The Department of Earth Sciences at UNH aims to improve our understanding of the Earth, and the processes that affect it, through excellence in teaching, research, and service. We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees encompassing a broad spectrum of disciplines including geology, hydrology, oceanography, ocean mapping, geochemistry, climate science, and geophysics.

Faculty may submit research here.


Submissions from 2014


Temperature and peat type control CO2 and CH4production in Alaskan permafrost peats, C C. Treat, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Ruth Varner, Andrew S. Grandy, Julie Talbot, and Steve Frolking


The reduction of HNO3 by volatile organic compounds emitted by motor vehicles, A P. Rutter, Q. G. J. Malloy, Y J. Leong, C V. Gutierrez, M Calzada, Eric Scheuer, Jack E. Dibb, and R J. Griffin


The spectrum of natural forest disturbances and the Amazon forest carbon balance, Fernando D.B. Espirito-Santo, Manuel Gloor, Michael Keller, Yadvinder Malhi, Sassan Saatchi, Bruce Nelson, R C. Oliveira Jr., Cleuton Pereira, J Lloyd, Steve Frolking, Michael W. Palace, Yosio E. Shimabukuro, Valdete Duarte, Abel Monteagudo Mendoza, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Tim R. Baker, Ted Feldpausch, Gregory P. Asner, Doreen S. Boyd, and O L. Phillips


Water: Macro-scale process-based modeling of water, Steve Frolking, Richard B. Lammers, and Danielle S. Grogan

Submissions from 2013


A global fingerprint of macro-scale changes in urban structure from 1999 to 2009, Steve Frolking, Tom Milliman, Karen C. Seto, and Mark A. Friedl


A permafrost carbon bomb? The fate of permafrost soil carbon following thaw depends on hydrology, C C. Treat and Steve Frolking


Assessing the role of parameter interactions in the sensitivity analysis of a model of peatland dynamics, Anne Quillet, Steve Frolking, Michelle Garneau, Julie Talbot, and Changhui Peng


A systems approach to understanding subarctic critical zone changes in a warming climate, V Rich, C K. McCalley, B J. Woodcroft, E Kim, S B. Hodgkins, M M. Tfaily, R A. Wehr, T Logan, R Jones, R Monday, G Hurst, N Verberkmoes, Changsheng Li, Steve Frolking, P Crill, J Chanton, S R. Saleska, and G W. Tyson


Beyond peak reservoir storage? A global estimate of declining water storage capacity in large reservoirs, Dominik Wisser, Steve Frolking, Stephen Hagen, and Marc F. P. Bierkens


Climate sensitivity in the Anthropocene, M Previdi, B G. Liepert, D Peteet, J Hansen, D H. Beerling, A J. Broccoli, Steve Frolking, J N. Galloway, M Heimann, C le Quere, S Levitus, and V Ramaswamy


Connecting PhenoCam Sites with the ORNL DAAC MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool, Thomas E. Milliman, Steve Frolking, A D. Richardson, Mark A. Friedl, S Santhana Vannan, Michael Toomey, and Stephen Klosterman


Contributions of the world's glaciers to the hydrological cycle in the 21st Century, Richard B. Lammers, A Bliss, R Hock, A Prousevitch, Danielle S. Grogan, Stanley Glidden, Steve Frolking, and V Radic

Coupled Hydrological and Thermal Modeling of Permafrost and Active Layer Dynamics: Implications to Permafrost Carbon Pool in Northern Eurasia, S Marchenko, Dominik Wisser, Vladimir Romanovsky, W Chapman, Steve Frolking, and J E. Walsh


Evidence for elevated emissions from high-latitude wetlands contributing to high atmospheric CH4 concentration in the early Holocene, Zicheng Yu, Julie Loisel, Merritt R. Turetsky, Shanshan Cai, Yan Zhao, Steve Frolking, Glenn M. MacDonald, and Jill L. Bubier


Forest disturbance spectrum of the Amazon, Fernando D.B. Espirito-Santo, Michael Keller, Manuel Gloor, Yadvinder Malhi, Sassan Saatchi, Michael W. Palace, Steve Frolking, and Oliver L. Phillips


Ground-based imaging spectrometry of canopy phenology and chemistry in a deciduous forest, Michael Toomey, Mark A. Friedl, Steve Frolking, T Hilker, Timothy O'Keefe, and A D. Richardson


How are pools influencing the long-term rate of peat accumulation at the ecosystem scale in northern peatlands?, Julie Talbot, L Pelletier, Oliver Sonnentag, and Steve Frolking


Large scale maps of cropping intensity in Asia from MODIS, Josh M. Gray, Mark A. Friedl, and Steve Frolking


Large scale maps of cropping intensity in Asia from MODIS, Josh M. Gray, Mark A. Friedl, Steve Frolking, Navin Ramankutty, and Andrew Nelson


Log-Exponential Reservoir Operating Rules for Global And Regional Hydrological Modeling, A Prousevitch, A Shiklomanov, Steve Frolking, Stanley Glidden, Richard B. Lammers, and Dominik Wisser


Modeling carbon accumulation dynamics in tropical peat swamp forests, Sofyan Kurnianto, Steve Frolking, Matthew Warren, Kristell Hergoualc’h, Julie Talbot, Boone Kauffman, Ruth Varner, and Daniel Murdiyarso


Modelling the effects of climate change and disturbance on permafrost stability in northern organic soils, C C. Treat, Dominik Wisser, S Marchenko, and Steve Frolking


Natural peat degradation of equatorial peatlands in inland Borneo as a threshold-response to enhanced Late Holocene El Niño activity, R Dommain, Steve Frolking, P H. Glaser, Hans Joosten, S Kurnianto, and S G. Neuzil


Nitrogen cycling, forest canopy reflectance, and emergent properties of ecosystems, Scott V. Ollinger, Peter B. Reich, Steve Frolking, Lucie Lepine, David Y. Hollinger, and Andrew D. Richardson


On the export of reactive nitrogen from Asia: NOx partitioning and effects on ozone, T H. Bertram, Paul J. Wooldridge, Jack E. Dibb, Robert C. Cohen, and A E. Perring


Putting the capital ‘A’ in CoCoRAHS: an experimental programme to measure albedo using the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network, Elizabeth A. Burakowski, Cameron P. Wake, Jack E. Dibb, and Mary D. Stampone


Quantifying and mapping China’s crop yield gains from sustainable and unsustainable irrigation water use 1981-2000, Danielle S. Grogan, Fan Zhang, Stanley Glidden, Dominik Wisser, Alexander Prusevich, Changsheng Li, Richard B. Lammers, and Steve Frolking


Response of vegetation and carbon accumulation to changes in precipitation and water table depths in two bogs during the Holocene: a modelling exercise, Anne Quillet, Michelle Garneau, Simon Van Bellen, Steve Frolking, and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila


Snow spectral albedo at Summit, Greenland: measurements and numerical simulations based on physical and chemical properties of the snowpack, Carlo Carmagnola, Florent Domine, Marie Dumont, Patrick Wright, B Strellis, M Bergin, Jack E. Dibb, G Picard, Q Libois, L Arnaud, and S Morin


Sobol' sensitivity analysis of the Holocene Peat Model: What drives carbon accumulation in peatlands?, Anne Quillet, Michelle Garneau, and Steve Frolking


The hidden regional costs of improving irrigation efficiency: a case study from India, Danielle S. Grogan, Steve Frolking, Richard B. Lammers, Dominik Wisser, A Prousevitch, and Stanley Glidden


The preservation of atmospheric nitrate in snow at Summit, Greenland, Dorothy L. Fibiger, Meredith G. Hastings, Jack E. Dibb, and L Gregory Huey


Using a simple, process-based model to address (and raise) questions about relationships between climate, land-use, and decadal to millennial peatland carbon cycling, Steve Frolking, Julie Talbot, S Kurnianto, and C C. Treat


Wetland chronosequence as a model of peatland development: Vegetation succession, peat and carbon accumulation, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Sari Juutinen, Steve Frolking, Minna Valiranta, Anna M. Laine, Antti Miettinen, Marja-Liisa Sevakivi, Anne Quillet, and Paivi Merila

Submissions from 2012

Addressing the pasture anomaly: how uncertainty in historical pasture data leads to divergence of atmospheric CO2 in Earth, L P. Chini, George C. Hurtt, Kees Klein Goldewijk, Steve Frolking, E Shevliakova, P E. Thornton, and J Fisk


Analysis of satellite-derived Arctic tropospheric BrO columns in conjunction with aircraft measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC, S Choi, Yuhang Wang, R J. Salawitch, T Canty, J Joiner, T Zeng, T P. Kurosu, K Chance, A Richter, L Gregory Huey, J Liao, J A. Neuman, J Nowak, Jack E. Dibb, Andrew Weinheimer, Glenn Diskin, Thomas B. Ryerson, Arlindo da Silva, J Curry, D Kinnison, S Tilmes, and P F. Levelt


An analysis of fast photochemistry over high northern latitudes during spring and summer using in-situ observations from ARCTAS and TOPSE, J R. Olson, J H. Crawford, William H. Brune, J Mao, Xinrong Ren, A Fried, B Anderson, E C. Apel, M Beaver, D R. Blake, G Chen, John D. Crounse, Jack E. Dibb, Glenn Diskin, S R. Hall, L Gregory Huey, D Knapp, D Richter, D Riemer, J St. Clair, Kirk Ullman, J Walega, P Weibring, Andrew Weinheimer, Paul Wennberg, and Armin Wisthaler


A review of above ground necromass in tropical forests, Michael W. Palace, Michael Keller, George C. Hurtt, and Steve Frolking


Attribution and evolution of ozone from Asian wild fires using satellite and aircraft measurements during the ARCTAS campaign, R Dupont, B Pierce, J Worden, Jonathan Hair, Marta Fenn, P Hamer, M Natarajan, T Schaack, A Lenzen, E C. Apel, Jack E. Dibb, Glenn Diskin, L Gregory Huey, Andrew Weinheimer, Y Kondo, and D Knapp

Beyond peak reservoir storage? A global estimate of declining water storage capacity in large reservoirs, Dominik Wisser, Steve Frolking, Y Wada, and Marc F. P. Bierkens


Characteristics of tropospheric ozone depletion events in the Arctic spring: analysis of the ARCTAS, ARCPAC, and ARCIONS measurements and satellite BrO observations, T P. Kurosu, Yuhang Wang, T P. Kurosu, K Chance, A Rozanov, A Richter, S J. Oltmans, A M. Thompson, Jonathan Hair, Marta Fenn, Andrew Weinheimer, Thomas B. Ryerson, S Solberg, L Gregory Huey, J Liao, Jack E. Dibb, J A. Neuman, J Nowak, B Pierce, M Natarajan, and J Al-Saadi


Characterization of soluble bromide measurements and a case study of BrO observations during ARCTAS, J Liao, L Gregory Huey, Eric Scheuer, Jack E. Dibb, R E. Stickel, D Tanner, J A. Neuman, J Nowak, S Choi, Yuhang Wang, R J. Salawitch, T Canty, K Chance, T P. Kurosu, R Suleiman, Andrew Weinheimer, R E. Shetter, A Fried, William H. Brune, B Anderson, X Zhang, G Chen, J H. Crawford, Arsineh Hecobian, and E D. Ingall


Characterization of urban aerosol using aerosol mass spectrometry and proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, M J. Cleveland, Luke D. Ziemba, R J. Griffin, Jack E. Dibb, C H. Anderson, Barry Lefer, and B Rappengluck


Constraining recent lead pollution sources in the North Pacific using ice core stable lead isotopes, B H. Gross, K Kreutz, Erich Osterberg, J R. McConnell, M J. Handley, Cameron P. Wake, and Kaplan Yalcin


Controls on soil carbon loss with permafrost thaw in Alaskan peatland ecosystems, C C. Treat, M Bhagat, Julie Talbot, Ruth Varner, Andrew S. Grandy, S Ewing, Wilfred M. Wollheim, and Steve Frolking


Detection of large-scale forest canopy change in pan-tropical humid forests 2000-2009 with the SeaWinds Ku-band scatterometer, Steve Frolking, Stephen Hagen, Tom Milliman, Julia Zanin Shimbo, Michael W. Palace, and Mark Fahnestock


Determining phenological controls on ecosystem productivity among multiple biomes using digital cameras and eddy covariance data, Michael Toomey, Andrew D. Richardson, Oliver Sonnentag, Koen Hufkens, Mark A. Friedl, Steve Frolking, and Tom Milliman


Digital repeat photography for phenological research in forest ecosystems, Oliver Sonnentag, Koen Hufkins, Cory Teshera-Sterne, Adam M. Young, Mark A. Friedl, Rob Braswell, Tom Milliman, Timothy O'Keefe, and A D. Richardson


Earth System Modeling and Field Experiments in the Arctic-Boreal Zone - Report from a NASA Workshop, P J. Sellers, M M. Rienecker, D A. Randall, and Steve Frolking


Eclipse Ice Core Accumulation and Stable Isotope Variability as an Indicator of North Pacific Climate, Eric P. Kelsey, Cameron P. Wake, Kaplan Yalcin, and K Kreutz


Ecosystem modelling of tropical wetlands, Kristell Hergoualc’h, Steve Frolking, Pep Canadell, Stephen Crooks, Mark Harrison, Hans Joosten, Sofyan Kurnianto, and Carey Yeager


Flow dynamics of an accumulation basin: a case study of upper Kahiltna Glacier, Mount McKinley, Alaska, Seth Campbell, K Kreutz, Erich Osterberg, Steven Arcone, Cameron P. Wake, Kevin Volkening, and Dominic Winski


Global Analysis of the Growth of Large Cities, 1999-2009, as Seen With the Seawinds Scatterometer and DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights, Steve Frolking, Tom Milliman, Mark A. Friedl, Stephen Hagen, and Rob Braswell


High-frequency observations of melt effects on snowpack stratigraphy, Kahiltna Glacier, Central Alaska Range, Dominic Winski, K Kreutz, Erich Osterberg, Seth Campbell, and Cameron P. Wake


High resolution mapping of peatland hydroperiod at a high-latitude Swedish mire, Nathan Torbick, Andreas Persson, David Olefeldt, Steve Frolking, William A. Salas, Stephen Hagen, P Crill, and Changsheng Li


Holocene aridification of India, Camilo Ponton, Liviu Giosan, Tim I. Eglinton, Dorian Q. Fuller, Joel E. Johnson, Pushpendra Kumar, and Tim S. Collett


Linking near-surface and satellite remote sensing measurements of deciduous broadleaf forest phenology, Koen Hufkins, Mark A. Friedl, Oliver Sonnentag, Rob Braswell, Tom Milliman, and Andrew D. Richardson


Long-term carbon accumulation in tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia, S Kurnianto, Matthew Warren, Julie Talbot, B Kaufman, Steve Frolking, and Daniel Murdiyarso


Melt regimes, internal stratigraphy, and flow dynamics of three glaciers in the Alaska Range, Seth Campbell, K Kreutz, Erich Osterberg, Steven Arcone, Cameron P. Wake, Douglas Introne, Kevin Volkening, and Dominic Winski


Methane Emissions From Global Paddy Rice Agriculture - a New Estimate Based on DNDC Model Simulations, Stephen Hagen, Changsheng Li, William A. Salas, Pete Ingraham, J Li, R Beach, and Steve Frolking


Modeling chemistry in and above snow at Summit, Greenland – Part 2: Impact of snowpack chemistry on the oxidation capacity of the boundary layer, J L. Thomas, Jack E. Dibb, L Gregory Huey, J Liao, D Tanner, Barry Lefer, R von Glasow, and J Stutz


Modeling peat accumulation over decades to centuries: examples from Sweden and Canada, and perspectives for tropical peatlands, Julie Talbot, Sofyan Kurnianto, Matthias Peichl, Steve Frolking, and Mats Nilsson


Monitoring of phenological control on ecosystem fluxes using digital cameras and eddy covariance data, Michael Toomey, Mark A. Friedl, Koen Hufkens, Oliver Sonnentag, Tom Milliman, Steve Frolking, and A D. Richardson


Moving Water on a Malleable Planet - Large Scale Inter-basin Hydrological Transfers Now and in the Future, Richard B. Lammers, A Prousevitch, Steve Frolking, and Danielle S. Grogan


Overview of the 2007 and 2008 campaigns conducted as part of the Greenland Summit Halogen-HOx Experiment (GSHOX), J L. Thomas, Jack E. Dibb, J Stutz, R von Glasow, Steve Brooks, L Gregory Huey, and Barry Lefer


PhenoCam: A Continental Observatory in Support of Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Phenological Responses to Climate Change, Mark A. Friedl, A D. Richardson, R Press, Steve Frolking, Tom Milliman, Stephen Klosterman, Michael Toomey, and Josh M. Gray


Quantifying and mapping China’s crop yield gains from sustainable and unsustainable irrigation water use, Danielle S. Grogan, Fan Zhang, Stanley Glidden, Dominik Wisser, A Prousevitch, Changsheng Li, Richard B. Lammers, and Steve Frolking


Spatiotemporal studies of black spruce forest soils and implications for the fate of C, Jennifer Harden, Kristen L. Manies, Jonathan O'Donnell, Kristofer Johnson, Steve Frolking, and Zhaosheng Fan


Spectral absorption of biomass burning aerosol determined from retrieved single scattering albedo during ARCTAS, C A. Corr, S R. Hall, B E. Anderson, Kirk Ullman, A J. Beyersdorf, Kenn L. Thornhill, Michael J. Cubison, Jose L. Jimenez, Armin Wisthaler, and Jack E. Dibb


The Carrington event not observed in most ice core nitrate records, E W. Wolff, M Bigler, M. A. J. Curran, Jack E. Dibb, M M. Frey, M Legrand, and J R. McConnell


The resilience and functional role of moss in boreal and arctic ecosystems, Merritt R. Turetsky, B Bond-Lamberty, E Euskirchen, Julie Talbot, Steve Frolking, A D. McGuire, and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila


Tools for Generating Useful Time-series Data from PhenoCam Images, Tom Milliman, Mark A. Friedl, Steve Frolking, Koen Hufkens, Stephen Klosterman, A D. Richardson, and Michael Toomey


Turbidite Event History—Methods and Implications for Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Chris Goldfinger, C. Hans Nelson, Ann E. Morey, Joel E. Johnson, Jason R. Patton, Eugene Karabanov, Julia Gutierrez-Pastor, Andrew T. Eriksson, Eulalia Gracia, Gita Dunhill, Randolph J. Enkin, Audrey Dallimore, and Tracy Vallier

Submissions from 2011


Collaborative and Transparent Production of Decision-Relevant Information for New Hampshire’s Climate Action Plan, Cameron P. Wake, Matt Frades, A Magnusson, Chris Skoglund, Ross Gittell, George C. Hurtt, and Joanne Morin


Constraining models for C Exchange in Permafrost and Peatland Soils: Soil radiocarbon and its utility for C turnover, Jennifer Harden, C Fuller, Steve Frolking, C D. Koven, Kristen L. Manies, J P. McGeehin, and J O'Donnell


Episodic CH4 emissions from a temperate fen, Ruth Varner, Jordan P. Goodrich, Steve Frolking, P Crill, and Changsheng Li


Exploring the limits of peatland stability using a peat accumulation model, Julie Talbot and Steve Frolking


Harmonization of land-use scenarios for the period 1500-2100: 600 years of global gridded annual land-use transitions, wood harvest, and resulting secondary lands, George C. Hurtt, L P. Chini, Steve Frolking, R A. Betts, J Feddema, G Fischer, K Hibbard, R A. Houghton, A Janetos, C D. Jones, G Kindermann, T Kinoshita, Kees Klein Goldewijk, K Riahi, E Shevliakova, S Smith, E Stehfest, A Thomson, A Thornton, D P. van Vuuren, and Y P. Wang


High-frequency measurements of methane ebullition over a growing season at a temperate peatland site, Jordan P. Goodrich, Ruth Varner, Steve Frolking, Bryan N. Duncan, and P Crill


Improving CHN measurements in carbonate‐rich marine sediments, Stephen C. Phillips, Joel E. Johnson, Eduardo Miranda, and Corinne Disenhof


In situ measurements of tropospheric volcanic plumes in Ecuador and Colombia during TC, S A. Carn, K D. Froyd, B E. Anderson, Paul Wennberg, John D. Crounse, K Spencer, Jack E. Dibb, N A. Krotkov, E V. Browell, Jonathan Hair, Glenn S. Diskin, and G W. Sachse


Irrigation from the cryosphere - a global analysis of the contribution of melt water to irrigation water supply, Dominik Wisser, R van Beek, W W. Immerzeel, Y Wada, Steve Frolking, and Marc F. P. Bierkens


ISOGENIE: Linking geochemistry, isotopic chemistry and microbial dynamics & community composition in a thawing permafrost peatland, Stordalen Mire, Abisco, Sweden, J Chanton, P Crill, V Rich, C K. McCalley, S B. Hodgkins, G W. Tyson, T Logan, R A. Wehr, R Monday, Changsheng Li, Steve Frolking, and S R. Saleska


Land-Use in Climate Models: Lessons, Limitations, and Challenges for the Future, George C. Hurtt, L P. Chini, Steve Frolking, J Fisk, R A. Houghton, S Jantz, C D. Jones, Kees Klein Goldewijk, Y Le Page, E Shevliakova, A Thomson, and P E. Thornton


Longpath DOAS observations of surface BrO at Summit, Greenland, J Stutz, J L. Thomas, S C. Hurlock, M Schneider, R von Glasow, M Piot, K Gorham, John F. Burkhart, Luke D. Ziemba, Jack E. Dibb, and Barry Lefer


Mercury deposition in southern New Hampshire, 2006–2009, M. A. S. Lombard, J. G. Bryce, Huiting Mao, and R. Talbot


Modeling chemistry in and above snow at Summit, Greenland – Part 1: Model description and results, J L. Thomas, J Stutz, Barry Lefer, L Gregory Huey, K Toyota, Jack E. Dibb, and R von Glasow


Modeling peatland carbon dynamics on decadal to millennial time scales, Steve Frolking, Nigel T. Roulet, and Jill L. Bubier


Modeling the Impacts of Disturbances on Carbon Dynamics Over Large Regions, George C. Hurtt, J Fisk, Jeffrey Q. Chambers, L P. Chini, Katelyn A. Dolan, Ralph O. Dubayah, L Duncanson, S Flanagan, Steve Frolking, C Huang, Jeffrey G. Masek, D C. Morton, Y Le Page, R I. Negron Juarez, E Shevliakova, P E. Thornton, and H Zeng


Modeling the impacts of major forest disturbances on the Earth's coupled carbon-climate system, and the capacity of forests to meet future demands for wood, fuel, and fiber, George C. Hurtt, B Bond-Lamberty, Jeffrey Q. Chambers, L P. Chini, George James Collatz, Ralph O. Dubayah, Jae Edmonds, Steve Frolking, A Janetos, D C. Morton, Michael W. Palace, A Thomson, E Shevliakova, P E. Thornton, and J Fisk


Multi-scale modeling study of the source contributions to near-surface ozone and sulfur oxides levels over California during the ARCTAS-CARB period, M. Huang, Gregory R. Carmichael, S N. Spak, B Adhikary, S Kulkarni, Y Cheng, C Wei, Y Tang, A D'Allura, Paul Wennberg, L Gregory Huey, Jack E. Dibb, Jose L. Jimenez, Michael J. Cubison, Andrew Weinheimer, Ajith P. Kaduwela, Chenxia Cai, M Wong, R Bradley Pierce, J Al-Saadi, David G. Streets, and Q Zhang


Novel stable isotope laser spectrometry elucidates changing mechanisms of CH4 production and consumption across a climate change sequence in an arctic wetland, C K. McCalley, R A. Wehr, P Crill, J Chanton, S B. Hodgkins, D D. Nelson, J B. McManus, M Zahniser, V Rich, G W. Tyson, R Monday, Steve Frolking, Changsheng Li, and S R. Saleska


Observations of hydroxyl and peroxy radicals and the impact of BrO at Summit, Greenland in 2007 and 2008, J Liao, L Gregory Huey, D Tanner, N Brough, Steve Brooks, Jack E. Dibb, J Stutz, J L. Thomas, Barry Lefer, C Haman, and K Gorham


Peatlands and Their Role in the Global Carbon Cycle, Zicheng Yu, D W. Beilman, Steve Frolking, Glenn M. MacDonald, Nigel T. Roulet, Philip Camill, and D J. Charman


Peatlands in the Earth’s 21st century climate system, Steve Frolking, Julie Talbot, M C. Jones, C C. Treat, Boone Kauffman, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, and Nigel T. Roulet


Perchlorate Depositional History as Recorded in North American Ice Cores from the Eclipse Icefield, Canada, and the Upper Fremont Glacier, USA, Balaji Anandha Rao, Cameron P. Wake, Todd Anderson, and William Andrew Jackson


PhenoCam: A continental-scale observatory for monitoring the phenology of terrestrial vegetation, A D. Richardson, Mark A. Friedl, Steve Frolking, and R. Pless


Soil temperature response to 21st century global warming: the role of and some implications for peat carbon in thawing permafrost soils in North America, Dominik Wisser, S Marchenko, Julie Talbot, C C. Treat, and Steve Frolking


Soil temperature response to global warming: implications for carbon content from thawing permafrost soils in North America, Dominik Wisser, S Marchenko, C C. Treat, Julie Talbot, and Steve Frolking


Sources, distribution, and acidity of sulfate–ammonium aerosol in the Arctic in winter–spring, Jenny Fisher, Daniel J. Jacob, Qiaoqiao Wang, Roya Bahreini, Claire C. Carouge, Michael J. Cubison, Jack E. Dibb, Thomas Diehl, Jose L. Jimenez, Eric M. Leibensperger, Zifeng Lu, Macel B.J. Meinders, Havala O.T. Pye, Patricia K. Quinn, Sangeeta Sharma, David G. Streets, Aaron van Donkelaar, and Robert Yantosca