"Collaborative and Transparent Production of Decision-Relevant Informat" by Cameron P. Wake, Matt Frades et al.

Collaborative and Transparent Production of Decision-Relevant Information for New Hampshire’s Climate Action Plan


Much of the response for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dealing with the consequences of climate change requires significant action at the state level. New Hampshire has recently addressed the issue of climate change through the development of a multi-sector climate action plan written by a Governor appointed Climate Change Policy Task Force. The collaborative process integrated input from stakeholders and shared development of key assumptions with transparent quantitative analysis (performed by a team from the University of New Hampshire and Department of Environmental Service) that provided decision relevant information regarding the emission reduction recommendations adopted by the Task Force. To prepare for current and future changes in New Hampshire’s climate, the plan also includes a section on adaptation. The plan is aimed at achieving the greatest feasible reductions in emissions while also providing the greatest possible long-term economic benefits by substantially increasing energy efficiency in the building and transportation sectors, continuing to increase sources of renewable energy, designing communities to reduce reliance on automobiles, and preserving working forests.


Earth Sciences, Earth Systems Research Center

Publication Date


Journal Title

The Northeastern Geographer


New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society

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