"New Hampshire Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber " by UNH Cooperative Extension



The New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands and UNH Cooperative Extension would like to thank the members of the Best Management Practices Revision Committee who assisted in providing direction, guidance and expertise in the preparation of this manual. Committee members include: Susan Francher, NH Division of Forests and Lands Sarah Smith, UNH Cooperative Extension Linda Magoon, NH Department of Environmental Services Ken Desmarais, NH Division of Forests and Lands Scott Rineer, Wagner Management Ltd Karl Honkonen, USDA Forest Service K. Roger Simmons, Jr., White Mountain National Forest Robert Colter, White Mountain National Forest Michael Lynch, USDA Natural Resource Conserv. Service Hunter Carbee, North Country Procurement JB Cullen, Forester (retired) Many other state and federal agencies provided insight, inspiration and illustrations from their BMPs, which helped tremendously in developing this guide. Special thanks go to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Maine Forest Service from whose manuals we borrowed liberally. Illustrations on the following pages provided by Ingeborg V. Seaboyer, http://www.derryareaartists.com: Cover page, 9,17,26,34,39,40,53,55,65,66,70

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