The Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) is an applied research institute located within the College of Health and Human Services at the University of New Hampshire. In 1999, the State of New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the Dartmouth Medical School (DMS) and the University of New Hampshire collaboratively launched the IHPP as vehicle to conduct applied research, as well as provide education and technical assistance to improve the health of and healthcare received by residents of New Hampshire.
Submissions from 2025
Covering the Care: Most Costly Health Conditions – Metabolic Disorders, Hemophilia, Cancers, and Transplants Top the List, Bridget Green, Bethany Swanson, Deborah Fournier, and Erica Plante
Covering the Care: Pregnancy Tops the List of Highest Out-Of-Pocket Costs for NH’s Commercially Insured, Chris White, Bethany Swanson, Erica Plante, and Deborah Fournier
Covering the Care: Trends for Behavioral Health, Chronic Conditions, and Pregnancy, Bridget Green, Bethany J. Swanson, Deborah Fournier, and Erica-Lyn Plante
Covering the Care: Pharmaceutical Utilization and Per-Member-Per-Month Costs, Erica Plante, Bethany J. Swanson, Bridget Green, and Deborah Fournier
Submissions from 2024
Covering the Care: Most Prevalent Health Conditions and Their Associated Costs Among NH’s Insured Population – Behavioral Health and Cardiovascular Disease Top the List, Bethany Swanson, Erica Plante, and Deborah Fournier
IHPP 2023 Annual Report, Institute for Health Policy and Practice
Mapping a Way Forward: Affordability and Equitability, 2024 Annual Health Law & Policy Symposium, Deborah Fournier
Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in New Hampshire | 2023 Update, Kelly Dixon, Deborah Fournier, and Rebecca Simon
Submissions from 2023
NH Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019-2021 Health Care Claims Data, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, Katie Lipp, Amy Costello, and Chris White
IHPP & NH CHIS Data, An Overview, Erica-Lyn Plante
Annual Report Evaluation Highlights, Sophie Weider, Michaela Fascione, Kelsi West, and Marcy Doyle
Lessons learned from a multiagency community mental health centre quality improvement learning collaborative in New Hampshire, Marcy Doyle, Delitha Watts, Molly Umana, Janet Thomas, and Jeanne Ryer
Medicaid Transition (Unwind): Return to Regular Eligibility Operations, Lucy Hodder and Deborah H. Fournier
IHPP 2022 Annual Report, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Augmenting project ECHO for opioid use disorder with data-informed quality improvement, Owen B. Murray, Marcy A. Doyle, Bethany M. McLeman, Lisa A. Marsch, Elizabeth C. Saunders, Katherine Cox, Delitha Watts, and Jeanne Ryer
Medicaid Transition Small Stakeholder Meeting, Lucy C. Hodder, Deborah Fournier, and Molly Umana
A Quick Guide on How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - 2023 Update, Lucy C. Hodder, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
COVID-19 Claims Recovery Analysis, Josephine B. Porter, Amy Costello, Kelly Dixon, Bethany Swanson, and Erica-Lyn Plante
COVID-19 Pharmacy Claims Recovery Analysis, Kelly Dixon, Bethany Swanson, Josephine B. Porter, Erica-Lyn Plante, Amy Costello, and Lucy Hodder
IHPP 2023 Annual Report, Insituite for Health Policy and Practice
Investing in Primary Care: Advancing Nursing Education Workforce, Marcy Doyle, Kelsi West, Delitha Watts, Erica Plante, Sophie Weider, Molly Umana, Jeanne Ryer, and Gene Harkless
Medicaid Transition Small Stakeholder Meeting: Return to Regular Eligibility Operations, Lucy C. Hodder, Deborah Fournier, and Molly Umana
Mental Health Care Access for NH Youth: A Comparison of Two Models, Katherine Lipp, Rowan Gelting, Delitha Watts, Erica-Lyn Plante, Jeanne Ryer, and Felicia Brackett
Resource Guide for Consumers: How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - 2023 Update, Lucy C. Hodder, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
The Current State of Behavioral Health in Primary Care for NH Youth, Katherine Lipp, Delitha Watts, Janet Thomas, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, Felicia Brackett, Corina Chao, Rowan Gelting, Sophie Weider, Jeanne Ryer, Amy Costello, and Chris White
The Value of All-Payer Claims Databases for Employers, All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
What Granite Staters Need to Know About Medicaid, New Hampshire DHHS
Submissions from 2022
IHPP 2021 Annual Report, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Social Determinants of Health: APCD and Hospital Discharge Data Standards and Collection Practices, Charles Hawley, Bethany Swanson, Amy Costello, Josephine Porter, and Norm Thurston
New Hampshire Children and Teens Experiencing Mental Health Disorders: An Analysis of 2019 Healthcare Claims Data, Holly Tutko, Jo Porter, Erik Shessler, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, and Amy Costello
Legal Update on Fraud and Abuse Opinion on Contingency Management Program UNH Law, (IHPP) Institute for Health Policy and Practice and Telehealth Practice Center
New Hampshire Baseline Needs Assessment Full Report, Center on Rural Addiction, University of Vermont; NH Citizens Health Initiative; and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
A Guide to Trauma Informed Pediatric Primary Care, Felicity Bernard, Corina Chao, and Holly Tutko
Annual Health Law & Policy Symposium Event Summary, Lucy C. Hodder and Deborah Fornier
Chronic Pain Self-Management Project ECHO Series: Evaluation Highlights, Kelsi M. West, Marcy Doyle, Ciera Hunter, Katherine Cox, Janet Thomas, Melissa Lee, Kendra Lewis, and Jeanne Ryer
Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in NH - 2021 Update, Josephine B. Porter, Lucy C. Hodder, and Kelly Dixon
Facilitating a Quality Improvement Approach to Childhood Adversity Screening in Primary Care: A Handbook, Felicity Bernard, Corina Chao, Holly Tutko, and Dee Watts
Improving Pediatric Mental Health in NH through Collaboration and Community, Corina Chao and Holly Tutko
New Hampshire Child and Teen Mental Health: An Analysis and Comparison of 2019-2020 Healthcare Claims Data, Bethany Swanson, Erica-Lyn Plante, Amy Costello, Jo Porter, and Chris White
Pediatric Trauma-Informed Care at Various Levels of Integration, Felicity Bernard and Dee Watts
Telehealth! Policy, Practice and Patients, Deborah H. Fournier, Marcy Ainslie, and Marcy Doyle
Submissions from 2021
Medicaid to Schools Technical Assistance Guide, Lucy Hodder; Kelsi West; Victoria Forkus; and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Medicaid to Schools (MTS) Team
IHPP 2020 Annual Report, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Maternal Mortality Review Committee Cross-Border Information Sharing, Lucy Hodder
Analysis Of Dental Claims to Understand Patterns of Oral Health Care Services in 2017-2019, Fluoridation, and Oral Health Care Patterns During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Health Care Claims and Mental Health ED Utilization, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) and New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Health Care Claims and Mental Health Emergency Department Utilization, Lucy C. Hodder
Advance Child Tax Credit 2021, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law and (IHPP) Institute for Health Policy
Improving Community-Wide Communications for Students, Lucy C. Hodder
FERPA/HIPAA/Part 2 Summaries and Application, Lucy C. Hodder
Extended Coverage Option in Medicaid for Postpartum Women, Lucy C. Hodder and Deborah Fournier
Eliminating the X-Waiver Requirements for DEA-Registered Physicians Prescribing Buprenorphine – To Be or Not to Be?, Lauren LaRochelle and Lucy C. Hodder
SAMHSA 42 CFR Part 2 Revised Key Points for Health Centers on Rule Changes, What they Mean and Health IT Considerations, Lucy C. Hodder and Lauren LaRochelle
Cost and Utilization of Treatment for Diabetes in New Hampshire: Analysis of Medical and Pharmacy All-Payer Claims Data, Erica-Lyn Plante, Amy Costello, Josephine B. Porter, and H. Chris White
New Hampshire Baseline Needs Assessment: Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment Data Brief, Center on Rural Addiction, University of Vermont and NH Citizens Health Initiative
New Hampshire Baseline Needs Assessment: COVID-19 Impact on Substance Use and Treatment, Center on Rural Addiction, University of Vermont and NH Citizens Health Initiative
New Hampshire Baseline Needs Assessment: Practitioner Comfort Treating Substance Use Disorder, Center on Rural Addiction, University of Vermont and NH Citizens Health Initiative
NH Teen & Young Adult Well-Care Resource Kit, Holly Tutko and Hwasun Garin
Quality Improvement in Integrated Care, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) and NH Citizens Health Initiative
Set it in Stone: Investing in 21st Century Broadband in New Hampshire to Secure Telehealth for All Residents, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), New Hampshire Telehealth Alliance, and Deborah H. Fournier
Submissions from 2020
Covering the Care: Legal Update, December 2020, Lucy C. Hodder, Lauren LaRochelle, and Cory Greenleaf
Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in NH | 2020 Update, Jo Porter and Lucy C. Hodder
Quick Guide to Telepractice Best Practices, (IHPP) Institute for Health Policy and Practice and Telehealth Practice Center
Quickstart Guide to Teleprecepting: An Interdisciplinary Guide for Conducting Successful Teleprecepting Patient Visits, Lauryn Frost, Marcy Doyle, Sally Minkow, Dayle Sharp, Olivia Skaltsis, and Janet Thomas
Pediatric mental health referrals: Guidance and directory for Pediatric primary care providers in New Hampshire, Institute for Health Policy and Practice
Guía de recursos para consumidores: Cómo acceder a los beneficios de salud mental y trastorno por consumo de sustancias, Lucy C. Hodder, Connor Buchholz, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
Una guía rápida sobre cómo acceder a los beneficios de salud mental y trastorno por consumo de sustancias, Lucy C. Hodder, Connor Buchholz, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
COVID-19 Impacts for NH Adults, Josephine B. Porter, Amy Costello, and Lucy C. Hodder
The Community Response to Medicaid Work and Community Engagement Requirements: Lessons from New Hampshire, Josephine B. Porter, Lucy C. Hodder, and Lauren LaRochelle
COVID-19 RESOURCES, Institute for Health Policy and Practice and Josephine B. Porter
A Quick Guide on How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits, Lucy C. Hodder, Connor Buchholz, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
Resource Guide for Consumers: How to Access Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits, Lucy C. Hodder, Connor Buchholz, Marguerite Corvini, and Bridget Drake
10 Steps for Improving Diabetes Care in New Hampshire: A practical Guide for Clinicians and Community Partners, Annie Averill, Corina Chao, Marcy Doyle, Rudolph Fedrizzi, Ruth James, Sally Minkow, Delitha Watts, Jo Porter, Susan Fischer, and Marisa Lara
Planning for Project ECHO in New Hampshire, Jeanne Ryer EdD, Kelsi M. West, Erica-Lyn Plante, Ruth James, Patrick Miller, Kathleen Thies, Marcy A. Doyle, H. Chris White, Amy Costello, Marguerite Corvini, and Josephine B. Porter
New Hampshire Plans of Safe and Supportive Care — a Legal Primer: Fostering Services and Supports for Families when a Baby is Born Exposed to Substances, Lucy C. Hodder and Lauren LaRochelle
What is a Plan of Safe Care? An Introduction to Best Practices in New Hampshire, Lucy C. Hodder, David J. Laflamme, and Kali Giovanditto
A Closer Look at Implementing Change: A 3-Part Series - Part 2 Implementing Change | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative Webinar Series, Hwasun Garin, Katherine Cox, and Dee Watts
A Closer Look at Implementing Change: A 3-Part Series - Part 3 Sustainability | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative Webinar Series, Hwasun Garin, Katherine Cox, and Dee Watts
Focused Care: Using Risk Stratification Tools to Optimize Patient Care | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative, Hwasun Garin, Katherine Cox, and Dee Watts
NH Claims Report Suite, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Series Outline: A Closer Look at Implementing Change: A 3-Part Series - Readiness, Implementation, and Sustainability, Hwasun Garin, Katherine Cox, and Dee Watts
Submissions from 2019
Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in New Hampshire, 2019 Update, Jo Porter and Lucy C. Hodder
It’s Time to Support, Rather Than Punish, Pregnant Women With Substance Use Disorder, Daisy Goodman, Bonny Whalen, and Lucy C. Hodder
NH Medicaid Granite Advantage Program Update: Work and Community Engagement Requirements Temporarily Suspended, Lucy C. Hodder, Lauren LaRochelle, and Gus Hirshfeld
Resource Guide For Addiction and Mental Health Care Consumers: Answering Questions about Insurance Coverage and Parity for Addiction and Mental Health Care Services, Jacqueline Botchman, Marguerite Corvini, Kate Crary, Bridget Drake, Caitlyn Ebert, Lucy C. Hodder, and Margaret H. Schmidt
A Quick Guide to Getting Help and Coverage for Substance Use and Mental Health Care Services, Institute for Health Policy and Practice
CHI 2019 Annual Symposium Keynote Presentation: Telehealth and Project ECHO: “Connected” Care for Improved Outcomes, Danielle Louder
Focused Care: Using Risk Stratification Tools to Optimize Patient Care | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative, Felicity Bernard, Stephanie Cameron, Tracy Tinker, and Dee Watts
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Integrated Care, Felicity Bernard
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Integrated Care with the NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative, Jeanne Ryer, Felicity Bernard, Michael Skinner, Becky Parton, Janet Thomas, Lisa DiBrigida, Peter Fifield, and Veronica Triaca
Oral Health: Healthcare Claims-Based Analysis, Center for Health Analytics and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)
Stigma as Discrimination: Impact on Treatment and Strategies for Success | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative, Felicity Bernard, Lisa Letourneau, and Kerry Nolte
Stigma as Discrimination: Impact on Treatment and Strategies for Success - Trauma-Informed Integrated Care | NH Behavioral Health Integration Learning Collaborative, Felicity Bernard, Lisa Letourneau, and Kerry Nolte
Strategies for Developing a Continuous Improvement Culture (NHCHI and Center for Life Management), Katherine Cox, Jennifer Lesieur, and Dee Watts
Telehealth and Project ECHO: "Connected" Care for Improve Outcomes, Danielle Louder
Trauma-Informed Integrated Care in Practice - Panel Discussion, Janet Thomas, Lisa Dibrigida, and Kerry Nolte
Submissions from 2018
Association Health Plans: The New ERISA Rules and What They Mean For New Hampshire – Brief Q&A, Lucy C. Hodder and Allison Wyman
Developing A Foundation For Integrated Care Coordination: Part 1, Laura Davie and Alison Rataj
Stewart v. Azar- What Does It Mean For New Hampshire’s Medicaid Work and Community Engagement Requirement?, Lucy C. Hodder