"Transferring Leadership Knowledge with Follow-On Training for Enlisted" by Michael Caracoglia


This research project discusses follow-on training as an enhancement to the leadership development process for enlisted Airmen in the United States Air Force. Selection of this topic was based on personal observations of a learning retention gap after enlisted members complete a Professional Military Education (PME) learning event. The methods used were primarily researched from journal articles, books, periodicals, and Air Force documents. The results revealed follow-on training enhances leadership development by reinforcing the curriculum through repetition and application. Also, follow-on training increases the likelihood of transferring learning back to the workplace. The research concludes that adopting a follow-on training process creates a deeper understanding and confidence with the Institutional Competencies which benefits the Air Force with increase in commitment, bench strength, and retention rates of its members.

Project Type


College or School

College of Professional Studies Granite Division

Program or Major



Winter 2017
