The New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) began in 1901 with a field trip led by William Morris Davis to the terraces of the Westfield River in south-central Massachusetts. The conference has met annually since that time, with exceptions during World Wars I and II, and a two-year gap during 1913 and 1914.
For full guidbooks, visit our NEIGC Guidebooks collection.
Submissions from 1984
The Bloody Bluff Fault System, Barosh, Patrick J.
Regional Geology and Tectonic History of Southeastern New England; Quarternary Geology and Geomorphology, Barosh, Patrick J. and Hanson, Lindley S.
Rock lithology and glacial transport southeast of Boston, Benno M. Brenninkmeyer and Dillon, Peter M.
Geologic framework of the Massabesic Anticlinorium and the Merrimack Trough, southeastern New Hampshire, Bothner, Wallace; Boudette, E.L.; Fagan, T.J.; Gaudette, H.E.; Laird, Jo; and Olszewski, W.J.
Surficial geology and Archaeology on Thompson Island, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Part 1: Surfical geology of Thompson Island, Part 2: Archaeology on Thompson Island, Caldwell, Dibney W. and Russell Barber
Branch Brook in York County Maine: Formation and maintenance of a drainage network by ground-water sapping, Denis D'Amore
The Marlboro Formation in its type area and associated rocks just west of the Bloody Bluff Fault Zone, Marlborough area, Massachusetts, DiNitto, R.; Hepburn, Christopher; Cardoza, K.D.; and Hill, Malcolm
Mount Pawtuckaway Ring-Dike Complex, Eby, G. Nelson
Silurian and Devonian rocks in the Alton and Berwick quadrangles, New Hampshire and Maine, Eusden, J.D.; Bothner, Wallace; Hussey, Arthur; and Laird, Jo
Hazardous waste problem sites, Feldman, Lawrence and Brownlee, Dorothy
Coastal Geology of Winthrop, MA, FitzGerald, Duncan M.
A geologic traverse across the Nashoba Block, Eastern MA, Hepburn, Christopher and Munn, Barbara
Igneous rocks of the Nashoba Block, eastern Massachusetts, Hon, Rudolph; Hepburn, Christopher; Hill, Malcolm; and Collins, Robert
Sedimentology and multiple deformation of the Kittery Formation in southwestern Maine and southeastern New Hampshire., Hussey, Arthur; Rickerich, Stephen; and Bothner, Wallace.
Boston Basin restudied, Kaye, Clifford A.
Deglaciation of the Merrimack River Valley, Southern New Hampshire, Koteff, Carl; Stone, Byron; and Caldwell, Dabney W.
A trip down the Alton Bay flow line, P.A. Mayewski and F.S. Birch
Mafic dikes from Boston to Cape Ann, Ross, Martin E.
Geology, petrology and origin of the Precambrian igneous rocks located in the area north of Boston, Smith, Craig J. and Hon, Rudolph
Glaciomarine sediments and facies associations, southern York County, Maine, Smith, Geoffrey W.
Ductile and brittle structures within the Rye Formation, of coastal Maine and New Hampshire, Swanson, Mark T. and Carrigan, John
The geology of the Saddleback Mountain Area, Northwood quadrangle, southeastern New Hampshire, Whitaker, Laura R.
Submissions from 1983
Multiple-till localities near Bigham and New Sharon, Caldwell, Dibney W. and Thomas Weddle
The timing of alpine glaciation of Mt. Katahdin, Caldwell, Dibney W. and Davis, P.T.
Stratigraphy, metamorphism and geomorphology in the Greenville-Rockwood Area, Maine, Caldwell, Dibney W. and Hanson, Lindley S.
Stratigraphy and sedimentation in Silurian flysch East of Millinocket, Maine, David C. Roy, Nancy A. Demarest, and Maureen J. Hills
The Northwest Boundary Fault of the Boundary Mountain Anticlinorium, David S. Westerman
Geology of rocks along the East Branch Pleasant River, White Cap Range, Central Maine, Hanson, Lindley S.
The petrology of the central portion of the Moxie Pluton, Hon, Rudolph and Jaye Schulman
Glacial traverse across the southern side of an ice cap, Lowell, Thomas V.
The Seboomook Lake Area became ice free; but how?, Lowell, Thomas V. and Kristine Crossen
Introduction to the Geology of North-Central Maine, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC); Caldwell, D. W.; and Hanson, Lindley S.
Features of Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian sedimentary rock in the Caucomgomoc Lake Area, Northwestern Maine, Steven G. Pollock
Ophiolite and melange terrane, Caucomgomoc Lake Area, Northwestern Maine, Steven G. Pollock
Submissions from 1982
Sedimentation in a Proglacial Lake: Glacial Lake Hitchcock, Ashley, Gail M.; Thomas, George M.; Retelle, Michael J.; and Hartshorn, Joseph H
Structural Geology of the Moodus Seismic area, south-central Connecticut, Barosh, Patrick J.; London, David; and de Boer, Jelle
Mode of Deglaciation of Shetucket River Basin, Black, Robert F. and Clebnik, Sherman M.
Multistage Deformation of the Preston Gabbro, Eastern Connecticut, clinopyroxene, Lake Char fault, Dixon, H. Roberta
Lake Char Fault in the Webster, Massachusetts Area: Evidence for West-Down Motion, Goldstein, Arthur G.
Copper Occurrences in the Hartford Basin of Northern Connecticut, Gray, Norman H.
Mesozoic Volcanism in North-Central Connecticut, Gray, Norman H.
Jurassic Redbeds of the Connecticut Valley: (1) Brownstones of the Portland Formation; and (2) Playa-Playa Lake-Oligomictic Lake Model for Parts of the East Berlin, Shuttle Meadow, and Portland Formations, Hubert, John F.; Gilchrist, James Michael; and Reed, Alan A.
An Investigation of the Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Kent Area, Western Connecticut, Jackson, Richard A. and Hall, Leo M.
The Surficial Geologic Maps of Connecticut Illustrated by a Field Trip in Central Connecticut, Janet R. Stone, J. P. Schafer, and Elizabeth H. London
"Anatomy of the Chicopee Readvance, Massachusetts", Larsen, Frederick D.
Paleontology of the Mesozoic Rocks of the Connecticut Valley, McDonald, G. Nicholas
Guidebook for field trips in Connecticut and south central Massachusetts: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 74th annual meeting, University of Connecticut, Storrs Connecticut , October 2 and 3, 1982: title pages, table of contents, foreword, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC); Raymond Joesten; and Quarrier, Sidney S.
The Bonemill Brook Fault Eastern Connecticut, Pease, M.H. Jr.
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Ware-Barre Area, Central Massachusetts, Robinson, Peter; Field, Michael T.; and Tucker, Robert D.
High Grade Acadian Regional Metamorphism in South-Central Massachusetts, Robinson, Peter; Hollocher, Kurt T.; Tracy, Robert J.; and Dietch, Craig W.
Structure and Petrology of the Willimantic Dome and the Willimantic Fault, Eastern Connecticut, Wintsch, Robert P. and Fout, James S.
Submissions from 1981
Interpretation of Primary Sedimentary Structures, Boothroyd, Jon C.
Alleghanian Deformation and Metamorphism of Southern Narragansett Basin, Burks, R.; Mosher, S.; and D. Murray
The Boston Bay Group, Quincy, Massachusetts, Caldwell, Dabney W.
Selected Mineral Collecting Sites in Northeastern Rhode Island, Carr, Ralph L. and Edwards, John O.
The Blackstone Series: Evidence for an Avalonian Plate Margin in Northern Rhode Island, Dreier, R. B. and Mosher, S.
Field Guide to Coastal Environmental Geology of Rhode Island's Barrier Beach Coastline, Fisher, John J.
Sedimentation in Microtidal Coastal Lagoons, Southern Rhode Island, Friedrich, Nancy; McGinn, Stephen R.; and Boothroyd, Jon C.
The Diagenetic to Metamorphic Transition in the Narragansett and Norfolk Basins, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Hepburn, J. Christopher and Rehmer, Judith
Contact Relationships of the Late Paleozoic Narragansett Pier Granite and Country Rock, Hermes, O. Don (Editor); Barosh, Patrick J.; and Smith, Paul V.
Zircon Geochronology and Petrology of Plutonic Rocks in Rhode Island, Hermes, O. Don; L.P. Grotnet; and Zartman, R.E.
Coastal Zone Management Problems: RI Coastal Lagoons and Barriers, Lee, Virginia and Boothroyd, Jon C.
The Geologic Setting of Coal and Carbonaceous Material, Narragansett Basin, Southeastern New England, Murray, D.P.; Raben, J.D.; Lyons, P.C.; and Chase, H.B. Jr.
Felsic Volcanic Units in the Boston Area, Massachusetts, Naylor, Richard S.
General Structural Setting of Rhode Island and Tectonic History of Southeastern New England, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC); Barosh, Patrick J.; and Hermes, O. Don
Distribution and Structural Significance of the Oakdale Formation in Northeastern Connecticut, Pease, M.H. and Barosh, Patrick J.
The Geology of Precambrian Rocks of Newport and Middledown, Rhode Island, Rast, Nicholas and Skehan, James W.
Mafic Dikes of Northeastern Massachusetts, Ross, Martin
Igneous Rocks of Northern Rhode Island, Rutherford, Malcolm J. and Carroll, Michael R.
Glacial Geology of Southern Rhode Island, Schafer, J.P.
Pleistocene Geology of Block Island, Sirkin, Les
The Geology of Cambrian Rocks of Conanicut Island, Jamestown, Rhode Island, Skehan, James W.; Rast, Nicholas; and Logue, Daniel F.
Submissions from 1980
Geology of the Bottle Lake Complex, Maine, Ayuso, Robert A. and Wones, David R.
Alpine Glaciation of Mt. Katahdin, Caldwell, D. W.
Biostratigraphic Trip Across Northeastern Maine, Forbes, William H.
Deglaciation of the Edmundston Area and Reappraisal of Glacial Lake Madawaska Interpretation, Gauthier, Claude and Thibault, Jacques
Wisconsinan Glaciation of Northern Aroostook County, Maine, Genes, Andrew N. and Neuman, William A.
Wisconsinan Glaciation of Eastern Aroostook County, Maine, Genes, Andrew N.; Neuman, William A.; and Brewer, Thomas B .
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Siegas Formation (Early Llandovery) of Northwestern New Brunswick, Hamilton-Smith, Terence
Geology and Petrology of Igneous Bodies within the Katahdin Pluton, Hon, Rudolf
Plant Fossils (Psilophytes) from the Devonian Trout Valley Formation of Baxter State Park, Kasper, Andrew E. Jr.
Late-Glacial and Holocene Geology of the Middle St. John River Valley, Kite, J. Steven and Borns, Harold W. Jr.
Bedrock Geology of the Presque Isle Area, Naylor, Richard S.
The Core of the Weeksboro-Lunfcsoos Lake Anticline, and the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian Rocks on its Northwest Flank, Neuman, Robert B.
Bedrock Geology of the Shin Pond-Traveler Mountain Region, Neuman, Robert B. and Rankin, Douglas W.
Tectonics and Sedimentation in Northeastern Maine and Adjacent New Brunswick: Outline of the Pleistocene Geology of Northern Maine and Adjacent Canada, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC); Roy, David C.; and Genes, andrew N.
Stratigraphic and Structural Relations in the Turbidite Sequence of South-central Maine, Osberg, H.
The Traveler Rhyolite and Its Devonian Setting, Traveler Mountain Area, Maine, Rankin, Douglas W.
The Geology and Deformation History of the Southern Part of the Matapedia Zone and Its Relationship to the Miramichi Zone and Canterbury Basin, Rast, Nicholas; Lutes, G. G.; and St. Peter, C.
Ordovician and Silurian Stratigraphy of the Ashland Synclinorium and Adjacent Terraine, Roy, David C.
Sedimentology of Silurian Flysch, Ashland Synclinorium, Maine, Roy, David C.
Structure and Sedimentology of Siluro- Devonian Between Edmunston and Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Stringer, P. and Pickerill, R. K.
Submissions from 1976
The Pre-Silurian Eugosynclinal Sequence Bonded by The Bloody Bluff and Clinton-Newbury Faults, Concord, Billerica, and Westford Quadrangles, Massachusetts, Alvord, D.C.; Pease, M.H. Jr.; and Fahey, R.J.
Geology of the Squantum "Tillite", Bailey, Richard H.; William A. Newman; and Andrew Genes
Faults and Related Deformation in the Clinton-Newbury Bloody Bluff Fault Complex of Eastern Massachusetts, Barosh, Patrick J.
Stratigraphy of the Webster-Worcester Region, Massachusetts, Barosh, Patrick J.
Pre-Silurian Stratified Rocks Southeast of the Bloody Bluff Fault, Bell, Kenneth G.
Engineering Geology of the Charles River, Blackey, Edward