The Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) is an applied research institute located within the College of Health and Human Services at the University of New Hampshire. In 1999, the State of New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the Dartmouth Medical School (DMS) and the University of New Hampshire collaboratively launched the IHPP as vehicle to conduct applied research, as well as provide education and technical assistance to improve the health of and healthcare received by residents of New Hampshire.


Submissions from 2018


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - ASCVD Risk Scoring, American College of Cardiology


CHI Annual Symposium - Understanding Medical Legal Partnerships, Lucy C. Hodder


How to Meet Pediatric Well-Visit Requirements Using Lean QI Methods, Dee Watts and Molly O'Neil


Person-Centered Care Provider Tip Sheet, UNH Center on Aging and Community Living

Submissions from 2017


Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder (ADHD): Survey Report, Molly O’Neil, Holly Deblois Tutko, W. Burl Daviss, Ardis Olson, Josephine Porter, Jeanne Ryer EdD, and Samantha House


Covering the Care: Cost Sharing Reductions in NH, Jo Porter and Lucy C. Hodder


Key New Hampshire and Federal Statutes Regulating Health Care Delivery and Payment, Lucy C. Hodder


Substance Use Disorder Privacy Workbook: 42 CFR Part 2, Lucy C. Hodder, Stephanie Cameron, Marcy Doyle, Christina Muniz, and Jeanne Ryer EdD


Covering the Care: A Focus on the NH Marketplace, Jo Porter and Lucy C. Hodder


Covering the Care: Health Insurance Coverage in New Hampshire, Jo Porter and Lucy C. Hodder


NH Medicaid Today and Tomorrow Summary Booklet, Lucy C. Hodder, Josephine Porter, Ashley Peters, Bridget Drake, Meredith Feenstra, Megan Shields, and Allison Wyman


Telehealth and Mobile Health Applied To Integrated Behavioral Care: OpportunitiesFor Progress In New Hampshire, Patrick Miller, Jeanne Ryer EdD, Lucy C. Hodder, Marcy Doyle, Hwasun Garin, Matthew Humer, Molly O’Neil, Holly Deblois Tutko, Josephine Porter, Stephanie Cameron, Janet Thomas, Frederick Kelsey, Steven Arnault, Stephen J. Bartels, Alexander Blount, Christina Contardo, William Gunn, Gene Harkless, Samantha A. House, Tanya Lord, Doris Lotz, and Susan Nichols


Maine Medicaid Overview, UNH School of Law and Institute for Health Policy and Practice


Massachusetts Medicaid Overview, UNH School of Law and Institute for Health Policy and Practice


New Hampshire Medicaid Overview, UNH School of Law and Institute for Health Policy and Practice


Rhode Island Medicaid Overview, UNH School of Law and Institute for Health Policy and Practice


Vermont Medicaid Overview, UNH School of Law and Institute for Health Policy and Practice


Regulatory Barriers to Value Based Payment Reform in NH: Stage 1, Lucy C. Hodder


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Health Literacy, US DHHS, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Medication Adherence, S. B. Vrijen, S. Antoniou, M. Burnier, A. de la Sierra, and M. Volpe


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Sodium, P. K. Whelton, R. M. Carey, W. S. Aronow, and et al.


Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care in New Hampshire: A Path Forward to Sustainable Practice & Payment Transformation, Marcy Doyle, Hwasun Garin, Molly O'Neil, and Holly Tutko


Integrating SUD Screening & Treatment: A Collaborative Care Approach to Practice and Payment, Hwasun Garin, Lucy C. Hodder, and Anna Ratzliff

Submissions from 2016


Integrating Behavioral Health & Primary Care in New Hampshire: A Path Forward to Sustainable Practice & Payment Transformation, James Highland, Patrick Miller, Jeanne Ryer EdD, Lucy C. Hodder, Marcy Doyle, Hwasun Garin, Molly O’Neil, Holly Deblois Tutko, Josephine Porter, Stephanie Cameron, Janet Thomas, William Brewster, David Coursin, Doris Lotz, Jose Montero, Sharon Beaty, Yvonne Goldsberry, Alexander Blount, Amy Pepin, William Gunn, Lisa Bujno, Stephen J. Bartels, and Susan Nichols


Resource Guide For Addiction and Mental Health Care Consumers, Jacqueline Botchman, Marguerite Corvini, Kate Crary, Bridget Drake, Caitlyn Ebert, Lucy C. Hodder, and Margaret H. Schmidt


Identifying Priorities for and Strategies to Optimize Oral Preventive Service Delivery in Pediatric Primary Care Settings in NH, HNH Foundation and NH Pediatric Improvement Partnership


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Excessive Alcohol Consumption, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - HTN Guidelines, M. G. Saklayen and N. V. Deshpande


Confidentiality of Substance Abuse Treatment Records in Integrated Care Setting, Lucy C. Hodder and Amy Pepin


Developmental Screening Quality Improvement Initiative: A Learning Collaborative of the New Hampshire Pediatric Improvement Partnership, NH Pediatric Improvement Partnership and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)


Executive Summary: Identifying Priorities for and Strategies to Optimize Oral Preventive Service Delivery in Pediatric Primary Care Settings in NH, NH Pediatric Improvement Partnership


Integrating Fluoride Varnish into Well-Child Visits for Young Children, NH Pediatric Improvement Partnership and HNH Foundation


Key Regulatory Issues Facing APCD States Post Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), and National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP)


Leading Change in Behavioral Health Integration, Janet Thomas and James Fauth


LGBTQ+ Youth & Families Resource Guide, NH Division of Public Health Services, Maternal and Child Health, and NH Pediatric Improvement Partnership


National Immunization Partnership with the APA: Improving HPV Immunization Rates in Practice-Based Settings, Academic Pediatric Association, Comunity Research Network, and National Improvement Partnership Network


Putting NH on the Path to Primary Care and Behavioral Health Integration - Alexander Blount, EdD (Antioch Univ, New England), Alexander Blount


Resource Guide for Addiction and Mental Health Care Consumers, Lucy C. Hodder

Submissions from 2015


Building an Aging Advocacy Network: Findings from the New Hampshire Senior Leadership Series, Laura Davie and Alison Rataj


Collaborating to Create Elder Friendly Communities in New Hampshire: A Scan of the Current Landscape, Susan Fox, Laura Davie, Alison Rataj, Leah Burke, Shikara Thody, and Melissa Mandrell


New York's All-Payer Database: A New Lens for Consumer Transparency, Patrick Miller, Ashley Peters, Josephine B. Porter, and Emily Sullivan


What New Hampshire Needs to Know about the King v. Burwell Decision, Lucy C. Hodder


Model All-Payer Claims Database Legislation, Lucy C. Hodder, Josephine Porter, Denise Love, and Ashley Peters


All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making, Josephine Porter, Denise Love, Amy Costello, Ashley Peters, and Barbara Rudolph


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Dashboards & Data, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Patient Voice, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Quality Improvement, Institute for Healthcare Improvement


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Specialists, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey

Submissions from 2014


Healthy UNH 2014 Annual Report, Institute for Health Policy and Practice


New Hampshire’s Long Term Services & Supports System: Recommendations for Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population, Susan Fox and Laura Davie


Recommendations for Collecting Payer Information on Plan Benefit Design and Payments to Providers for Non-Claims Based Services, All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), and National Association of Health Data Organizations


The Value of All-Payer Claims Database to States, Ashley Peters, Jane Sachs, Josephine B. Porter, and Amy Costello


Ten Steps for Improving Blood Pressure Control in New Hampshire: A Practical Guide for Clinicians and Community Partners, Rudolph Fedrizzi and Kimberly Persson


The Basics of All-Payer Claims Databases: A Primer for States, All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council

Submissions from 2013


Evaluation Report: NH Multi-Stakeholder Medical Home Pilot, New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative Institute for Health Policy and Practice and Signe Peterson Flieger

Submissions from 2012


APCD Cost Study Summary of Findings, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, and National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO)

Submissions from 2011


History of APCD Council Harmonization Efforts, The Commonwealth Fund, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)


Fact Sheet: APCD and Health Reform, The Commonwealth Fund, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)


Standardization of Data Collection in All-Payer Claims Databases, The Commonwealth Fund, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)

Submissions from 2010


All-Payer Claims Databases: An Overview for Policymakers, Patrick B. Miller, Denise Love, Emily Sullivan, Josephine B. Porter, and Amy Costello


All-Payer Claims Databases in Public Health and Medicaid: A Fact Sheet, The Commonwealth Fund, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) Council, and Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP)


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Tobacco, A. Virdis, C. Giannarelli, M. F. Neves, S. Taddei, and L. Ghiadoni


Prove It! Let the Data Tell the Story, Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) and New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Submissions from 2007


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Patient Engagement, S. B. Arnold and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Blood Pressure Control: What Matters? - Registries, R. Werner and D. Asch