Honors Theses and Capstones
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Harnessing pDNA Hydrogels for Cell-Free mRNA Synthesis, Rachel A. Achong
From IT to AI: Analysis of Skill–Biased Technological Change in Europe, Stav Alkalay
Density Dependent Calling Behavior in North Pacific Humpback Whales, Lucas J. Anderson
Assessment of Open Top Chambers to Simulate Effects of Climate Change on Soil Temperature and Cover Crop Response in Agricultural Systems, Gretchen Bahmueller
Investigating Roles of Protein Phosphatase Subunits in the Arabidopsis Root Response to Salt Stress, Casey P. Baumann
Investigating the Function of Protein S-acyltransferase 2 in Arabidopsis thaliana using CRISPR Mutants, Nicole Benjamin
Consumer Preference in Politics: Polarization in the US Two-Party System, Jocelyne Y. Bisson
Exploring the Evolutionary Dynamics of the p53 Gene in Ecdysozoans: Implications for Cancer Biology and Genetic Regulation, Joseph Brian Bodenrader
Equine Rescue Success in the United States: A Statistical Analysis, Carly J. Cave
Imputation Strategies for Different Categories of Missing Data, Karthik Chalumuri
Intergenerational Comparison of Inequality and Standard of Living, Jillian Cookinham
A free-boundary successive over-relaxation Grad-Shafranov Equation Solver, Alec J. Damsell
Inclusivity of In Vitro Fertilization Clinic Websites, Erin Donahue
Understanding Hospital-Based Nurse End-of-Life Care, Knowledge, and Comfort: A Quality Improvement Project, Emma Doran
Looking for the Answer: Exploring the Choice Between AI and Search Engines, Joseph Driscoll
Utilizing Plasmid DNA Hydrogels for Cell-Free Protein Production, Tinotenda Duche
Fluorotelomer Carboxylic Acid Degradation: Implications for Septic Systems, Alexis Marie Eaton
Cataloging and Locating Icequakes on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica to Determine Long Term Rift Behavior, Simon F. Eisl
The Economic Impacts of Digital Nomads in Medellin, Colombia, Bernadette Patricia Farmer
Financial Considerations for U.S. Equine Rescues: A Comparison of Adoption-based vs. Sanctuary-based Organizations, Carolyn V. Frank
Implementation of the Dutch Biking System In The United States Subject: Portsmouth NH, Linda K. Freeman
Giving Workers the 'Green Light': Defining Green Jobs and Exploring their Distribution in the US, Cole Fuller
Comparing Calcium, Vitamin D, and Calorie Intakes Among UNH Army ROTC Cadets with Low and Normal Bone Mineral Status, Ava Gaudette
Tender Bonds: The Effect of Emotions and Parenting Styles on Rule-Violating Behaviors, Courtney K. Goodwin and Ellen Cohn
Distribution of Tick Species on Free-ranging Ungulates in Northern New England, Karisa Graham
National Park Visits and Climate: Are rising temperatures affecting visitation rates?, Olivia Graves-Witherell
A Review of Executive Functioning and Social Communication Supports for Neurodiverse College Students, Reilly Morgan Gray
Instances of Undecidability in the Semigroup Word Problem, Timothy C. Grosky
Land Analysis of a 33 Acre Parcel in Deerfield, NH, Chloe C. Gross
The Inflation Reduction Act’s Role in Shaping Pharmaceutical Investment Strategies, Grace Harbour
Investing in Love: The Finances of Getting Married, Allison Frances Ivers
Global Analysis of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor, Joseph P. Jayne
Nursing Education and Comfort Level in Caring for Patients with Eating Disorders, Jaylyn E. Jewell
Analysis on the Correlation of ESG Exposure Ratings on ETF Performance, Brendan C. Kelly
Prospective Associations of Fish Consumption in Cognitive Function and Depressive Symptoms Among Puerto Rican Adults, Johanna Grace Koroma
Seasonality of Red Oak (Quercus rubra) Leaf Trait Changes Across a Canopy Height Gradient, Arielle Ann Kotulak
Environmental Taxation in Spain: Policy and Practice, Emily Sang Lynch
Artificial Intelligence in Stock Analysis and Portfolio Building, Sean M. Lynch
College Sports as a Business: How Name, Image, & Likeness Deals Have Altered the Way Colleges Operate, Jake Alexander MacInnis
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Analysis and Discovery, Payton Maddaloni
Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Analysis and Discovery, Payton Summer Maddaloni
Securing Internet of Things (IoT) Data Storage, Savannah Malo
Investigation of the Causative Agent of Canine Leproid Granuloma Infection Cases in the Northeastern United States, Nicole J. Marcotte
Alpaca Assisted Activities in the New England Alpaca Industry: A Possible Solution to Farm Profitability and Participant Mental Health, Ashley Michele Masse
Alpaca Assisted Activities in the New England Alpaca Industry: A Possible Solution to Farm Profitability and Participant Mental Health, Ashley Michele Masse
Artificial Intelligence and the Entertainment Industry, Caroline Rae McCarthy
Student Perspectives on the Adequacy of Mental Health Curriculum within the College of Health and Human Services at UNH, Brianna Lee Meyer
The Future of Building: The Potential Impacts of 3D Printing Within the Construction Industry, Alyssa Morrison
Understanding Large Accounting Firm Perceptions on the Decline of Accounting Graduates and Implications of Supply Shortages, Lilie Murray
Judging Our New Judges: Why We Must Remove Artificial Intelligence from Our Courtrooms Now, Kieran Duffy Newcomb
“Slaves of the State:” the Exploitation of Women Through Convict Leasing, Beth F. Newton
The Lighthouse Keepers Daughter: The Life and Work of Celia Laighton Thaxter, Haley J. Parker
Social Workers in Human Resources, Alexandra H. Pogany
Non-Invasive Monitoring Device for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema, Amy Prendergast
Exploring Lexical Stress Perception: An Investigation Across Varied Listener Experience with Prosody, Olivia J. Pride
Supply and consumption of dissolved organic phosphorus across the subtropical Indian Ocean, Corinne Richard
Developing a Gender Diverse Stimulus Set for Emotion Expressions, Amir Robertson
Does Hookup Culture Silence Women?, Kylee Rose Rock
Do Duckweeds Adapt to Water and Microbes?, Ava M. Rose
Investigation of the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Juvenile Homarus americanus Feeding Behavior, Sophia Roy
Impact of HDAC Inhibitors on the Efficiency of Cardiomyocyte Differentiation, Lauren Mary Sargent
Unsung Heroes in Conservation: Evaluating the Limitations Faced by New England Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers and Proposing Solutions for their Support and Recognition, Shaylee M. Sarmiento
Feminist Environmental Ethics: A Modern, Intersectional Approach, Suzanne E. Scharff
The Influence of DRD2 Polymorphism Exon 8 C/T (rs6276) on Manifestations of Delirium Tremens & Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures, Naomi Schneider
The Effect of Phase-Separated Microstructures on Cell Migration in 3D Dextran Hydrogels, Jenifer Sidhwa
Investigation of Charge Density Waves and Layer Stacking in Niobium Ditelluride, Gavin J. Smith
The Expansion of Language Interpretation Services Post-Executive Order 13166: Effects on Maternal and Fetal Outcomes of Non-English-Speaking Patients, Lilly Annabelle Smith
An Updated Outline for Clearing and Staining of Preserved Specimens, Sadie E. Smith
Defensive Impact Wins: Developing a New Method to Rate Individual Defense in NBA Games, Dylan J. Stiles
Distribution and Diagnosis of Listeria monocytogenes in New England from 2016-2023, Diana Caroline Stover
How World’s Fairs Conceive of the Future During Times of Turmoil, Mikayla Lauren Tilden
A New Industry For Student- Athletes: An Analysis of NIL Implications on Well-being and Team Dynamics, Jamison W. White
Implementation of Stronger Community Resilience in the United States Before Natural Disasters Strike, Andrew J. Widdekind
The Continuation of Thoroughbred Racing: A Dual Mission, Isabella V. Williams
Investigating the Relationship between Politics and Education, Alaina M. Winrow
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Individual Behavioral and Neurobiological Markers Associated with a Vulnerable to Ethanol use Phenotype, Kelsey M. Alimandi
Taxonomic Classification of Viral and Bacterial DNA Following 2021 Avian Mass Mortality Event, Tessa Baillargeon
Drug Research in Inhibiting BCL6 in Ovarian Cancer, Quinn E. Beek and Sarah Walker
Investigating the Role of Bromodomain Proteins on Histone Post-Translational Modifications in Toxoplasma gondii, Joshua Steven Berthiaume
Public Opinion of the SEC’s Proposal for Mandatory Climate Disclosures, Isaac Blanchette
The Prevalence and Impact of Dairy/Beef Crosses on Cattle Producers in New Hampshire, Eleanor J. Braun
Anti-Queer Policy as it Translates to Violence Against the LGBT Community, Kendall Bush
Revolutionary Advances in the Treatment of Genetic Disease, Emma Kaitlyn Carrigan
Odd Bedfellows & Marriage of Necessity: Public Health and Politics in American Federalism, Gabriella Victoria Chianese
Investigation of the Function of Protein Acyl Transferases using CRISPR-Cas9 to Create Null Mutants, Claire E. Christopher
NBA Tean Valuation: What Drives Value?, Jackson Cleary
Effects of Aging on the Reproductive Success of Female Saltmarsh Sparrows (Ammospiza caudacutus) in Maine and New Hampshire, Isabella Rose Collamati
Index Funds and ETFs: Simplifying Investing for Better Returns, Patrick J. Cotton
Valuation of Crypto FinTech Companies and Bitcoin, Clay Courtmanche
Consumer's Perceptions of Sustainable Products Through Social Media, Alessandra M. Cutone
Nutritive comparison of ruminant feed, integrating crab and lobster meal, Kelsi L. Devolve
The relationship between alpha-defensin 1 and gut microbiome composition in a population of Bhutanese refugee adults with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, Daisha Alana Drake
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Do Female Auditors in Public Accounting Shine?, Katie DuBois
Developing Honey Bee Diagnostics at the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostics Lab: Successes and Challenges, Mary Feranda
Predictors of Summer Chloride Concentrations in Urban Aquatic Ecosystems, Georgianna S. Fischer
Identification of Novel Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Encoding for Polyketide/NRPs-Producing Chemotherapeutic Compounds from Marine-Derived Streptomyces hygroscopicus from a Marine Sanctuary, Hannah Ruth Flaherty
Language as Resistance: An Exploration of the Use and Implications of Spanish in Three Memoirs by Female Chicana Authors, Ella Ross Franzoni