therrien
The Search for Value for New England Skiers, Colin J. Liebert
The Search for Value for New England Skiers, Colin J. Liebert
The Secularization of the Soul: Psychical Research in Modern Britain, John J. Cerullo
The Significance of Honoring Juneteenth, Scott Ripley
The Skunkwork of Ecological Engagement, John Ackerman, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Bridie McGreavy, and Leah Sprain
The Social and Environmental Impact of Ben & Jerry’s, Laura Davies
The soundscape of dense bat swarms: differences based on location within the group., Keegan Eveland, Robert Stevenson, Paul Domski, and Laura Kloepper
The Stewardship Network: New England Engagement Initiative Final Report, Molly Donovan, Malin Clyde, and Ellen Snyder
The Subsea Science Sprinkler: Understanding uniform flow along a controlled-source array through combined theoretical and empirical methods, Nicole Forno and Eli Lemieux
The Tamarack - Trees Tell Their Stories Series November 2023, Ray Berthiaume
The transfer of neurotoxic BMAA from cyanobacterial blooms in Province Lake, NH food chain, Michelle B. Verstraaten
The Troubled Teen Industry and Its Effects: An Oral History, C. Jamie Mater
The University of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Durham, New Hampshire, 1927-1928, University of New Hampshire
The University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalog issue, 1970-1971, University of New Hampshire
The Value of All-Payer Claims Databases for Employers, All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
The Value of Hands-On Experience and a Passion for Sustainable Businesses, Tori Wyman
The Warriors' Views: Mid-Level Officers on American Interventions, Foreign Policy, and the Road to 9/11, 1993-2001, Michael Anthony Anderson
“They Turn to Violence”: Active Shootings and the Convergence of Hegemonic Masculinity, Race, and Perceived Injustice, Linda M. Fogg
Thinking Ecologically About Rhetoric's Ontology: Capacity, Vulnerability, and Resilience, Nathan Stormer and Bridie McGreavy
Thomas Percy, Dean of Carlisle portrait, Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792
Three UNH Grad Students Named Finalists for Federal Fellowship, Keith Testa
Three Years of Record High Mortality and Low Fertility Leave Many States with More Deaths than Births, Kenneth M. Johnson
Tika for a Baby, 2016, Becky Field
Timber Frame Barn, Jonathon Febonio
Tinkering With Tinker: Why the Supreme Court Must Protect Student Speech Through Social Media, Alexis Roach
Tips for building Stomp Rockets with youth, Claes Thelemarck
Tom Bolin broadside, Old Sturbridge Village. Printing Office
Too Fast of Fashion: A Literature Review on the Destructive Social and Environmental Impacts of Fast Fashion, Grace Webster
Total Vote Runoff: A Majority-Maximizing Form of Rank Choice Voting, Edward B. Foley
Toward a conceptual framework for designing and implementing the Teacher Residency for Rural Education, E. M. Reagan, Andrew D. Coppens, L. J. Couse, E. Hambacher, D. Lord, K. McCurdy, and D. Pimentel
Toward Practical Computing Competencies, Rajendra K. Raj, Mihaela Sabin, John Impagliazzo, David S. Bowers, Mats Daniels, Felienne F. J. Hermans, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Renee McCauley, Syed Waqar Nabi, and Michael J. Oudshoorn
Towards an equity competency model for sustainable food systems education programs, Will Valley, Molly Anderson, Nicole Tichenor Blackstone, Eleanor Sterling, Erin Betley, Sharon Akabas, Pamela Koch, Colin Dring, Joanne D. Burke, and Karen Spiller
Towards Automation of Volunteered and Authoritative Bathymetric Data Comparisons, Patrick Debroisse
Town and school annual report Newmarket, New Hampshire. Fiscal year ending June 30, 2022., Newmarket Town Representatives
Townhouse Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Town of Bow, New Hampshire and Bow school district 2022 town and school annual report., Bow Town Representatives
Town of Lee, New Hampshire annual town report June 30, 2022., Lee Town Representatives
Town of Littleton, New Hampshire 2022 annual report., Littleton Town Representatives
Town of Rollinsford, NH, settled 1623, inc. 1849, annual report year ending December 31, 2022., Rollinsford Town Representatives
Town of Salem, New Hampshire annual report for the year 2021., Salem Town Representatives
Town of Wilmot, New Hampshire annual reports of the town officers, boards, and other agencies for the year ending December 31, 2022., Wilmot Town Representatives
Toxic Leadership, Thomas Hossfeld
Trace metals in Northern New England streams: Evaluating the role of road salt across broad spatial scales with synoptic snapshots, Jessica F. Wilhelm, Daniel J. Bain, Mark B. Green, Kathleen F. Bush, and William H. McDowell
Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life: Ecological Approaches, Bridie McGreavy, Justine Wells, George F. McHendry Jr., and Samantha Senda-Cook
Tracking Hidden STEM in NH's North Country, Beth Potier
Tractor Maintenance Checklist for Spring, Kendall Kunelius
Training Adults New Technologies: in Practice with UNH Facilities, Shelby Hoffman
Transferring Leadership Knowledge with Follow-On Training for Enlisted Airmen, Michael Caracoglia
Transformational and transactional leadership: An analysis of the leader-follower relationship and their influence in the workplace, Jeremy Stevens
Transformational Leadership: A High School Teacher’s Personal Journey to Becoming a Transformational Leader, Christine Stewart
Transformational leadership: An analysis of Adolf Hitler and his ability to charismatically connect with followers, Helen Bailey
Transformational leadership, occupational safety, and remote workers: A path forward., Christopher Williams
Transforming 3D-printed mesostructures into multimodal sensors with nanoscale conductive metal oxides, Julia E. Huddy, Md Saifur Rahman, Andrew B. Hamlin, Youxiong Ye, and William J. Scheideler
Transgender and gender non-conforming HR toolkit, Kelly Ducharme
Transgender Health: Exploring Medicalization and the Interactions of Race/Ethnicity, Disability, and Education, Evan Thomas England
Transition of Residence, Jenna Gibbons
TRASH MAMMAL, Sebs Corrigan
Travel Orders issued to Captain Ivorey Cobb by Colonel Cook and signed by R.L. Borden, CWO USA, Assistant Adjutant, January 7, 1955, United States Army - USFA Area Command
Trees Tell Their Stories April 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories August 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories February 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories July 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories June 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories March 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories May 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Trees Tell Their Stories September 2023 - Red Maple, Ray Berthiaume
Trends in stream nitrogen concentrations for forested reference catchments across the USA, A. Argerich, S. L. Johnson, S. D. Sebestyen, C. C. Rhoades, E. Greathouse, J. D. Knoepp, M. B. Adams, G. E. Likens, J. L. Campbell, William H. McDowell, F. N. Scatena, and G. G. Ice
Trump Ahead, DeSantis Falters in Race for 2024 GOP Nomination in NH 4/19/2023, UNH Survey Center
Trump Leads, DeSantis Crashes in NH GOP Primary 9/20/2023, UNH Survey Center
Trump Maintains Control in NH GOP Primary; Foreign Policy Increasingly Important to GOP Primary Voters 11/16/2023, UNH Survey Center
Trump Maintains Lead Over DeSantis in New Hampshire GOP 2024 Race 7/18/2023, UNH Survey Center
Tunable Multilobe Particle Geometry by Annealing-Assisted Emulsion Polymerization, Yung-Chun Lin, Amit K. Tripathi, and John G. Tsavalas
Tuning Shear Thinning Factors of 3D Bio-Printable Hydrogels Using Short Fiber, Slesha Tuladhar, Scott Clark, and Ahasan Habib
Turkey Tips, Haeley Morin
Turkish Family on Their Porch, 2019, Becky Field
Twelfth Night Revels poster, 1921, English Folk Dance Society
Twice as Nice, Brooks Payette
Two Centuries of Changes in Cyanobacteria Pigments & Toxins from a Lake Sediment Core from Norway Pond in Hancock, NH, Austin James Castrucci
Two couples posing in a sunny field, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Two-Dimensional Chemiresistive Covalent Organic Framework with High Intrinsic Conductivity, Zheng Meng, Robert M. Stolz, and Katherine A. Mirica
Two-dimensional d-π conjugated metal-organic framework based on hexahydroxytrinaphthylene, Zheng Meng and Katherine A. Mirica
Two figures near wooden structure, 1950-1953, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Two men conversing indoors, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Two-Thirds of Mainers Report Struggling to Afford Necessities, Expect Recession Within Twelve Months 8/30/2023, UNH Survey Center
Two year old Marilyn Eva Cobb, Unknown
Type 3 adenylyl cyclase, neuronal primary cilia, and hippocampus-dependent memory formation, Yuxin Zhou
UAV and Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry Enhance River Restoration Monitoring: A Dam Removal Study, Alexandra D. Evans, Kevin H. Gardner, Scott Greenwood, and Brett Still
Ultimate Graduation Party, Paige Mcafee
Ultralight Axion Dark Matter with Self-Interactions, Noah James Glennon
‘Unapologetically Vernacular’: A Study of the Composing Process of Youth Writing and Performing Slam and Spoken Word Poetry, Dennis Magliozzi
Unbundling Employment Flexible Benefits for the Gig Economy, Seth C. Oranburg
Undead Dicta or Haunted Holdings? A Closer Look at the Zombie Subjective Intent Partnership Formation Cases, Joseph K. Leahy
'Under a Spreading Chestnut Tree', Nicholas Gosling
Undergraduate catalog University of New Hampshire, 2001-2003 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
Undergraduate course catalog University of New Hampshire, 2003-2005 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
Understanding and Advancing the Preservation Trades, Jada Lindblom Ph.D., Scott Slattery, and Molly Donovan
Understanding and Advancing the Preservation Trades (2-page view)), Jada Lindblom Ph.D., Scott Slattery, and Molly Donovan
Understanding and Advancing the Preservation Trades (Appendix), Jada Lindblom Ph.D., Scott Slattery, and Molly Donovan
Understanding Dissolved Organic Matter Biogeochemistry Through In Situ Nutrient Manipulations in Stream Ecosystems, Adam S. Wymore, Bianca Rodriguez-Cardona, and William H. McDowell
Understanding Nitrogen Sources in the Great Bay Watershed, Michelle L. Daley
Understanding physical properties of gas bubbles in the ocean: how does reality affect what we think we already know?, Alexandra Michelle Padilla
Understanding stakeholder preferences for flood adaptation alternatives with natural capital implications, Jonathon R. Loos and Shannon H. Rogers
Understanding the Personality of a Coworker, Alyssa S. Hall
Unfortunate Miss Bailey and the Bailiff broadside, Old Sturbridge Village. Printing Office
UNH 4-H Scholarship Program, Landau
UNH Again Earns 'Best Value' Status, Keith Testa
UNH and Eversource Partner on New Internship/Scholarship Program, Brooks Payette
UNH Announces 2023 Commencement Speakers, Keith Testa
UNH Announces 2023 Granite State Award and Honorary Degree Recipients, Erika Mantz
UNH Announces Annual Poetry Festival & Programming, Erika L. Mantz
UNH Announces Commencement Speakers Across Its Campuses, Erika L. Mantz
UNH Announces Launch of Hamel Honors and Scholars College With $20M Gift, Erika Mantz
UNH Announces Winners of 10th Annual N.H. Social Venture Innovation Challenge, Erika Mantz
UNH-Assisted Report Highlights Strategies to Keep Kids Safe Online, Robbin Ray
UNH B Impact Clinic Alumnus Embraces Renewable Energy Career, Cassie Hollasch
UNH B Impact Clinic Fall '21 Companies Announced, Sustainability Institute
UNH B Impact Clinic Spring 21 Companies Announced, Sustainability Institute
UNH Catholicism Expert to Comment on Funeral and Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI, Robbin Ray
UNHCE Dial Gauge Inspection and Accuracy, Ann Hamilton
UNH Celebrates More Than 3,000 Grads at Commencement, Keith Testa
UNH-Developed Tool for Campus Footprinting, Used Nationwide, Sustainability Institute
UNH Dining Goes Cashless, Jeremy Gasowski
UNH Eats Equitable: Teatulia, Sustainability Institute
UNH Eats Equitably: Cabot Creamery Cooperative, Paul Young
UNH Eats Equitably: Grandy Organics, Paul Young
UNH Eats Equitably: Kettle Cuisine, Paul Young
UNH Eats Equitably: North Coast Seafood, Paul Young
UNH Employee Health and Hygiene Training Record, Wendy Johnecheck
UNH Employee Health and Hygiene Training Record (.pdf), Wendy Johnecheck
UNH & Eversource Advance Energy Savings Despite COVID, Sustainability Institute
UNH Exclusive Online Mentorship Community, Jaime Weatherby
UNH Extension Insect ID Submission Form, Shyloh Favreau
UNH Extension Plant Diagnostic Lab Sample Submission Form, Shyloh Favreau
UNH Facilities Professional Development, Jane Vaughn
UNH FACLTY SENATE MOTION #XXV - M6 on Faculty Discretion on Course Delivery During the Pandemic Emergency, Faculty Senate
UNH FACTULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M14 To Endorse the Office of Student Life's Financial Assistance Funds, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Embed Social Venture Innovation Challenge in Record Numbers, Sustainability Institute
UNH FACULTY SENATE 2013-14 Motions and their current status, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M10 Shared Governance, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M11 Administrative Search Process Wording, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M12 National Search, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M13 Study Away Student Conduct, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M15 Honors Program Mission, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M16 Faculty Referendum, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M17 Diversity, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M18 Land Grant Resolution, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M19 Ad Hoc Committee Report on Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental and Pre-Veterinary Education, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M1 Student Observer to Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M21 Student Study Hours per Credit Hour, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M22 Plagiarism software, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M2 Ad Hoc Committee on Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental and Pre-Veterinary Education, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M3 Administrative Search Process, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M4 Discriminatory Harassment Policy Revisions, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M6 Article 2B of the Faculty Senate Bylaws, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # IX-M7 Study Away Academic Eligibility, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion# IX-M8 Scholarship Guidelines, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # IX-M9 Promotion and Tenure Procedures, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M10 2005-2009 Academic Calendars, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M11 Task Force on Academic Expectations and Student Behavior, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M12 Members of the Academic Affairs Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M13 University-wide Academic Programs, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M14 Associate of Arts Programs, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # VIII-M15 Study Abroad Programs, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M1 Academic Convocation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M3 Discovery Program Implementation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M4 Academic Plan Implementation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M5 Referral to Faculty, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M7 Writing Section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M8 Statement on Diversity, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIII-M9 Recommendations to ASAC, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M10 Recognition of Faculty Service, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M11 Academic and Programmatic Decisions, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M12 Discovery Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M13 Task Force on Academic Expectations and Student Conduct, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M1 Senate Seats, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M2 Committee Chair Selection, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M3 Teach In - Words on War, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M4 Dialogue on War, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M5 2004/05 Academic Calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M6 Plagiarism, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M7 Academic Plan, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M8 Dean's Letter on Unacceptable Behavior, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VII-M9 Student Behavior, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # VIll-M2 Academic Plan Goals and Ideals, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M10 on the Discovery Program's interdisciplinary understanding attribute, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M11 To establish the UNH Discovery Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M12 Change to the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws regarding Library Committee Purview, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M13 Student Use of Electronic Devices, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M15 on a joint shared governance document, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M17 on two introductory statistics courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XIII-M18 on diversity in strategic planning, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M19 on an academic calendar with equal semesters, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M1 Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M20 on spring semester starting one week later in January, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M21 on thanks to Provost Mallory, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M22 on Misconduct Policy on Scholarly Activity, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M23 on the University Institutes Policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M24 on study away policy and field trip guidelines, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M2 Student Voter Registration Challenge, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M3 Library Committee Purview Change, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M7 on the Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M8 on the Discovery Program's inquiry, breadth and capstone components, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIII-M9 on the Discovery Program's perspectives-on-identity attribute, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M11 Workplace Perception Survey, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M12 End of Work to Rule, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M13 University Calendars for Five Years, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M14 Thanks to Professor Steve Fan, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M15 Recommendations for the NEASC Self Report, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M16 Recommendations on background checks, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M17 Honors Program Standards, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XII-M1 Procedure on Motions of Censure, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M2 Procedure on Motions of No Confidence, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M3 Review of Study Abroad Fees, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M4 Guide for Shared Governance, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M5 Shared Governance for Study Abroad, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M6 Deans Search, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M7 Research Strategic Planning, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XII-M9 New departments in Bylaws, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIll-M6 Student Use of Electronic Devices, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIl-M10 Thanks to Dean Hoskin, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # XI-M1 Motion One on Work to Rule, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # XI-M2 Motion Two on Work to Rule, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # XI-M3 Work-to-Rule Motion on University-wide Committees, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # XI-M5 Disapproval of the Dean's Response, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M10 on invitations to administrators during work to rule, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M12 on renumbering of Thompson School courses that meet baccalaureate maior requirements, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M13 on staff benefits and wages, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M14 on open access, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M15 on background checks, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M16 on no decision now on NAVITAS, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M1 on Human Subjects and Animal Use Policies, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M2 on January-Tenn Course Evaluations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M3 on Student Separation Policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M4 on Textbook Cost Availability, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M5 to endorse President Huddleston's call for civic engagement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M6 on senate representation from UNH-Manchester, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M7 on work to rule and shared governance, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M8 on call to negotiate, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIV-M9 on scholars at risk, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M10 on senate approval of UCAPC recommendation to accept DMS proposal, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M11 on rewording language on teaching evaluation form for online courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M14 on senate approval of the revised library collection maintenance policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M15 to accept the report and recommendation from the Joint Panel on Teaching and Leaming, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M16 on handbook statements regarding faculty advising of students, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M17 on six recommendations regarding the Confucius Institute, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M1 on changes to senate constitution to include the School of Law, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XIX-M1 on the formation of an ad hoc committee to investigate alternatives to the UNH semester system, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M2 on changes to senate bylaws to include School of Law and CHIS department, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M3 on initiating a five-year review of the Discovery Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M4 on Filling Vacancies on the Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation Form Implementation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M5 on accepting proposal to change common exam time during AY15/AY16, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M6 on endorsement of the proposed revision of the University Honors Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M7 on moving evening common exam time, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M8 on canceling classes the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XIX-M9 on endorsement of policy on data management, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XllI-M14 Family Housing, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # Xll-M8 Research Panel, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M10 Motion on Review of American Sign Language, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M2 Shared Governance Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M3 Library Budget Formula Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M4 Scholarship Guidelines Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M5 American Sign Language Motion including six submotions, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M6 Civil Speech Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M7 Shared Governance and Resources Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M8 Presidential Search Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate Motion # X-M9 University Institute Course Approval Motion, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M10 on Student Senate Resolution XXXV-08 regarding affordability of course materials, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M11 on formation of the Carsey School of Public Policy, per UCAPC report, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M12 on the review by UCAPC of the proposed dual major in sustainability, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M13 on proposed changes to the UNH SRRR Policy Statement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M1 on showing mean score 1-13 on evaluation form, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M2 schedule for future on-line Master's programs, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M3 approval of five-year calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M4 Amendments to senate constitution, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M5 Procedural rule on substantive main motions, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M6 To extend the on-line course registration period one week into the term, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M7 on inclusion of department chairs on campus construction project steering committees, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVIII-M9 on review of the Confucius Institute, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M10 on the marine school approval, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M11 on Honors Program courses not on line, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M12 on review required for substantial changes in mode or time for courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M13 on departmental review for substantial changes in mode or time for courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XVII-M14 on renumbering the courses at the Thompson School, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M15 on Library Support, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M16 on electronic web-based evaluation for all courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M17 on clear, written promotion and tenure standards, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M18 on hiring practices, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M19 on lecturers' salaries and contracts, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M1 on UCAPC committee status, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M20 on lecturer observers to the Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M21 on lecturers' notification of employment, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M22 on establishment of ad-hoc committee on non-tenure-track faculty, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M2 on general schools policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M3 on Writing Committee membership, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M4 on military credit, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M5 on transfer credits required to waive the Discovery Program inquiry requirement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M6 on guidelines for public/private ventures, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M7 on campus security, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M8 on changing the grade or status of a student, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVII-M9 on the marine school proposal, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M10 on e-meritus faculty courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M11 on the definition of research/scholarship, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M12 on the SARRC budget, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M13 on the senate's response to the Inclusive Excellence Report, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M14 on internationalization, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M15 on shared governance, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M16 on e-courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M17 on budgetary detail, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M18 on Promotion and Tenure Standards Oversight Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M19 on cluster hires, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M1 on the president's legislative testimony, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M20 on the teaching evaluation form, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M21 on changes in faculty status, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XVI-M22 on representation to the Campus Master Planning Steering Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M23 on the proposed Policy on Interdisciplinary Schools, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M24 on the Proposal for a School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M2 on corresponding administrators in the senate constitution, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M3 on information in course syllabi, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XVI-M4 on the Academic and Strategic Plans, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M5 on budgetary crisis, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M6 on January-term E-learning session length, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M7 regarding on-line and January-term course evaluations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M8 on transitioning to retirement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XVI-M9 on UNH Credit Hour Policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M10 on Latin honors, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M11 on Discovery Program exemptions, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M1 on NAVITAS implementation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M2 on diversity reaffirmation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M3 on electronic archiving of student academic records, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M4 on establishing a standing committee on information technology, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M5 on the Faculty Activity Report Working Group, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M6 on the approval process for any Institute, School or Center at UNH, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M7 on graduate and family housing, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M8 on Library Committee purview wording in the senate constitution, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XV-M9 on the requirement to sign Form B of the Intellectual Property Participation Agreement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XX-12 on implementing online student evaluations of teaching by Fall 2016, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-20 on adding campus lactation rooms, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M10 on acknowledging major holidays and observances, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M11 on a plan to respond to curtailed operations during the December final exam period, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M12 on endorsing the Agenda Committee report on the Start-Up policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII - M13 on the IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII - M14 On online Inquiry Attribute Courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXIII - M15 on the Amorous Relationship Policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M16 on support for a test optional admissions policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M17 On forming an ad hoc review committee for the Discovery Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII-M18 On using MyElements as a platform for Faculty Activity Reporting, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII - M19 Regarding approval for the UNH Concurrent Credit Pilot Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M1 on conditional admission of post-Gaokao students, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII- M20 On Shared Governance, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII- M21 on the need for UNH family housing, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII- M22 Resolution on Assisting Student Recruitment through Department Website Development, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIII - M23 On Outreach to Secondary Schools, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M25 Motion on awarding Transfer and Study Abroad Discovery Credit, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M26 Motion on allowing Discovery credit for transferred 2.5 credit courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M27 Motion on Expanding Academic Engagement Across the Entire Week, Faculty Senate
UNHFACULTYSENATE MOTION # XXIII - M28 Motion on Universal Expectations for Syllabi, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M29 Motion on Professional Names, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII- M2 on amending the constitution to add a new paragraph describing the Academic Program Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII- M3 on amending the bylaws to add "Academic Program" to the table in Article 6, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M4 on the Recruitment of International Students, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M5 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M6 on endorsement of executive summary of Faculty Senate SWOT results, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M7 to support the offering of online courses designated as writing intensive, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII - M8 on including student representatives on some standing senate committees, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIII-M9 on need for a test proctoring facility and other resources, Faculty Senate
UNHFACULTYSENATE MOTION #XXII-M10 on adhering to policy on exams in last week of class, Faculty Senate
UNHFACULTYSENATE MOTION #XXII-M11 on retiring Booklist in favor of FacultyEnlight, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXII-M12 on online student course evaluations.for 8-week courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M13 On memo to admissions office on test optional admissions policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M14 Resolution concerning The Thompson School of Applied Sciences and Agriculture (TSAS), Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M15 on study away eligibility, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXII-M16 on Policies on Start-Up Companies, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION XXII-M1 on a model for mutual respect, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION XXII-M2 on policy for make-up class day, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M3 on travel and mileage reimbursement policy for the Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M5 on units off the UNH-Durham campus providing mileage reimbursement to their Faculty Senate representatives, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M6 to adopt a charter for the Discovery Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M7 to urge dean of COLA to end pause on double counting of Discovery courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXII-M8 to address the use of common hour time, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M10 to endorse Library budget support, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M11 to approve the next five-year calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M12 motion on guidelines and criteria for UNH/private ventures, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion #XXI-M13 On adopting a tobacco-free policy for UNH campuses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M14 motion to amend SRRR/adjudication of MISA violations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M16 Motion from the Academic Affairs Committee Motion on the Writing Program and Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M17 resolution on a residential aspect to the Honors Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M1 on adjustment to motion on transfer credits, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M2 on use of Morin gift to UNH, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M3 to amend Senate bylaws Section 6, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M4 Motion on Questions in the Student Evaluation of UNH Online Courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M5 resolution on inclusion, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M6 on revised UNH Misconduct of Scholarly Activity (MISA) policy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M7 Motion for Thanksgiving Break 2017, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXI-M8 on right-to-know requests, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-M9 to amend Senate bylaws Section 4, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXI-Ml8 motion to develop a new teaching assessment process, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV-M10 on Student Evalutations of Teaching for Spring 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate MOTION # XXIV - M11 on Pass Fail for Spring Semester 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M15 On the gender question on Student Evaluations of Teaching, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M16 on the defintion of Student Succuss, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M17 Faculty Senate Resolution of Thanks to the University of New Hampshire Academic Technology Personnel, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M18 On Including Common Language about Compliance with The Federal Definition of a Credit Hour in Syllabi, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENA TE MOTION #XXIV-M2 To amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate to reflect New and Renamed Departments, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M3 on my Elements as a platform for Faculty Activity Reports (FAR), Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV – M4 that IT services of USNH should fully follow the NIST SP 800-63B guidelines, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV – M5 On allowing first term students to change up to 4 credits to Pass/Fail, Faculty Senate
UNHFACULTYSENATE MOTION# XXIV - M6 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIV - M7 to approve the 5-year eUNH Calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION# XXIV - M8 to Amend the Charter of the University Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXIV - M9 Special Rule for Extraordinary Electronic Meetings of the University of New Hampshire Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXIV-MI On relief from mid-semester report for participants in the Early Assessment Pilot, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M10 to form Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation Standards, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M11 on level funding of Library acquisitions budget, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION XX-M13 on the change to Add Period, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M14 on amendment to senate constitution. Item 6.c, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M15 on amendment to UCAPC charter to include all senate-eligible faculty, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M16 to create subcommittees of senate standing committees, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M17 on amanding constitution: Agenda Committee members must be tenured, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M18 on amending constitution to give Agenda Committee power to charge committees, act in summer, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION#XX-M19 on protecting university lands, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M21 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to keep writing and quantitative reasoning requirements, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M22 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to discontinue the Discovery Dialogue, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M23 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to leave Discovery Categories unchanged, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M24 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to allow "double counting", Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M25 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to establish oversight authority for Discovery Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M26 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to stop decommissioning of courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M27 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to ensure distribution of Discovery seats, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M28 on Discovery Review Committee recommendations to advocate for Discovery program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M29 AAC motion on transfer credit policy.for two-year institutions, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M2 on changing the language on the university website for Honors Convocation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M30 on active university support for childcare, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M31 on the RCM and the Central Budget Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M32 on faculty/administration communication on budget actions, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M33 on including student representatives on some standing senate committees, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M34 on raising the minimum GPA for Honors program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M3 on changing the wording of three questions in the student evaluation of teaching for UNH online courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M4 on Motion to approve calendar for online Masters programs, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M5 on policy for approval of interdisciplinary courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XX-M6 on reinstating the Central Budget Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M7 on approving university policy revision on start-up companies, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M8 on cancelling classes on Wednesday before Thanksgiving break, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XX-M9 on changing wording in section 06.1.1 of SRRR re: PAT staff as academic advisors, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M11 UNH Endowment Investing Ensuring Alignment with Sustainability Goals, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M1 Constitutional amendment removing restrictions on appointments of CCLEAR faculty, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M2 Moving Spring Break calendar to accommodate administration and advising time for UNH and GSC, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M3 Starting Academic Year 2023-2024, replace the description of E-Terms or Half-Terms with Terms 1-5., Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M4 Development of a joint committee for Honors College development and implementation, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M5 Membership Plan for Honors College Development and Implementation Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M6 Development of a New Ad Hoc 2023 Discovery Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M7 Resolution of support for all who suffer from the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M8 2023 Ad Hoc Committee on Discovery - Committee Membership Parameters, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVII-M9 Constitutional Amendment Recognizing the Forthcoming Formation of the College of Professional Studies, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M10 to endorse the recommendations of the Ad Hoc General Education Review Committee, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M11 Recognizing Andrew Colby, Liz Smith and Melina Elwy, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M14 Lift restrictions for online delivery (synchronous and asynchronous) of Honors Courses, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M16 Lift restrictions for online delivery (synchronous and asynchronous) of DLabs, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M17 Lift restrictions for online delivery (synchronous and asynchronous) of Inquiry, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M18 Faculty Senate Opposes Recommendation to Engage in Barnes & Noble First Day Complete Program, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M20 Constitutional Amendment allowing any sitting Senator to serve on the Agenda Committee as members-at-large, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M21 To endorse UNH’s public statements affirming the university’s commitment to diversity, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M22 Resolution on Legislative Challenges to Academic and Professional Integrity, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M24 Motion on Diversity, Equity. Inclusion and Access Faculty Activities, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M25 Faculty Senate Approves the Indigenous Peoples’ Land Acknowledgement Report, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M26 Faculty Senate Endorses the Land, Water, and Life Acknowledgement Statement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE Motion # XXVI – M2 to endorse the Agenda Committee report and recommendations on a General Education Diversity Requirement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI – M3 Resolution on Faculty Responsibility and Authority Over Course Content, Pedagogy, and Modality, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI-M4 to approve the 5-Year Academic Calendar, AY 2025-26, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI – M5 to approve the 5-year E-UNH Calendar, AY 2025-26, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI – M6 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar, AY 2026-27, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXVI – M7 to approve the 5-year E-UNH Calendar, AY 2026-27, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M10 to modify the Academic Calendar for Spring 2021 to include two no-class days, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV - M12 on Student Evalutations of Teaching for Academic Year 2020-21, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV–M13 on Earlier Progress Reporting, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M15 on continuing fully online Add Drop procedures through Spring 2021, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M16 on supporting students as semester concludes, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M17 on academic instruction during curtailed operations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M18 to continue the suspension of restrictions for online courses through COVID-19 Pandemic, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M19 to form Ad Hoc Committee to Recommend Revisions to Course Evaluation Process, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV - M1 On changing Common Exam Time for Fall 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M20 to Approve the 2021 Engaged Scholarship Report and endorse its six recommendations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M20 to Recommit and Create a New Ad Hoc Committee to Reassess the DRC recommendations, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M22 to continue Motion M12 on Student Evaluations of Teaching for Summer and Fall 2021, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M23 to create a new Ad Hoc Committee on a General Education Diversity Requirement, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M24 to make online Add/Drop process permanent, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M25 Faculty Resolution of Thanks to the UNH Office of the Registrar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M26 On Expanding Access to myWildcat Success to All Student Support Centers and Programs, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV-M27 Toward a Personalized, Proactive, and Holistic System of Student Support at UNH, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV - M3 to Approve Change in ADD DROP procedures for Fall 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXV - M4 to suspend Faculty Senate rules for online courses for Fall 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION #XXV - M5 to approve the Academic Calendar for Fall 2020, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M7 To suspend Faculty Senate rules for online course through Summer 2021, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV - M8 on Progress reports in an authorized platform other than WebCat, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXV – M9 on Revised Spring 2021 Calendar, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENATE MOTION # XXX-M14 on survey questions to be used in academic year 2020-21 only to replace student evaluations of teaching, Faculty Senate
UNH Faculty Senate # XI-M4 Sense of the Senate on University Institutes, Faculty Senate
UNH FACULTY SENTATE MOTION # XXV - M11 on adjusting Common Exam Time for Spring 2021, Faculty Senate
UNH Financial Update, Faculty Senate
UNH Grads Fill Up '40 Under Forty' List, Keith Testa
UNH Grad Student Conducts Critical PFAS “Forever Chemicals” Research, Cassidy Yates
UNH Honors Sustainability Champions at Third Annual Award Event, Keith Testa
UNH Hosts Government Power Researchers, Beth Potier
UNH Hosts Pulitzer Prize Winning Historian and JFK Scholar Nov. 14, Erika Mantz
UNH Intern Contributes to Improving Student Wellbeing on Campus, Cassie Hollasch
UNH Invites Businesses to Submit Proposals for Paul Projects Program, Erika Mantz
UNH is Bolstering New Hampshire's Workforce, Scott Ripley
UNH Joins Health Promoting Campuses Network, Keith Testa
UNH Leaders Hit the Road to Hear From N.H., Jim Graham
UNH Library Digitizes Town Reports for Entire Granite State, Keith Testa
UNH, Northeast Passage earn Team USA Collegiate Impact honor, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
UNH Online MBA Program Achieves Highest-Ever National Ranking at #37, Sharon Keeler
UNH Online M.Ed. Ranked Among Best in New England, Gwendolyn Goguelet and Bianca Nicolosi
UNH Paul College becomes the highest ranked public business school in New England, Micky Bedell
UNH Paul College launches Inclusive Leadership Fellows program, Sharon Keeler
UNH Receives $1.8 Million to Evaluate Prevention Program for Sexual Exploitation of Children, Robbin Ray
UNH Researchers Help Discover 1894 Shipwreck in Lake Huron, Ro Ray
UNH Research Finds Angel Investor Behavior Can Be Influenced by Ego, Robbin Ray
UNH Research Finds Well Water Risks More Detectable During Warmer Weather, Robbin Ray
UNH Research Shows COVID-19 Lockdown Did Not Lead to Quieter Offshore Ocean, Robbin Ray
UNH RIFC 50 Franchise Index Finds Sector Has Strong Third Quarter, Erika Mantz
UNH RIFC 50 Franchise Index Shows Continued Recovery Since Pandemic, Robbin Ray
UNHSC BMP Performance Fact Sheets, UNH Stormwater Center
UNHSC Generic Detail - Infiltration Trench, UNH Stormwater Center
UNHSC Generic Detail - Leaching Catch Basin, UNH Stormwater Center
UNHSC Generic Detail - Sectional Media Box Filter, UNH Stormwater Center
UNHSC Generic Detail - Subsurface Gravel Filter, UNH Stormwater Center
UNHSC Performance Curve Calculator 2.4, Daniel Macadam
UNHSC Performance Curve Calculator 3.0, Daniel Macadam
UNHSC Street Sweeping Credit Calculator, UNH Stormwater Center
UNH Seafloor Mapping Robot Instrumental in Discovering Shipwreck in Lake Huron, Robbin Ray
UNH's EcoCat transit fleet begins next step forward to cleaner transit with new USDOT funding Award, Sustainability Institute
UNH Sets Pettaway on Path to Professional Success, Personal Growth, Scott Ripley
UNH Set to Welcome Highest-Achieving Undergraduate Class, Robbin Ray
UNH Signs Call for US to Achieve Net-Zero by 2050, Sustainability Institute
UNH student contributes to the university’s commitment to developing an inclusive, diverse and safe community, Cassie Hollasch
UNH Student Entrepreneur Reflects on 2020 Social Venture Innovation Challenge Experience, Sustainability Institute
UNH Student Expands Impact of Program in the Community, Emily Mello
UNH Students Advocate for Sustainable Residential Communities, Cassie Hollasch
UNH students host climate strike to empower students and spread information on sustainability action, Cassie Hollasch
UNH Sustainability Alumni Begin Career in Making Recycling Simple with Scrapp, Mikey Pasciuto
UNH Sustainability Awards: Reflections & Gratitude, John Aber
UNH Sustainability Institute's Partnership with the Paul College of Business & Economics and the Carsey School of Public Policy Announces the Changemaker Collaborative, Sustainability Institute
UNH Sustainability Tool SIMAP Upgraded to Calculate Scope 3 Emissions, Keith Testa
UNH to Map Current and Planned Broadband to Improve Coverage in Granite State, Robbin Ray
UNH To Welcome Highest-Achieving Undergrad Class Ever, Keith Testa
UNH/USNH Human Resources and Faculty Senate Joint Resolution on Shared Principles, Faculty Senate
Unions as Gendered Institutions: The Effects of Union Membership and Occupational Gender Composition on Parental Leave Access, Meghan Cormier-O'Leary
United States Air Force Aeromedical Evacuation Technician Direct Accession Process for Non-Prior Service Airmen, Evan Hatfield
United States Army Active Duty Certificate of Service for Captain Ivorey Cobb, September 30, 1957, Armed Forces of the United States
United States Army soldiers and Korean workers near wooden gangway, 1950-1953
United States Army soldiers and vehicles, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
United States Army soldiers gathered in front of Army vehicles, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
United States Army soldiers gather in parking lot, Unknown
United States Army soldiers holding welcome banner, Unknown
United States Army soldiers sitting in Army jeeps, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
United States Army trucks, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
United States Army World War II Service Certificate issued to Private Ivorey Cobb, November 24, 1942, Armed Forces of The United States
United States Military Police officers and soldiers standing along street, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
University of New Hampshire Announces December 2022 Graduates, Erika Mantz
University of New Hampshire Dean's List, Erika Mantz
University of New Hampshire, graduate catalog, 1991-1993, University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalog, 2005-2006 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalog, 2006-2007 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalog, 2007-2008 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire undergraduate catalog, 2008-2009 bulletin, University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire university catalogue, 1966-1967, University of New Hampshire
Unknown man and woman sitting on sofa smiling, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Unknown woman sitting on sofa crossing arms, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Unlocking the Gates of Change: Exploring the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Openness Toward Organizational Change, William A. Whipple III
Unraveling the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Layered Conductive Metal-Organic Framework With Atomic Precision, Zheng Meng, Christopher G. Jones, Sidra Farid, Islam Ullah Khan, Hosea M. Nelson, and Katherine A. Mirica
Upland sediment supply and its relation to watershed sediment delivery in the contemporary mid-Atlantic Piedmont (U.S.A.), S. M. C. Smith and P. R. Wilcock
Urbanization changes the composition and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in headwater streams, Thomas B. Parr, Christopher S. Cronan, Tsutomu Ohno, Stuart E. G. Findlay, Sean M. C. Smith, and Kevin S. Simon
URC Showcases Research From More Than 1,500 Students, Keith Testa
U.S. Births Remain Near 40-Year Low for Third Consecutive Year, Kenneth M. Johnson
Using a Professional Skills Framework to Support the Assessment of Dispositions in IT Education, David S. Bowers and Mihaela Sabin
Using Education to Improve Timeliness and Efficiency of Medication Administration in an Inpatient Hospital Setting: A Quality Improvement Project, Kevin Christopher Lane
Using Education to Promote Waste Segregation and Waste Reduction in the Operating Room: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Sarah E. Landgraf
Using Experience to Advance Life Professionally and Personally, Sustainability Institute
Using Imagery Collected by an Unmanned Aerial System to Monitor Cyanobacteria in New Hampshire, USA, Lakes, Christine Bunyon
Using Physical Computing Projects in Teaching Introductory Programming, Karen H. Jin, Howard Eglowstein, and Mihaela Sabin
Using Spatial Transcriptomics to Understand Renal Function in Desert Rodents, Sarah Nicholls and Molly Kephart
Using Variable-Resolution Grids to Model Precipitation from Atmospheric Rivers around the Greenland Ice Sheet, Annelise Nicole Waling
Utilizing Outpatient Telehealth as a Treatment Approach for Patients with Substance Use Disorder: A Quality Improvement Project, Veronica Kwegyir-Afful
Vaccine Education Pathway Flyer, UNH Cooperative Extension
Valuation of Crypto FinTech, Clay B. Courtmanche
Valuation of Crypto FinTech Companies and Bitcoin, Clay Courtmanche
Valuing albedo as an ecosystem service: implications for forest management, David A. Lutz and Richard B. Howarth
Varsity Certificate for Track Athletics given by the Pittsburgh Public Schools Department of Hygiene to Ivorey Cobb, June 22, 1931, Pittsburgh Public Schools Department of Hygiene
Verified Elite Training Systems (V.E.T.S): Our Business Launch, John Gaudet
Vermonters Divided on Holiday Greeting; More Likely to Have Real Christmas Tree 12/20/2023, UNH Survey Center
Vermonters Say Housing Most Serious Problem in State; Majority Favor Extending Homeless Housing Program 3/23/2023, UNH Survey Center
Violence & Aggression in Health Care, Peter Antal
Virtual Realities, Sustainability Institute
Volunteer management in the white mountain national forest districts: A study on the effectiveness and efficiency of volunteer service, Jordan Sizemore
Vulnerability in higher education leadership, Melissa Plante
Vulnerability of Boston’s Marginalized Communities to Rising Sea Levels, Piper Mary Cobak and Mary Stampone
Vyas Earns Change Agent Honor from NCORE, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Vyas Receives National Recognition for Contributions to Student Leadership Programs, UNH Communications and Public Affairs
Wakondah Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Walk With Ease Pathway Flyer, UNH Cooperative Extension
Water Dynamics in a Peptide-appended Pillar[5]arene Artificial Channel in Lipid and Biomimetic Membranes, Daniel Ryan Barden and Harish Vashisth
Water Quality Considerations in Landscaping, Thomas Swenson and Julia Peterson
Water Resource Protection Principles and Strategies, Julia Peterson
We All Belong on the Island, Rebecca Irelan
Weaving strands of knowledge: Leaning about environmental change in the Bhutan Himalayas, Sameer Honwad, Andrew D. Coppens, Greg DeFrancis, Marcos Stafne Montshire, and Shivaraj Bhattarai
Webinar Access to Nature & Its Economic Implications, Shannon Rogers Ph.D., Cody G. Crytzer, Scott Lemos Ph.D., Catherine M. Ashcraft Ph.D., Molly Donovan, Maddie Smith, Samantha Trombley, and Janel Lawton
Webinar for UNH Faculty: Exploring Problem Solving and Sustainable Solutions, Sustainability Institute
Weinberg Becomes UNH’s Seventh Truman Scholar, Keith Testa
Well Connected Communities 2021 Social Network Analysis, Julien KOUAMÉ
Wellness Wheel Action Guide, Michele Kroll
Weltpolitik und Weltkrieg: Second International Socialism and Imperialism (1907-1914), Luke P. Taylor
Weltpolitik und Weltkrieg: The Imperialism Debate within Second International Socialism (1884-1917), Luke P. Taylor
Wentworth Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
What Granite Staters Need to Know About Medicaid, New Hampshire DHHS
What is a Plan of Safe Care? An Introduction to Best Practices in New Hampshire, Lucy C. Hodder, David J. Laflamme, and Kali Giovanditto
What is diversity and why is it important?, Aura Huot
What Most Facilitates Thriving for Undergraduate Engineering Students? A Rank Order Investigation of Engineering Experts, Julia Rizzo and Julianna Gesun
What people know, Lawrence C. Hamilton
What Roles does Emotional Intelligence Play in Leadership?, Xueyun Zhang
When It Comes to Well Water in the Summer, All Is Not Well, Robbin Ray
Where the Wild Moose Are, Nicholas Gosling
White Pond 2022 Water Quality Highlight Report, Robert Craycraft and Amanda McQuaid
Who’s Bringing the Fungi?, Nicolas Gosling
Who’s Responsible for Employee Morale?, Benjamin Jean
Why does our culture treat driving speed limits with minimum value?, Eric Scott
Why Interstate Child Care Scholarship Policy Choices Matter in the Upper Valley: "You can only charge the families so much", Sarah Boege and Jessica A. Carson
Why rhetoric matters for ecology, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke and Bridie McGreavy
Why should I care about reparative cataloging, Sarah H. Theimer
Wigner's Theorem for Semi-finite von Neumann Algebras, Devin Daley Gent
Wildlife Corridors Brochure, Haley Andreozzi
Will Dam Removal Increase Nitrogen Flux to Estuaries?, Arthur J. Gold, Kelly Addy, Alisa Morrison, and Marissa Simpson
Winners Announced for 10th Annual NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge, Sustainability Institute
Winners Announced for Annual Innovative Idea Competition, Sustainability Institute
Winter Energy Costs & High Interest Rates Affecting Granite Staters; Most See Housing as Serious Problem 12/1/2023, UNH Survey Center
With a Little Gardening Help From Some Friends, Nicholas Gosling
Woman and child outside of house, 1950-1953, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Women in leadership: An analysis of bias and its effects in the workplace, Mary Leighton
Women in television and film: How on-screen roles and behind-the-scenes jobs limit the future of females in the industry, Lauren Foster
Women in the Woods, Amy Gaudreau
Women in the Woods: A Needs Assessment Approach to Understanding Women Forestland Owners and Managers in New Hampshire, Amy Gaudreau
Woodlot Wanderings April 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings August 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings February 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings July 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings June 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings March 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings May 2023, Ray Berthiaume
Woodlot Wanderings September 2023 - Timber Stand Improvement, Ray Berthiaume
Worker Health and Hygiene Fact Sheet, Ann Hamilton
Work-Life Balance, Aimee Lee
Work-Life Balance Initiatives for a Multi-Generational Staff in Rural Vermont Setting, Oliver Jody
Work limitations as a moderator of the relationship between job crafting and work performance: results from an SEM analysis of cross-sectional survey data, Vidya Sundar and Debra L. Brucker
Workplace Compliance with OSHA and CDC Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study, Andrew Perry
Worksheet: 10 Point Spring Tune-Up for Tourism and Hospitality Businesses, Jada Lindblom Ph.D. and Penelope Whitman M.T.A.
Worksheet - Air Blast Sprayer, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration, George Hamilton and Amy Papineau
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration 1/128th Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Backpack Sprayer Calibration Actual Area Sprayed Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Boom Sprayer 128th Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Boom Sprayer 1 Minute Method, George Hamilton
Worksheet - Boom Weed Sprayer, George Hamilton
Write Free or Die: Vol. 09, No. 02, UNH Writing Programs
Write Free or Die: Vol. 10, No. 01, UNH Writing Programs
Yemen and the Dynamics of Foreign Intervention in Failed States, Bryn Lauer
Young Colombian Dancer, 2018, Becky Field
Young Congolese Boy with Red Lunch Box, 2019, Becky Field
Young Elsie Margaret Stanton Cobb standing outside family home, Unknown
Young Gretel Anne Cobb crying, Unknown
Young Gretel Anne Cobb sitting on rug, 1947, Unknown
Young Gretel Anne Cobb sitting on rug, 1947, Unknown
Young Gretel Anne Cobb standing with Hurns boy, ca. 1948, Unknown
Young Marilyn and Gretel Cobb holding hands with friend, ca. 1948, Unknown
Young Marilyn and Gretel Cobb with Hurns family at the beach, ca. 1948, Unknown
Young Marilyn Cobb standing on beach while sister Gretel and friend play in water, ca. 1948, Unknown
Young Marilyn Eva Cobb, Unknown
Young Marilyn Eva Cobb and friend sitting in grass, Cobb, Ivorey, 1911-1992
Young Marilyn Eva Cobb and Gretel Anne Cobb with cousin Eddie Taylor, 1950, Unknown
Young Marilyn Eva Cobb indoors wearing overalls, Unknown
Young Marilyn Eva Cobb wearing headscarf and apron while holding books and bag, Unknown
Young Somali Woman at a Kitchen Window, 2014, Becky Field
Young Somali Woman in Black Hijab, 2013, Becky Field
Young Somali Woman in Black Hijab, 2013, Becky Field
Young Somali Woman in Pink Hijab, 2014, Becky Field
Young Somali Woman on Her Porch, 2013, Becky Field
Youth identity and postsecondary decision making in a rural state: evidence of a College for All master narrative, Jayson Seaman, Cindy L. Hartman, Andrew D. Coppens, Erin H. Sharp, Sarah Jusseaume, and Molly Donovan
Zotero Basics, Eleta Exline