
Submissions from 2009


Mycorrhizal fungi supply nitrogen to host plants in Arctic tundra and boreal forests: 15N is the key signal, John E. Hobbie, Erik A. Hobbie, Howard Drossman, Maureen Conte, J. C. Weber, Julee Shamhart, and Melissa Weinrobe


Consequences of climate change for biogeochemical cycling in forests of northeastern North America, John L. Cambell, Lindsey E. Rustad, Elizabeth W. Boyer, Sheila F. Christopher, Charles T. Driscoll, Ivan J. Fernandez, Peter M. Groffman, Daniel Houle, Jana Kiekbusch, Alison H. Magill, Myron J. Mitchell, and Scott V. Ollinger


Are biogenic emissions a significant source of summertime atmospheric toluene in the rural Northeastern United States?, Marguerite L. White, Rachel S. Russo, Yong Zhou, Jesse L. Ambrose, Karl B. Haase, E. K. Frinak, Ruth K. Varner, Oliver W. Wingenter, Huiting Mao, Robert W. Talbot, and Barkley C. Sive


Accuracy and Error Analysis of Global and Local Maps: Lessons Learned and Future Considerations, Russell G. Congalton


Accuracy Assessment of Spatial Data Sets, Russell G. Congalton


Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices, Russell G. Congalton and K. Green


Asymmetric Associations and Affective Evaluations: Influences of Positive and Negative Affect, Bruce E. Pfeiffer, Paul Herr, and Christine M. Page


Determination of Protein Purity, David G. Rhodes and Thomas M. Laue


Earthquake Control of Holocene Turbidite Frequency Confirmed by Hemipelagic Sedimentation Chronology on the Cascadia and Northern California Active Continental Margins, Julia Gutierrez-Pastor, C. Hans Nelson, Chris Goldfinger, Joel E. Johnson, Carlota Escutia, Andrew T. Eriksson, Ann E. Morey, and The Shipboard Scientific Party


Impacts of Marine Docks on Eelgrass in New England: A Spreadsheet-Based Model for Managers and Planners, David M. Burdick, Frederick T. Short, and Gregg Moore


Methods for Measuring Size, Molecular Weight and Presence of Subunits, David G. Rhodes, R. E. Bossio, and Thomas M. Laue


On Archaeology and the Study of Ritual: Considering Inadequacies in the Culture-History Approach and Quests for Internal “Meaning”, Meghan L. Howey and John O'Shea


Remote Sensing for Terrestrial Biogeochemical Modeling, G. P. Asner and Scott V. Ollinger


The Role of Temporal Construal in Omission Neglect, Helene Deval, Bruce E. Pfeiffer, Douglas R. Ewing, Xiaoqi Han, Frank R. Kardes, and Maria L. Cronley

Submissions from 2008


The regional and global significance of nitrogen removal in lakes and reservoirs, John A. Harrison, Roxane J. Maranger, Richard B. Alexander, Anne E. Giblin, Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Emilio Mayorga, Sybil P. Seitzinger, Daniel J. Sobota, and Wilfred M. Wollheim


An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea, Martin Hemmert, Hiroyuki Okamuro, Ludwig Bstieler, and Klaus Ruth


Slash and Burn Agriculture: A Dynamic Spatio-temporal Model of Shifting Cultivation Locations and Areas, Amanda M. Plagge, Steve Frolking, L P. Chini, and George C. Hurtt


Nitrogen deposition effects on soil organic matter chemistry are linked to variation in enzymes, ecosystems and size fractions, A. Stuart Grandy, Robert L. Sinsabaugh, Jason C. Neff, Martina Stursova, and Donald R. Zak


Thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration to elevated temperature, Mark A. Bradford, Christian A. Davies, Serita D. Frey, Thomas R. Maddox, Jerry M. Melillo, Jacqueline E. Mohan, James F. Reynolds, Kathleen K. Treseder, and Matthew D. Wallenstein


Leaf Area Index (LAI) Change Detection Analysis on Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Following Complete Understory Removal, John S. Liames, Russell G. Congalton, Andrew N. Pilant, and Timothy E. Lewis


Adjustment of Forest Ecosystem Root Respiration as Temperature Warms, Andrew J. Burton, Jerry M. Melillo, and Serita D. Frey


Assessment of clear and cloudy sky parameterizations for daily downwelling longwave radiation over different land surfaces in Florida, USA, Minha Choi, Jennifer M. Jacobs, and William P. Kustas


Hydrocarbon characteristics in fusion edge plasmas from electron-molecule and ion-surface collision experiments, Alexander Kendl, K. Becker, Stephan Denifl, Olof Echt, N. Endstrasser, B. Farizon, S. Feil, L. Feketeova, V. Grill, Z. Herman, Tilmann D. Mark, S. Matejcik, S. Matt-Leubner, Michael Probst, Bilal Rasul, Paul Scheier, W. Schustereder, J. D. Skalny, Philipp Sulzer, M. Winkler, and Fabio Zappa


Stoichiometry of soil enzyme activity at global scale, Robert L. Sinsabaugh, Christian L. Lauber, Michael N. Weintraub, Bony Ahmed, Steven D. Allison, Chelsea Crenshaw, Alexandra R. Contosta, Daniela Cusack, Serita D. Frey, Marcy E. Gallo, Tracy B. Gartner, Sarah E. Hobbie, Keri Holland, Bonnie L. Keeler, Jennifer S. Powers, Martina Stursova, Cristina Takacs-Vesbach, Mark P. Waldrop, Matthew D. Wallenstein, Donald R. Zak, and Lydia H. Zeglin


Dynamics of N removal over annual time periods in a suburban river network, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Bruce J. Peterson, S. M. Thomas, Charles S. Hopkinson, and Charles J. Vorosmarty


Optimization of an oxygen-based approach for community-level physiological profiling of soils, Maria C. Zabaloy, R. Michael Lehman, Serita D. Frey, and Jay L. Garland


A generalizable method for remote sensing of canopy nitrogen across a wide range of forest ecosystems, Mary E. Martin, Lucie C. Plourde, Scott V. Ollinger, Marie-Louise Smith, and B. E. McNeil


Accountability as a Meta-Problem, Melvin J. Dubnick


Attention to treatment fidelity in social work outcomes: A review of the literature from the 1990s, Anita Reithoffer Tucker and Betty Blythe


The earliest stages of ecosystem succession in high-elevation (5000 metres above sea level), recently deglaciated soils, Steven K. Schmidt, Sasha C. Reed, Diana R. Nemergut, A. Stuart Grandy, Cory C. Cleveland, Michael N. Weintraub, Andrew W. Hill, Elizabeth K. Costello, A. F. Meyer, J. C. Neff, and A. M. Martin


Microbial biomass, functional capacity, and community structure after 12 years of soil warming, Serita D. Frey, R. Drijber, H. Smith, and J. Melillo


Remote sensing observatory validation of surface soil moisture using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E, Common Land Model, and ground based data: Case study in SMEX03 Little River Region, Georgia, U.S., Minha Choi, Jennifer M. Jacobs, and David D. Bosch


The Western Arctic Linkage Experiment (WALE): Overview and Synthesis, A. D. McGuire, J. E. Walsh, J. S. Kimball, J. S. Clein, S. E. Euskirchen, S. Drobot, U. C. Herzfeld, J. Maslanik, Richard B. Lammers, M. A. Rawlins, and J. Maslanik


Global N removal by freshwater aquatic systems using a spatially distributed, within‐basin approach, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Charles J. Vorosmarty, A. F. Bouwman, Pamela Green, John Harrison, Ernst Linder, Bruce J. Peterson, Sybil P. Seitzinger, and James P. M. Syvitski


The Arctic Water Resource Vulnerability Index: An Integrated Assessment Tool for Community Resilience and Vulnerability with Respect to Freshwater, Lilian Alessa, Andrew Kliskey, Richard B. Lammers, Chris Arp, Dan White, Larry Hinzman, and Robert Busey


Diversity and abundance of earthworms across an agricultural land-use intensity gradient, Richard G. Smith, Claire P. McSwiney, A. Stuart Grandy, Pongthep Suwanwaree, Renate M. Snider, and G. Philip Robertson




The Aernoult-Rousset Affair: Military Justice on Trial in Belle Époque France, John J. Cerullo


Natural Abundance of 15N in Nitrogen-Limited Forests and Tundra Can Estimate Nitrogen Cycling Through Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Review, Erik A. Hobbie and John E. Hobbie


Nitrogen form, availability, and mycorrhizal colonization affect biomass and nitrogen isotope patterns in Pinus sylvestris, Erik A. Hobbie, Jan V. Colpaert, Marguerite W. White, Andrew P. Ouimette, and Stephen A. Macko


Cutting Edge Structural Protein from the Jaws of Nereis virens, Chris C. Broomell, Susan F. Chase, Thomas M. Laue, and J. Herbert Waite


Controls on atmospheric chloroiodomethane (CH2ClI) in marine environments, Ruth K. Varner, Yong Zhou, Rachel S. Russo, Oliver W. Wingenter, Elliot Atlas, Craig Stroud, Huiting Mao, Robert W. Talbot, and Barkley C. Sive


Climatically driven loss of calcium in steppe soil as a sink for atmospheric carbon, A. G. Lapenis, G. B. Lawrence, S. W. Bailey, B. F. Aparin, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, N. A. Speranskaya, M. S. Torn, and M. Calef


Bromoform and dibromomethane measurements in the seacoast region of New Hampshire, 2002–2004, Yong Zhou, Huiting Mao, Rachel S. Russo, Donald R. Blake, Oliver W. Wingenter, Karl B. Haase, Jesse L. Ambrose, Ruth K. Varner, Robert W. Talbot, and Barkley C. Sive


Spatial partitioning of biomass and diversity in a lowland Bolivian forest: Linking field and remote sensing measurements, Eben N. Broadbent, Gregory P. Asner, Marielos Pena-Claros, Michael W. Palace, and Marlene Soriano


Volatile organic compounds in northern New England marine and continental environments during the ICARTT 2004 campaign, Marguerite L. White, Rachel S. Russo, Yong Zhou, Huiting Mao, Ruth K. Varner, Jesse L. Ambrose, P. Veres, Oliver W. Wingenter, Karl B. Haase, J. Stutz, Robert W. Talbot, and Barkley C. Sive


Temporal Variability Corrections for Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E (AMSR-E) Surface Soil Moisture: Case Study in Little River Region, Georgia, U.S., Minha Choi and Jennifer M. Jacobs


Molecular characterization of four genes involved in sulfur metabolism in Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh, Subhash C. Minocha, Matt Hunt, and Dennis E. Mathews


Late Holocene Rupture of the Northern San Andreas Fault and Possible Stress Linkage to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Chris Goldfinger, Kelly Grijalva, Roland Burgmann, Ann E. Morey, Joel E. Johnson, C. Hans Nelson, Julia Gutierrez-Pastor, Andrew T. Eriksson, Eugene Karabanov, Jason D. Chaytor, Jason R. Patton, and Eulalia Gracia


Metastable Dissociation of Anions Formed by Electron Attachment, Fabio Zappa, Manuel Beikircher, Andreas Mauracher, Stephan Denifl, Michael Probst, Natcha Injan, Jumras Limtrakul, Arntraud Bacher, Olof Echt, Tilmann D. Mark, Paul Scheier, Thomas A. Field, and Karola Graupner


The Modulation Of Transthyretin Tetramer Stability By Cysteine-10 Adducts And The Drug Diflunisal: Direct Analysis By Fluorescence-detected Analytical Ultracentrifugation, Jonathan S. Kingsbury, Thomas M. Laue, Elena S. Klimtchuk, Roger Theberge, Catherine E. Costello, and Lawreen H. Connors


Residue Carbon Stabilization in Soil Aggregates of No-Till and Tillage Management of Dryland Cropping Systems, Gabe P. Olchin, Stephen Ogle, Serita D. Frey, Timothy R. Filley, Keith Paustian, and Johan Six


Tracing freshwater anomalies through the air‐land‐ocean system: A case study from the Mackenzie river basin and the Beaufort Gyre, Michael A. Rawlins, Michael Steele, Mark C. Serreze, Charles J. Vorosmarty, Wendy Ermold, Richard B. Lammers, Kyle C. McDonald, Tamlin M. Pavelsky, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, and Jinlun Zhang


Comparisons between PnET-Day and eddy covariance based gross ecosystem production in two Northern Wisconsin forests, Soung-Ryoul Ryu, Jiquan Chen, Asko Noormets, Mary K. Bresee, and Scott V. Ollinger


Influence of tie strength characteristics and behavioural factors on knowledge acquisition: A study of Korean new product alliances, Ludwig Bstieler and Martin Hemmert


Origin of pockmarks and chimney structures on the flanks of the Storegga Slide, offshore Norway, Charles K. Paull, William Ussler III, W. Steven Holbrook, Tessa M. Hill, Rendy Keaten, Jurgen Mienert, Haflidi Haflidason, Joel E. Johnson, William J. Winters, and Thomas D. Lorenson


Validation of an integrated estimation of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) leaf area index (LAI) utilizing two indirect optical methods in the southeastern United States., John S. Liames, Russell G. Congalton, Andrew N. Pilant, and Timothy E. Lewis


Molecular C dynamics downstream: The biochemical decomposition sequence and its impact on soil organic matter structure and function, A. Stuart Grandy and Jason C. Neff


Analytical Ultracentrifugation: Sedimentation Velocity and Sedimentation Equilibrium, James L. Cole, Jeffrey W. Lary, Thomas P. Moody, and Thomas M. Laue


Assessment of Select Climate Change Impacts on U.S. National Security, Marc A. Levy, Bridget Anderson, Melanie Brickman, Chris Cromer, Brian Falk, Balazs Fekete, Pamela Green, Malanding S. Jaiteh, Richard B. Lammers, Valentina Mara, Kytt MacManus, Steve Metzler, Maria Muniz, Thomas Parris, Randy Pullen, Catherine Thorkelson, Charles J. Vorosmarty, Wilfred Wollheim, Xiaoshi Xing, and Gregory G. Yetman


Camp, Cache, Stay Awhile: Preliminary Considerations of the Social and Economic Processes of Cache Pits Along Douglas Lake, Michigan, Meghan L. Howey and Kathryn E. Parker


Ceramic Variability, Subsistence Economies, and Settlement Patterns in the Jornada Mogollon, Meghan L. Howey and Thomas R. Rocek


Conversational Inference and the Trivial Attribute Effect, Bruce E. Pfeiffer, Susan Powell Mantel, and Frank R. Kardes


Developing trust in vertical product development partnerships: A comparison of South Korea and Austria, Ludwig Bstieler and Martin Hemmert


Electron impact ionization/dissociation of hydrocarbon molecules relevant to the edge plasma, Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Stephan Denifl, S. Feil, M. Winkler, Michael Probst, Olof Echt, S. Matt-Leubner, V. Grill, Paul Scheier, and Tilmann D. Mark


Electron Scattering on Neon Droplets: Singly and Multiply Charged Neon Clusters, Stephan Denifl, Fabio Zappa, I. Mahr, Paul Scheier, Olof Echt, and Tilmann D. Mark


Estimation of Forest Canopy Nitrogen Concentration (mg/g), Marie-Louise Smith, David Y. Hollinger, and Scott V. Ollinger


Landscape-Scale Carbon Sampling Strategy – Lessons Learned, John B. Bradford, P. Weishampel, Marie-Louise Smith, R. Kolka, David Y. Hollinger, R. A. Birdsey, Scott V. Ollinger, and M. G. Ryan


Missaukee Earthworks: Living Traditions and Material Evidence in Archaeologies of Religion, Meghan L. Howey


Monitoring Biodiversity of Select Restoration Sites in New Zealand, J. Bishop, Russell G. Congalton, and M. Becker


Pastures of plenty : the future of food, agriculture and environmental conservation in New England, John E. Carroll

Submissions from 2007


Rising minimum daily flows in northern Eurasian rivers: A growing influence of groundwater in the high‐latitude hydrologic cycle, Laurence C. Smith, Tamlin M. Pavelsky, Glen M. MacDonald, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, and Richard B. Lammers


Temporal and spatial variations in maximum river discharge from a new Russian data set, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Richard B. Lammers, M. A. Rawlins, L. C. Smith, and T. M. Pavelsky


Variability in river temperature, discharge, and energy flux from the Russian pan‐Arctic landmass, Richard B. Lammers, Jonathan W. Pundsack, and Alexander I. Shiklomanov




Relationships among remotely sensed soil moisture, precipitation and landslide events, Ram L. Ray and Jennifer M. Jacobs


Using multi-criteria cost surface analysis to explore past regional landscapes: a case study of ritual activity and social interaction in Michigan, AD 1200–1600, Meghan L. Howey


Paleoelevation Measurement on the Basis of Vesicular Basalts, Dork L. Sahagian and Alexander A. Prusevich


Potential effects of climate change and rising CO2 on ecosystem processes in northeastern U.S. forests, Scott V. Ollinger, C. L. Goodale, K. Hayhoe, and J. P. Jenkins


The application of electrical conductivity as a tracer for hydrograph separation in urban catchments, Brian A. Pellerin, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Xiahong Feng, and Charles J. Vorosmarty


A large terrestrial source of methyl iodide, Barkley C. Sive, Ruth K. Varner, Huiting Mao, Oliver W. Wingenter, and Robert W. Talbot


Surface runoff contribution of nitrogen during storm events in a forested watershed, Shirish Bhat, Kirk Hatfield, Jennifer M. Jacobs, Richard Lowrance, and Randall Williams


CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database, S. Luyssaert, I. Inglima, M. Jung, Andrew D. Richardson, M. Reichstein, D. Papale, S. L. Piao, E. D. Schulze, L. Wingate, G. Matteucci, L. Aragao, M. Aubinet, C. Beer, C. Bernhofer, K. G. Black, D. Bonal, J. M. Bonnefond, J. Chambers, P. Ciais, B. Cook, K. J. Davis, A. J. Dolman, B. Gielen, and Scott V. Ollinger


Regional ecosystem structure and function: ecological insights from remote sensing of tropical forests, Jeffrey Q. Chambers, Gregory P. Asner, Douglas C. Morton, Liana O. Anderson, Sassan S. Saatchi, Fernando D. B. Espirito-Santo, Michael W. Palace, and Carlos Souza Jr.


Statistical analysis of bubble and crystal size distributions: Application to Colorado Plateau basalts, Alexander A. Prusevich, Dork L. Sahagian, and William D. Carlson


Statistical analysis of bubble and crystal size distributions: Formulations and procedures, Alexander A. Prusevich, Dork L. Sahagian, and Evgeni P. Tsentalovich


Estimating species abundance in a northern temperate forest using spectral mixture analysis, Lucie C. Plourde, Scott V. Ollinger, Marie-Louise Smith, and Mary E. Martin


Relationships between military land use and storm-based indices of hydrologic variability, Shirish Bhat, Kirk Hatfield, Jennifer M. Jacobs, and Wendy D. Graham


Carbon structure and enzyme activities in alpine and forest ecosystems, A. Stuart Grandy, Jason C. Neff, and Michael N. Weintraub


Metastable C3H52+ Produced by Electron Impact of Propane, K. Gluch, S. Matt-Leubner, Olof Echt, and Paul Scheier


The ectomycorrhizal status of Calostoma cinnabarinum determined using isotopic, molecular, and morphological methods, Andrew W. Wilson, Erik A. Hobbie, and David S. Hibbett


Structural basis for recognition of SMRT/N-CoR by the MYND domain and its contribution to AML1/ETO's activity, Yizhou Liu, Wei Chen, Justin Gaudet, Thomas M. Laue, Nancy A. Speck, and John H. Bushweller


Improved rainfall-runoff estimates using remotely sensed soil moisture, Jennifer M. Jacobs, David M. Myers, and Brent M. Whitfield


Arctic, Chapter 5a in State of the Climate in 2006, J. Richter-Menge, J. Overland, A. Proshutinsky, V. Romanovsky, R. Armstrong, J. Morison, S. Nghiem, N. Oberman, D. Perovich, I. Rigor, L. Bengtsson, R. Przybylak, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, D. Walker, and J. Walsh


Arctic, Chapter 5b in State of the Climate in 2005, J. Richter-Menge; J. Overland; A. Proshutinsky; V. Romanovsky; J. C, Gascard; M. Karcher; J. Maslanik; D. Perovich; Alexander I. Shiklomanov; and D. Walker


Nanoparticle growth following photochemical α‐ and β‐pinene oxidation at Appledore Island during International Consortium for Research on Transport and Transformation/Chemistry of Halogens at the Isles of Shoals 2004, L. M. Russell, A. A. Mensah, Emily V. Fischer, Barkley C. Sive, Ruth K. Varner, William C. Keene, Jochen Stutz, and Alexander A. P. Pszenny


Inorganic chlorine and bromine in coastal New England air during summer, William C. Keene, Jochen Stutz, Alexander A. P. Pszenny, John R. Maben, Emily V. Fischer, Allen M. Smith, Roland von Glasow, Susanne Pechtl, Barkley C. Sive, and Ruth K. Varner


13C and 15N in microarthropods reveal little response of Douglas‐fir ecosystems to climate change, Erik A. Hobbie, Paul T. Rygiewicz, Mark G. Johnson, and Andrew R. Moldenke


Estimates of Cl atom concentrations and hydrocarbon kinetic reactivity in surface air at Appledore Island, Maine (USA), during International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation/Chemistry of Halogens at the Isles of Shoals, Alexander A. P. Pszenny, Emily V. Fischer, Rachel S. Russo, Barkley C. Sive, and Ruth K. Varner


Enhancing Water Cycle Measurements for Future Hydrologic Research, Henry W. Loescher, Jennifer M. Jacobs, Ole Wendroth, David A. Robinson, G. S. Poulos, K. McGuire, P. Reed, B. P. Mohanty, J. B. Shanley, and W. Krajewski