"Medicaid to Schools Technical Assistance Guide" by Lucy Hodder, Kelsi West et al.


Purpose: The purpose of this Medicaid to Schools (MTS) Technical Assistance Guide is to memorialize in one document the formal existing rules and guidance approved by New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services for the Medicaid to Schools program. The administrative rules (He-W) and formal guidance in the form of “Information Bulletins” is referenced and categorized by topic. The user can link internally to sections for clarification and can link to external sources for clarification.

Scope: This Technical Assistance Guide includes only those resources that have been formally adopted by DHHS.

Contents: Each section of this Technical Assistance Guide includes a summary of the applicable administrative rules promulgated by the Department for Medicaid to Schools services, as well as a reprint of the relevant portion of the rules. Please refer to the rules directly if you seek more information.

This MTS Technical Assistance Guide also includes the guidance and Q&A documents published by the Department. The Department’s guidance is quoted directly in each section to ensure fidelity to the regulatory interpretations provided, although sections may have been moved and paragraphs numbered or renumbered. Please refer to the original guidance linked herein if you have questions. Each section includes a summary of the rule, the guidance, a restatement of the rule and a link to the Information Bulletin. Many subjects are linked, so a review of the table of contents is important.


Institute for Health Policy and Practice, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

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