Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC) | University of New Hampshire Research | University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository
Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC)

Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC)

Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC) is internationally recognized for its collaborative research and community engagement focusing on sexual and relationship violence and stalking prevention and response. Established in 2006, Prevention Innovations Research Center conducts scholarly, cutting-edge research that informs policy and practice and convenes practitioners and researchers to develop strategies for evidence-based, innovative approaches to violence prevention. In addition, PIRC’s team of researchers and practitioners provide training for university, Military and community practitioners; mentor students; support community-based practitioners; and advise institutions. More than 20 researchers and practitioners are affiliated with PIRC. To learn more about Prevention Innovations Research Center, please visit our website and follow us on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram .


Browse the Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC) Collections:

Peer-Reviewed and Other Publications

PIRC Newsletter

White Papers and Other PIRC reports