"Health Care Claims and Mental Health Emergency Department Utilization" by Lucy C. Hodder


In partnership with NH DHHS, the IHPP Center for Health Analytics analyzed commercial and NH Medicaid administrative claims data in an effort to better understand visits to emergency departments for mental health conditions from April 2019 to March 2020. Lucy Hodder presentation to the Governor’s Task Force on ED Boarding included rates of ED visits for all mental health conditions, select conditions such as Major Depression and Schizophrenia, secondary diagnoses such as Suicidal Ideation and Substance Use Disorder, as well as stratified rates by age categories. The analysis also included linking NH Medicaid claims to ED boarding/waitlists to determine how well the datasets could be linked and to potentially determine how many ED visits resulted in an ED boarding or waitlist event.


Institute for Health Policy and Practice, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

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