"Investigation of the Causative Agent of Canine Leproid Granuloma Infec" by Nicole J. Marcotte

Honors Theses and Capstones

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Project Type

Senior Honors Thesis

College or School


Program or Major

Animal Science

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

First Advisor

Jacqueline Marr

Second Advisor

David Needle

Third Advisor

Muriel Kelly


Canine leproid granuloma syndrome (CLGS) is a form of disease in dogs of many breeds that is characterized by a skin infection in the subcutis and/or dermis. The granulomas that form as a result of infection are typically non pruritic, alopecic, raised, and firm. These mass-like granulomas can ulcerate, causing further infection beneath the skin surface, and are present in areas of the body such as the ears, head, neck, and extremities. CLGS has been known to infect dogs of different breeds and ages, but has most commonly been reported to infect shorthaired, large sized breeds. This disease is suspected to be caused by a nontuberculous form of Mycobacterium spp and has displayed significant sequence identity with mycobacterial species such as Mycobacterium tilburgii, Mycobacterium interjectum, M. simiae and Mycobacterium genavense. The etiological agent species is currently unknown. Because of this, scientists and veterinarians alike are eager to discover the species of bacterium causing infection in cases of CLGS. Using a variety of methodologies including DNA extraction, polymerase chain reactions (PCR), gel electrophoresis, and gene sequencing, the etiological agent was identified as a mycobacterial species. DNA was obtained and amplified from the available tissue samples from previous cases of CLGS infection and sent off for sequencing to determine the species of Mycobacterium spp. Findings supported the genus of Mycobacterium spp, as the gross lesions, histopathological diagnosis, and molecular diagnostic tests produced results consistent with mycobacterial infections. Understanding the species of the etiological agent causing disease can further aid veterinarians in prescribing the correct treatment for animals and can further help scientists learn more about the unknown bacterium, how it spreads in the environment, and how to prevent the spread of further infection.
