NEIGC Trips | New England Intercollegiate Geological Excursion Conference Collection | University of New Hampshire

The New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) began in 1901 with a field trip led by William Morris Davis to the terraces of the Westfield River in south-central Massachusetts. The conference has met annually since that time, with exceptions during World Wars I and II, and a two-year gap during 1913 and 1914.

For full guidbooks, visit our NEIGC Guidebooks collection.


Submissions from 1989


The Chain Lakes Massif and its Contact With a Cambrian Ophiolite and a Caradocian Granite, Boudette, Eugene L.; Boone, Gary M.; and Goldsmith, Richard


The Chain Lakes Massif and its Contact With a Cambrian Ophiolite and a Caradocian Granite, Boudette, Eugene L.; Boone, Gary M.; and Goldsmith, Richard


Turbidites and Melanges of the Madrid Formation, Central Maine, Bradley, Dwight and Hanson, Lindley


The Geology and Geochemistry of the Agamenticus Complex, York, Maine, Brooks, John A.; Gust, David A.; and Hussey, Arthur M. II


Environmental Geology Along the Sandy River, Farmington, ME, Eastler, Tom; Buckland, Andy; and Sproul, Joel


Mineralogic and Textural Evidence for Polymetamophism Along a Traverse from Oquossoc to Phillips to Weld, ME, Guidotti, C.V.


Signifigance of Al Silicate in Staurolite-Grade Rocks, Central Maine, Holdaway, M.J. and Dutrow, B.L.


Bedrock Geology of the Southeastern Margin of the Connecticut Valley - Gaspe Synclinorium in Somerset County, ME, Marvinney, Robert G.


Hydrogeology and Development Pressures, Newberg, Donald W. and Garrett, Peter


Guidebook for field trips in southern and west-central Maine, October 13, 14 and 15, 1989: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 81st annual meeting: title pages, table of contents, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) and Berry, Archie W. Jr.


Glacial Geology of the Androscoggin River Valley in Oxford County, Western Maine, Thompson, Woodrow B.


Illinoian and Late Wisconsin Tills in Eastern New England: a Transect from Northeastern Massachusetts to West-Central Maine, Weddle, Thomas K.; Stone, Bryon D.; Thompson, Woodrow B.; Retelle, Michael J.; Caldwell, Dibney W.; and Clinch, J. Michael

Submissions from 1988


Relationship Between Bedrock Geology and Geomorphology in Portions of the Cold River and Ashuelot River Watersheds, South-Central New Hamsphire, Caldwell, Dibney W.


Stratigraphy and Structure of the Fall Mountain and Skitchewaug Nappes, Southwestern New Hampshire, Chamberlain, C. Page; Thompson, James B. Jr.; and Allen, Tim


Geology of the Peterborough and Concord Quadrangles, New Hampshire, Duke, Edward F.; Duke, Genet I.; and Lyons, John B.


Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Bernardston Nappe and the Brennan Hill Thrust in the Benardston-Chesterfield Region of the Bronson Hill Anticlinorium, Elbert, David C.


The Connecticut Valley-Gaspe Synclinorium in Southernmost Vermont, Hepburn, J.Christopher


Stratigraphy, Structure, and Metamorphism of the 'Dorsal Zone,'" Central New hampshire, J. Dykstra Eusden, Jr.


Structure and Metamorphism from Jamaica to the Athens Dome, Vermont, Karabinos, Paul and Laird, Jo


Deglaciation of the Connectiut Valley: Vernon, Vermont, to Westmoreland, New Hampshire, Larsen, Frederick D. and Koteff, Carl


Geology of the Penacook and Mount Kearsage Quadrangles, New Hampshire, Lyons, John B.


Guidebook for field trips in southwestern New Hampshire, southeastern Vermont, and north-central Massachusetts: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 80th annual meeting, October 14, 15 and 16, 1988, Keene, New Hampshire, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) and Bothner, Wallace A.


Stratigraphy, Structural Geology and Thermochronology of the Northern Berkshire Massif and Southern Green Mountains, Ratcliffe, Nicholas M.; Burton, William C; Sutter, John F.; and Mukasa, Samuel


Stratigraphy, Structural, Geology and Thermochronology of the Northern Berkshire Massif and Southern Green Mountains, Ratcliffe, Nicholas M.; Burton, William C; Sutter, John F.; and Mukasa, Samuel


The Quaternary Geology of the Upper Ashuelot River, Lower Cold River, and Warren Brook Valleys of Southwestern New Hampshire, Ridge, Jack C.


Root Zone of the Bernardston Nappe and the Brennan Hill Thrust Involuted by Backfolds and Gneiss Domes in the Mount Grace Area, North-Central Massachusetts, Robinson, Peter; Hunt, J. Craigington; McEnroe, Suzanne A.; and Sprinston, George C.


Snowball Garnets Revisited, Southeast Vermont, Rosenfield, J.L.; Christensen, J.N.; and De Paolo, D.J.


Graphite Vein Deposits of New Hampshire, Rumble, D. and Chamberlain, C.P.


The Ascutney Mountain Igneous Complex, Schneiderman, Jill S.


The Skitchewaug Nappe in the Mascoma Area, West-Central New Hampshire, Thompson, James B. Jr.


Geology of Mount Monadnock, Thompson, Peter J.


Stratigraphy and Structure of the Monadnock Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Thompson, Peter J.


Geology of the Millers River Delta, Washington, Paul A. and Larson, Richard P.


Mesozoic Stress History of the Upper Connecticut Valley at Turners Falls, Massachusetts, Wise Donald U.

Submissions from 1987


Southwest-Trending Striations in the Green Mountains, Central Vermont, Ackerly, Spafford C. and Larsen, Frederick D.


Metamorphic Veins in the Paleozoic Rocks of Central and Northern Vermont, Anderson, James R.


Structure and Metamorphism at Tillotson Peak, North-Central Vermont, Bothner, Wallace A. and Laird, Jo


Metamorphic and Deformational History of the Standing Pond and Putney Volcanics in Southeastern Vermont, Boxwell, Mimi and Laird, Jo


Geologic and Hydrologic Effects of a Catastrophic Flood in the Cold River, Southwestern New Hampshire, Caldwell, Dibney W.; Faldetta, Sara; and Hanson, George F.


Carbonate-Clastic Synthems of the Middle Beekmantown Group in the Central and Southern Champlain Valley, Chisick, Steven A.; Washington, Paul A.; and Friedman, Gerald M.


Stratigraphy and Structure of the Sutton Area, Southern Quebec: Construction and Destruction of the Western Margin of the Late Precambrian Iapetus, Colpron, Maurice; Dowling, William M.; and Doolan, Barry


Stratigraphy and Structure of the Camels Hump Group Along the Lamoille River Transect, Northern Vermont, Doolan, Barry; Mock, Timothy; and McBean, Alan


Lithofacies, Stratigraphy and Structure in the Rocks of the Connecticut Valley Trough, Eastern Vermont, Hatch, Norman L. Jr


Tectonic Setting of the Northern Part of the Green Mountain Massif, Vermont, Karabinos, Paul


Glacial Lake Hitchcock in the Valleys of the White and Ottauqueche Rivers, East-Central Vermont, Larsen, Frederick D.


History of Glacial Lakes in the Dog River Valley, Central Vermont, Larsen, Frederick D.


Facies Relationships Within the Glens Falls Limestone of Vermont and New York, MacLean, David A.


Cretaceous Intrusions and Rift Features in the Champlain Valley of Vermont, McHone, J. Gregory


The Cambrian Platform in Northwestern Vermont, Mehrtens, Charlotte J.; Parker, Ronald; and Butler, Robert


Stratigraphic Definition of the Piermont Allochthon, Sunday Mountain to Albee Hill, New Hampshire, Moench, R.H. and Katrin Hafner-Douglass


Guidebook for field trips in Vermont: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 79th annual meeting, October 16, 17 and 18, 1987: title pages, table of contents, introduction, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) and David S. Westerman


A Transect Through the Pre-Silurian Rocks of Central Vermont; The Lincoln Massic and Its Immediate Cover; The Pre-Silurian Hinterland Along the Valleys of the White and Mad Rivers, Central Vermont; Metamorphism of Pre-Silurian Rocks, Central Vermont; Regional Geochemical Variations in Greenstones from the Central Vermont Appalachians, Rolfe Stanley, Vincent DelloRusso, Sharon O'Loughlin, Eric Lapp, Thomas Armstrong, Jeffrey Prewitt, Jerome Kraus, Gregory Walsh, Christine Kimball, Athene Cua, Jo Laird, and R. A. Coish


A Transect Through the Foreland and Transitional Zone of Western Vermont, Stanley, Rolfe S.; Leonard, Katherine; and Strehle, Barbara


Winooski River Transect: Refolded Folds and Thrust Faults in the Core of the Green Mountain Anticlinorium, Thompson, Peter J. and Thompson, Thelma Barton


Cleavage vs. Folding vs. Thrusting: Relative Timing of Structural Events in the Central Champlain Valley, Washington, Paul A.


Structures in the Dog River Fault Zone between Northfield and Montpelier, Vermont, Westerman, David S.

Submissions from 1986


Quaternary geology of the Damariscotta Estuary, Belknap, D.F. and Skipp, R.C.


Geology of the eastern portion of the White Mountain Batholith, New Hampshire, Creasy, J.W.


Seawall Beach: an unspoiled barrier spit, Farnsworth, R.L.


Contaminant hydrogeology of solvents, gasoline, and salt, Garrett, P.; Moreau, M.; and Williams, J.


Bedrock geology of the Newfield and Berwick quadrangles, southern Maine, Gilman, R.A.


Carboniferous metamorphism on the north (upper) side of the Sebago Batholith, Guidotti, C.V.; Gibson, D.; Lux, D.R.; DeYoreo, J.; and Cheney, J.T.


Stratigraphy and metamorphism of the Silurian and Lower Devonian rocks of the western part of the Merrimack Synclinorium, Pinkham Notch area, east-central New Hampshire, Hatch, N.L. Jr. and Wall, E.R.


Petrology and field relations of M2 metamorphism in west-central Maine, Holdaway, M.J.; Dickerson, R.P.; and Dutrow, B.L.


Features associated with the deglaciation of the upper Saco and Ossipee River basins, northern York and southern Oxford Counties, Maine, Holland, W.R.


Mid-Paleozoic calc-alkaline igneous rocks of the Nashoba Block and Merrimack Trough, Hon, Rudoph; Hepburn, Christopher; Bothner, Wallace; Olszewski, W.J.; Gaudette, H.E.; Dennen, W.H.; and Loftenius, C.


Stratigraphic and structural relationships between the Cushing, Cape Elizabeth, Bucksport, and Cross River formations, Portland - Boothbay area, Maine, Hussey, Arthur, II


Geological comparisons across the Norumbega Fault Zone, southwestern Maine, Hussey, Arthur, II; Bothner, Wallace; and Thomson, J. A.


Marine geology of Casco Bay and its margin, Kelley, J.T. and Hay, B.B.


Late Quaternary stratigraphy of the lower Androscoggin Valley, southern Maine, M.J. Retelle and K.B. Konecki


The Norumbega Fault Zone between Bath and Freedom, Maine, Newberg, D.W.


Guidebook for field trips in southwestern Maine: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 78th annual meeting, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, October 17, 18, and 19, 1986: title pages, table of contents, foreword, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) and Newberg, Donald W


A geologic traverse within the eastern edge of the Medial New England Terrane, Osberg, P.H.


The structural and stratigraphic development of the Casco Bay Group at Harpswell Neck, Maine, Swanson, M.T.; Pollock, S.G.; and Hussey, Arthur, II


The use of geophysical equipment in hydrogeologic investigations, and the measurement of stream discharge, Tepper, D.H.; Haeni, F.P.; and Johnson, C.D.


Glacial geology of the White Mountain foothills, southwestern Maine, Thompson, W.B.


Surficial deposits in the lower Sandy River Valley and adjacent areas, Weddle, T.K. and Caldwell, Dibney W.

Submissions from 1985


Morphology of Coastal Marshes, Southern Connecticut, Bloom, Arthur L.


The Timing and Nature of the Paleozoic Deformation in the Northern part of the Manhattan Prong, Southeast New York, Brock, Patrick W.G. and Brock, Pamela C.


Geology of the Waterbury Dome, Dietsch, Craig


Honey Hill Fault and Hunts Brook Syncline, Goldsmith, Richard


Recessional Moraines, Southeastern Connecticut, Goldsmith, Richard


Mesoscopic and Microscopic Structure of the Lake Char - Honey Hill Mylonite Zone, Eastern Connecticut, Goldstein, Arthur and Owens, James


The Middle Haddam Area, Connecticut, Revisited, John L. Rosenfeld and Eaton, Gordon P.


The sedimentology, stratigraphy, and paleontology of the Lower Jurassic Portland Formation, Hartford Basin, central Connecticut, LeTourneau, Peter M. and McDonald, G. Nicholas


Pegmatites of the Middletown District, Connecticut, London, David


Deglaciation of the Middletown Basin and the Question of the Middletown Readvance, London, Elizabeth Haley


The Hope Valley Shear Zone - A Major Late Paleozoic Ductile Shear Zone in Southeastern New England, L. Peter Gromet and O'Hara, Kieran D.


Age and Structural Relations of Granites, Stony Creek Area, Connecticut, McLellan, Eileen L. and Stockman, Stephanie


Geology in the Vicinity of the Hodges Complex and the Tyler Lake Granite, West Torrington, Connecticut, Merguerian, Charles


Guidebook for field trips in Connecticut and adjacent areas of New York and Rhode Island: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 77th annual meeting, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, October 4-6, 1985: title pages, table of contents, preface, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) and Robert J. Tracey


Geology of the Mt. Prospect Region, Western Connecticut, Panish, Peter T. and Hall, Leo M.


Ordovician Ductile Deformation Zones in the Hudson Highlands and their Relationship to Meamorphic Zonation in Cover Rocks of Dutchess County, New York, Ratcliffe, Nicholas M.; Buden, Rosemary Vidale; and Burton, William C


Geology of Southern Connecticut, North-South Transect, Rodgers, John and Skinner, Brian J.


Geology of Southern Connecticut, East-West Transect, Skinner, Brian J. and Rodgers, John


Stratigraphy and Structural Geology in the Bethel Area, Southwestern Connecticut, Spinek, Thomas R. and Hall, Leo M.


Late Quaternary Deposits of the Southern Quinnipiac-Farmington Lowland and Long Island Sound Basin: Their Place in a Regional Stratigraphic Framework, Stone, Janet Radway; Stone, Byron; and Lewis, Ralph S.


Bedrock Geology of the Deep River Area, Connecticut, Wintsch, R.P.

Submissions from 1984


A Precambrian continent margin sequence (slope deposits & olistostromes): Boston North Quadrangle, MA, Bailey, Richard H.


Cambrian rocks of East Point, Nahant Massachusetts, Bailey, Richard H.