The New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC) began in 1901 with a field trip led by William Morris Davis to the terraces of the Westfield River in south-central Massachusetts. The conference has met annually since that time, with exceptions during World Wars I and II, and a two-year gap during 1913 and 1914.
For full guidbooks, visit our NEIGC Guidebooks collection.
Submissions from 1964
Some Mineral Localities West of Boston, Hurlbut, C.S.
Greater Boston Geomorphology, Nichols, Robert L.
Guidebook to field trips in the Boston area and vicinity : 56th annual meeting October 2-4, 1964 held at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts: title page, table of contents, introduction, Skehan, S.J. and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Igneous Rocks of the Salem Area, Massachusetts, Toulmin, Priestley
Submissions from 1963
Structural Geology, Beavertail, Conanicut Island, Chapple, William M.
Westerly Granite and related Rocks of the Westerly-Bradford Area, Feininger, Tomas
Structural Geology of Woonsocket and North Scituate Basins, Hall, Henry T.
Geology of Cliff Walk, Newport, Mutch, Thomas A.
Sedimentary and Structural History of Narragansett Basin, Mutch, Thomas A. and Agron, Sam L.
Plutonic Rocks of Northern Rhode Island, Quinn, Alonzo W.
Progressive Metamorphism of Pennsylvateian Rocks; Relations to Older and Younger Rocks, Quinn, Alonzo W.
Guidebook: 55th annual meeting, October 4-6, 1963, Providence, Rhode Island: title page, table of contents, introduction, Quinn, Alonzo W. and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Glacial Geology, Providence to Point Judith, Schafer, J.P.
Submissions from 1961
The Glacial Geology of Northern Vermont, Baldwin, Brewster
Excursion Across the Green Mountains Hinesburg to Montpelier, Cady, W.M.
Structural Geology of Northern Vermont, Dennis, John G.
Bedding, Cleavage, and Minor Fold Relations in Vicinity of Brownington Syncline and Willoughby Arch; Monroe Line, Dennis, John G. and Ebbett, Ballard
Guidebook: Fifty-third annual meeting October 13-15, 1961: title page, table of contents, foreword, Doll, Charles G. and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Economic Geology of the Belvidere Mountain Asbestos Area, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
The Barre Granite Quarries, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
The Glacial Geology of Northern Vermont : Part II: Elmore Mountain, Stowe Valley and Smugglers Notch, Stewart, D.P.
Excursion Across East-Central Vermont, Barre, to Strafford via Bradford, White, Walter S. and Doll, Charles G.
Submissions from 1960
The Surficial Geology of the Sandy River Valley: From Framington to Norridgewock, Maine, Caldwell, D.W.
Geology of the Stratton Quadrangle, Maine, Griscom, Andrew
Field Trips in West-Central Maine -- Introduction, Griscom, Andrew; Milton, Daniel; and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Geology of the Old Speck Mountain Quadrangle, Milton. Daniel J.
Mineralogy of Pegmatites, Peacor, D.R.
Stratigraphy and General Geology, Wolfe, C.W.
Submissions from 1959
Geology of the Marble Deposits Near Rutland, Bain, George W.
Graptolite Faunas of the Northern Part of the Taconic Area, Berry, William B.N.
Excursions at North End of the Taconic Range Near Sudbury, Kay, Marshall
The Stratigraphy and Stucture of the Coxe Mountain Area, Vermont, Osberg, P.H.
Pawlet Quadrangle, Shumaker, Robert
Economic Geology of Slate, Theokritoff, George
Stratigraphy and Stucture of the Taconic Sequence in the Thorn Hill and Granville Quadrangles, Theokritoff, George
Stratigraphy and Stucture in the Vermont Valley and the Eastern Taconic Between Clarendon and Dorset, Thompson, James B. Jr.
Stratigraphy of the Central Camplain Valley, Welby, Charles W.
Stratigraphy and Structure at the North End of The Taconic Range and Adjacent Areas, Zen, E-an
Stratigraphy and Structure of West Central Vermont and Adjacent New York, Zen, E-an and New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Submissions from 1958
Stratigraphy, Stucture, and Metamorphism: Deep River Area, Connecticut, L.W., Lundgren
Pleistocene Geology of the Lower Quinnipiac Valley, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Stratigraphy, Structure, and Metamorphism in the Haddam Quadrangle and Vicinity, Connecticut, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC); Rosenfeld, John L.; and Eaton, Gordon P.
Triassic Border Fault and Associated Sedimentary Rocks, Rodgers, John and Eaton, Gordon P.
Itinerary for Trip A: 50th Meeting, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Rosenfield, John L. and Eaton, Gordon P.
Stratigraphy and Structure in the Triassic Rocks of Central Connecticut, Sanders, John E.
Submissions from 1956
Pleistocene Geology, North and South of Portsmouth, NH, Chapman, Donald H. and Bradley, Edward
Pleistocene Geology - Southeastern New Hampshire, Chapman, Donald H. and Bradley, Edward
Paleozoic - Geology of the Mt. Pawtuckaway Area, Freedman, Jacob
Geology of the York-Cape Neddick, Maine area., Haff, John C.; Meyers, T.R.; and Sage, N.M.
New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference: Southeastern New Hampshire, October 13, and 14, 1956: announcements, maps, and general information, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Summary of the Bedrock Geology of Dover-Exeter-Portsmouth Region, Southeastern New Hampshire, Novotny, Robert F.
Submissions from 1954
Glacial Geology of the Hanover Region, Elston, E.D. and Washburn, A.L.
Structural Geography of the Hanover Region, Lyons, J.B.
Economic Geology of the Elizabeth Mine, McKinstry, H.E.
Geology and Mineralogy of the Ruggles Mine, Grafton, NH, McNair, A.H.
Guidebook, forty-sixth annual conference, October 9-10, 1954: Front matter, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)
Geology of Ascutney Mountain, Stoiber, Richard E.
Structural Geology of the Skitchewaug Mountain Area, Thompson, J.B.
Submissions from 1953
Crystallines of the Eastern Highlands, Aitkin, Janet
Hartland Formation and Nonewaug Granite Trip, Gates, R.M.
Triassic Sedimentary Rocks of Central Connecticut; their Petrology, Petrography, Stratigraphy and Structure, Gates, R.M.
Problems of the Crystalline Rocks West of New Haven, New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC)