Peer-Reviewed and Other Publications | Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC) | University of New Hampshire


Submissions from 2024


The Intersection of Gender, Caregiving, and Research Productivity During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Method Study, Elizabeth A. Moschella-Smith and Sharyn J. Potter

Submissions from 2019


Bystander Intervention Prevention Strategies as a Solution to Addressing Sexual Harassment and Assault, Sharyn J. Potter


Gender Differences in Veterans’ Perceptions of Harassment on Veterans Health Administration Grounds, Karen E. Dyer, Sharyn J. Potter, Alison B. Hamilton, and Tana M. Luger


Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, and Stalking on Campus. In Cimini MD and EM Rivero, Rebecca Howard, Sharyn J. Potter, C. Geudg, and Jane G. Stapleton


The Effectiveness of Resident Hall Bulletin Boards on the Marketing of the uSafeUS Application, Michaela M. Vivian and Sharyn Potter


Video Games as a Mechanism for Teaching College Students Bystander Behaviors, Sharyn J. Potter, Mary Flanagan, Max Seidman, Hannah Hodges, and Jane G. Stapleton

Submissions from 2018


Envisioning comprehensive sexual assault prevention for college campuses, Victoria Banyard and Sharyn J. Potter


Long-term impacts of college sexual assaults on women survivors' educational and career attainments, Sharyn J. Potter, Rebecca Howard, Sharon Murphy, and Mary M. Moynihan


Multiple sexual violence prevention tools: Doses and boosters, Victoria Banyard, Sharyn J. Potter, Alison C. Cares, Linda M. Williams, Mary M. Moynihan, and Jane G. Stapleton


Sexual violence victimization among community college students, Rebecca Howard, Sharyn J. Potter, Celine E. Guedj, and Mary M. Moynihan

Submissions from 2017


Encouraging Bystanders to Promote Positive Parenting and Prevent Child Maltreatment in Retail Settings: Results of an Exploratory Qualitative Study, Avanti Adhia, Sharyn J. Potter, Jane G. Stapleton, Barry Zuckerman, Nicole Phan, and Megan Bair-Merritt

Submissions from 2016


Conveying campus sexual misconduct policy information to college and university students: Results from a 7-campus study, Sharyn J. Potter, K. M. Edwards, Victoria Banyard, Jane G. Stapleton, and J. M. Demers


Reducing Sexual Assault on Campus: Lessons From the Movement to Prevent Drunk Driving, Sharyn J. Potter


The Anti-Drunk Driving Movement as a Framework for Campus Sexual Assault Prevention, Sharyn J. Potter


What Difference Do Bystanders Make? The Association of Bystander Involvement With Victim Outcomes in a Community Sample., Sherry L. Hamby, John Grych, Victoria L. Banyard, and Marcela C. Weber

Submissions from 2015


Adapting and Piloting the Know Your Power ® Bystander Social Marketing Campaign for a Diverse Campus Population, Sharyn J. Potter, Jane G. Stapleton, K. Mansager, and C. Nies


Bringing a network-oriented approach to domestic violence services, Lisa A. Goodman, Victoria Banyard, Julie Woulfe, Sarah Ash, and Grace Mattern


Campus Community Readiness to Engage Measure: Its Utility for Campus Violence Prevention Initiatives—Preliminary Psychometrics, Katie Edwards, Mary M. Moynihan, Kara Anne Rodenhizer-Stampfli, Jennifer M. Demers, and Victoria Banyard


Changing Attitudes About Being a Bystander to Violence : Translating an In-Person Sexual Violence Prevention Program to a New Campus., Alison C. Cares, Victoria L. Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Linda M. Williams, Sharyn J. Potter, and Jane G. Stapleton


Concurrent administration of sexual assault prevention and risk reduction programming: Outcomes for women, Christine A. Gidycz, Lindsay M. Orchowski, Danielle R. Probst, Katie Edwards, Megan J. Murphy, and Erin C. Tansill


Encouraging Responses in Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention: What Program Effects Remain 1 Year Later?, Mary M. Moynihan, Victoria Banyard, Alison C. Cares, Sharyn J. Potter, Linda M. Williams, and Jane G. Stapleton


Incoming college students’ bystander behaviors to prevent sexual violence, Sidney Bennett, Victoria L. Banyard, and Katie M. Edwards


Informal Social Reactions to College Women’s Disclosure of Intimate Partner Violence: Associations With Psychological and Relational Variables, Katie M. Edwards, Christina M. Dardis, Kateryna Sylaska, and Christine A. Gidycz


Motives for physical dating violence among college students: A gendered analysis, Erika L. Kelley, Katie Edwards, Christina M. Dardis, and Christine A. Gidycz


Physical Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Unwanted Pursuit Victimization A Comparison of Incidence Rates Among Sexual-Minority and Heterosexual College Students, Katie M. Edwards, Kateryna Sylaska, Johanna E. Barry, Mary M. Moynihan, Victoria L. Banyard, Ellen S. Cohn, Wendy A. Walsh, and Sally K. Ward


The Impact of the Bystander’s Relationship with the Victim and the Perpetrator on Intent to Help in Situations Involving Sexual Violence, Sidney Bennett, Victoria L. Banyard, and Katie M. Edwards

Submissions from 2014


College Students as Helpful Bystanders Against Sexual Violence: Gender, Race, and Year in College Moderate the Impact of Perceived Peer Norms., Amy L. Brown, Victoria L. Banyard, and Mary M. Moynihan


Community Matters: Intimate Partner Violence Among Rural Young Adults., Katie M. Edwards, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Kristiana J. Dixon, and Victoria L. Banyard


Disclosure of Intimate Partner Violence to Informal Social Support Network Members A Review of the Literature, Kateryna Sylaska and Katie M. Edwards


Do Friends Really Help Friends? The Effect of Relational Factors and Perceived Severity on Bystander Perception of Sexual Violence, Sidney Bennett and Victoria L. Banyard


Family-of-origin violence and college men’s reports of intimate partner violence perpetration in adolescence and young adulthood: The role of maladaptive interpersonal patterns, Katie Edwards, Kristiana J. Dixon, Christine A. Gidycz, and Angeli D. Desai


How do we know if it works? Measuring outcomes in bystander-focused abuse prevention on campuses, Victoria L. Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Alison C. Cares, and Rebecca Warner


Improving College Campus–Based Prevention of Violence Against Women: A Strategic Plan for Research Built on Multipronged Practices and Policies, Victoria L. Banyard


In Their Own Words: A Content-Analytic Study of College Women’s Resistance to Sexual Assault, Katie M. Edwards, Danielle R. Probst, Erin C. Tansill, Kristiana J. Dixon, Sidney Bennett, and Christine A. Gidycz


Intimate Partner Homicide: New Insights for Understanding Lethality and Risks, Bryn E. Sheehan, Sharon B. Murphy, Mary M. Moynihan, Erin Dudley-Fennessey, and Jane G. Stapleton


Police Reporting Practices for Sexual Assault Cases in Which “The Victim Does Not Wish to Pursue Charges”, Sharon B. Murphy, Katie M. Edwards, Sidney Bennett, Sara Jane Bibeau, and Julie Sichelstiel


Stalking and Psychosocial Distress Following the Termination of an Abusive Dating Relationship: A Prospective Analysis, Katie M. Edwards and Christine A. Gidycz


To Act or Not to Act, That Is the Question? Barriers and Facilitators of Bystander Intervention, Sidney Bennett, Victoria L. Banyard, and Nancy Garnhart

Submissions from 2013


A Mixed-Methodological Examination of Investment Model Variables Among Abused and Nonabused College Women, Christina M. Dardis, Erika L. Kelley, Katie M. Edwards, and Christine A. Gidycz


Assessing the Efficacy of a Bystander Social Marketing Campaign Four Weeks Following the Campaign Administration, Sharyn J. Potter and Jane G. Stapleton


Dating Violence Perpetration: The Predictive Roles of Maternally versus Paternally Perpetrated Childhood Abuse and Subsequent Dating Violence Attitudes and Behaviors, Christina M. Dardis, Katie M. Edwards, Erika L. Kelley, and Christine A. Gidycz


Exploring stakeholders' perceptions of adult female sexual assault case attrition, Sharon B. Murphy, Victoria L. Banyard, and Erin Dudley Fennessey


The Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence among LGBTQ College Youth: The Role of Minority Stress, Katie Edwards and Kateryna Sylaska

Submissions from 2012


Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence in the LGBT Community Using a Bystander Framework, Sharyn J. Potter, Kim Fountain, and Jane G. Stapleton


A Qualitative Analysis of College Women's Leaving Processes in Abusive Relationships, Katie M. Edwards, Megan J. Murphy, Erin C. Tansill, Christina Myrick, Danielle R. Probst, Rebecca Corsa, and Christine A. Gidycz


Domestic Violence, Culture, and Relationship Dynamics Among Immigrant Mexican Women, Sharon B. Murphy, Rebecca Dufresne, and Catherine L. Marrs Fuchsel


Myths about male rape: A literature review, Jessica A. Turchik and Katie M. Edwards


Predictors of Victim–Perpetrator Relationship Stability Following a Sexual Assault: A Brief Report, Katie M. Edwards, Megan C. Kearns, Christine A. Gidycz, and Karen S. Calhoun


The mediating role of trauma-related symptoms in the relationship between sexual victimization and physical health symptomatology in undergraduate women, Erin C. Tansill, Katie M. Edwards, Megan C. Kearns, Christine A. Gidycz, and Karen S. Calhoun


Translating Sexual Assault Prevention from a College Campus to a United States Military Installation: Piloting the Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing Campaign, Sharyn J. Potter and Jane G. Stapleton


Translating Sexual Assault Prevention from a College Campus to a United States Military Installation: Piloting the Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing Campaign, Sharyn J. Potter and Jane G. Stapleton


Using a multimedia social marketing campaign to increase active bystanders on the college campus, Sharyn J. Potter


When can I help? a conceptual framework for the prevention of sexual violence through bystander intervention, Sarah McMahon and Victoria L. Banyard


Women’s disclosure of dating violence: A mixed methodological study, Katie M. Edwards, Christina M. Dardis, and Christine A. Gidycz

Submissions from 2011


Advocates speak out on adult sexual assault: A unique crime demands a unique response, Sharon B. Murphy, Victoria L. Banyard, Sarah p. Maynard, and Rebecca Dufresne


An assessment of state level sexual assault prevalence estimates, Sharyn J. Potter and David J. Laflamme


An examination of SANE data: Clinical considerations based on victim–assailant relationship, Sharon B. Murphy, Sharyn J. Potter, Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, Jane G. Stapleton, and Desiree Wiesen-Martin


Bringing in the Bystander In-Person Prevention Program to a U.S. Military Installation: Results From a Pilot Study, Sharyn J. Potter and Mary M. Moynihan


Bringing in the target audience in bystander social marketing materials for communities: Suggestions for practitioners., Sharyn J. Potter and Jane G. Stapleton


Educating bystanders helps prevent sexual violence and reduce backlash, Mary M. Moynihan and Victoria Banyard


Engaging intercollegiate athletes in preventing and intervening in sexual and intimate partner violence, Mary M. Moynihan, Victoria L. Banyard, Julie S. Arnold, Robert P. Eckstein, and Jane G. Stapleton


Guest editors' introduction, Sharyn J. Potter and Victoria L. Banyard


"OH, DID THE WOMEN SUFFER, THEY SUFFERED SO MUCH:" Impacts of Gendered based violence on Kinship Networks in Rwanda, Nicole S. Fox


Providing context for social workers’ response to sexual assault victims, Sharon B. Murphy, Sharyn J. Potter, Jennifer Pierce-Weeks, Jane G. Stapleton, Desiree Wiesen-Martin, and Kimberly G. Phillips


Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change, Katie M. Edwards, Jessica A. Turchik, Christina M. Dardis, Nicole Reynolds, and Christine A. Gidycz


Sexual Assault in New Hampshire: A Report from the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, David Laflamme, Grace Mattern, Mary M. Moynihan, and Sharyn J. Potter


Sisterhood May Be Powerful for Reducing Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence: An Evaluation of the Bringing in the Bystander In-Person Program with Sorority Members, Mary M. Moynihan, Victoria L. Banyard, Julie S. Arnold, Robert P. Eckstein, and Jane G. Stapleton


The impact of interpersonal violence in adulthood on women's job satisfaction and productivity: The mediating roles of mental and physical health, Victoria L. Banyard, Sharyn J. Potter, and Heather A. Turner


The victimization experiences of women in the workforce: Moving beyond single categories of work or violence, Sharyn J. Potter and Victoria L. Banyard


Using Social Self-Identification in Social Marketing Materials Aimed at Reducing Violence Against Women on Campus, Sharyn J. Potter, Mary M. Moynihan, and Jane G. Stapleton


Variation in bystander behavior related to sexual and intimate partner violence prevention: Correlates in a sample of college students, Victoria L. Banyard and Mary M. Moynihan


Who will help prevent sexual violence: Creating an ecological model of bystander intervention, Victoria L. Banyard

Submissions from 2010


An Example Community Perspective on Sexual Violence Prevention: Enhancing Safety Nets ann Preventing Victimization by Empowering a College Community of Bystanders, Mary M. Moynihan, Sharyn J. Potter, Victoria L. Banyard, Jane G. Stapleton, and Mary R. Mayhew


Challenges to the Doctor Patient Relationship in the 21st Century, J. Vanderminden and Sharyn J. Potter


Disclosure and Service Use on a College Campus After an Unwanted Sexual Experience, Wendy A. Walsh, Victoria L. Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Sally K. Ward, and Ellen S. Cohn


Findings from Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE): A case study of New Hampshire's pediatric SANE database, Sharon B. Murphy, Sharyn J. Potter, Jane G. Stapleton, Desiree Wiesen-Martin, and Jennifer Pierce-Weeks


Friends of Survivors The Community Impact of Unwanted Sexual Experiences, Victoria L. Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Wendy A. Walsh, Ellen S. Cohn, and Sally K. Ward


Friends of survivors: The community impact of unwanted sexual experiences., Victoria Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, Wendy A. Walsh, Ellen S. Cohn, and Sally Ward


Sexual Violence Prevention: The Role of Stages of Change, Victoria L. Banyard, Robert P. Eckstein, and Mary M. Moynihan


Victimization in the Lives of Employed Women:Disclosure in the Workplace, Victoria L. Banyard and Ian Potter

Submissions from 2009


An assimilation analysis of clinician-assisted emotional disclosure therapy with survivors of intimate partner sexual assault, Lindsay M. Orchowski, Brian D. Uhlin, Danielle R. Probst, Katie M. Edwards, and Timothy Anderson


College Women's Reactions to Sexual Assault Research Participation: Is it Distressing?, Katie M. Edwards, Megan C. Kearns, Christine A. Gidycz, and Karen S. Calhoun


Complex Personhood as the Context for Intimate Partner Victimization: One American Indian Woman's Story, Sharon B. Murphy, Lynne Lemire, and Mindi Wisman


Empowering bystanders to prevent campus violence against women: A preliminary evaluation of a poster campaign, Sharyn J. Potter, Mary M. Moynihan, Jane G. Stapleton, and Victoria L. Banyard


Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers: Faculty Mentors Perceptions Of The Challenges And Benefits Of The Research Relationship, Sharyn J. Potter, Eleanor Abrams, Lisa Townson, and Julie E. Williams


Moving within the spiral: The process of surviving, Sharon B. Murphy, Mary M. Moynihan, and Victoria L. Banyard


Rape Prevention and Risk Reduction: Review of the Research Literature for Practitioners, Kimberly A. Lonsway, Victoria L. Banyard, Alan D. Berkowitz, Christine A. Gidycz, Jackson T. Katz, Mary P. Ross, Paul A. Schewe, Sarah E. Ullman, and Dorothy Edwards


Reducing sexual violence on campus: The role of student leaders as empowered bystanders, Victoria L. Banyard, Mary M. Moynihan, and Maria T. Crossman


Violence Against Men in New Hampshire, Grace Mattern, David Laflamme, Sharyn J. Potter, and Mary M. Moynihan


When crises collide: How intimate partner violence and poverty intersect to shape women’s mental health and coping, Lisa A. Goodman, Katya Fels Smyth, Angela M. Borges, and Rachel Singer

Submissions from 2008


Clarifying consent: Primary prevention of sexual assault on a college campus, Angela M. Borges, Victoria L. Banyard, and Mary M. Moynihan


Consequences of teen dating violence: Understanding intervening variables in ecological context, Victoria L. Banyard and Charlotte W. Cross


Designing, implementing and evaluating a media campaign illustrating the bystander role, Sharyn J. Potter, Jane G. Stapleton, and Mary M. Moynihan


Ethical Dilemmas in the Treatment of Battered Women in Individual Psychotherapy: Analysis of the Beneficence Versus Autonomy Polemic, Katie M. Edwards, Jennifer C. Merrill, Angeli D. Desai, and John R. McNamara


Incorporating Evaluation into Media Campaign Design, Sharyn J. Potter and Brad Perry


Intimate partner violence: A call for social work action, Sharon B. Murphy and Lilianne Ouimet


Measurement and correlates of prosocial bystander behavior: The case of interpersonal violence, Victoria L. Banyard


Prediction of Women's Utilization of Resistance Strategies in a Sexual Assault Situation A Prospective Study, Christine A. Gidycz, Amy Van Wynsberghe, and Katie M. Edwards


The Complexity of Trauma Types in the Lives of Women in Families Referred for Family Violence: Multiple Mediators of Mental Health, Victoria L. Banyard, Linda M. Williams, B E. Saunders, and M M. Fitzgerald

Submissions from 2007


The Reality of Sexual Assault in New Hampshire: A report from the Research Committee of the Governor's Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Sharon Murphy, Heather L. Farr, Grace Mattern, Kathy Kimball, Jane G. Stapleton, Sarah p. Maynard, Mary R. Mayhew, Jill Rockey, Sharyn J. Potter, and Victoria Banyard