
Submissions from 2016


Elemental and isotopic perspectives on the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi on mineral weathering across imposed geologic gradients, K. A. Remiszewski, Julia G. Bryce, Maria F. Fahnestock, E. A. Pettitt, J. Blichert-Toft, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, and S. W. Bailey


Pan‐Arctic river discharge: Prioritizing monitoring of future climate change hot spots, Arvid Bring, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, and Richard B. Lammers


Cultural issues in adventure programming: Applying Hofstede’s five dimensions to assessment and practice, Te-Hsin Chang, Anita Reithoffer Tucker, Christine Lynn Norton, and Michael A. Gass


How Should Firefighters Exercise?, Deborah L. Feairheller and Jessica A. Hill


Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming, T. W. Crowther, K. E. O. Todd-Brown, C. W. Rowe, William R. Wieder, J. C. Carey, M. B. Machmuller, B. L. Snoek, S. Fang, G. Zhou, S. D. Allison, J. M. Blair, S. D. Bridgham, A. J. Burton, Y. Carrillo, P. B. Reich, J. S. Clark, A. T. Classen, F. A. Dijkstra, B. Elberling, B. A. Emmett, M. Estiarte, Serita D. Frey, J. Guo, J. Harte, L. Jiang, B. R. Johnson, G. Kroel-Dulay, K. S. Larsen, H. Laudon, J. M. Lavallee, Y. Luo, M. Lupascu, L. N. Ma, S. Marhan, A. Michelsen, J. Mohan, S. Niu, E. Pendall, J. Penuelas, L. Pfeifer-Meister, C. Poll, S. Reinsch, L. L. Reynolds, I. K. Schmidt, S. Sistla, N. W. Sokol, P. H. Templer, K. K. Treseder, J. M. Welker, and M. A. Bradford


Direct evidence for microbial-derived soil organic matter formation and its ecophysiological controls, Cynthia M. Kallenbach, Serita D. Frey, and A. Stuart Grandy


Sustainability, Social Media Driven Open Innovation, and New Product Development Performance, Shuili Du, Goksel Yalcinkaya, and Ludwig Bstieler


Hegelian Spirits in Sellarsian Bottles, Willem A. deVries


Long-Term Warming Alters Carbohydrate Degradation Potential in Temperate Forest Soils, Grace Pold, Andrew F. Billings, Jeff L. Blanchard, Daniel B. Burkhardt, Serita D. Frey, Jerry M. Melillo, Julia Schnabel, Linda T. A. van Diepen, and Kristen M. DeAngelis


Protein Charge Determination and Implications for Interactions in Cell Extracts, Ciara Kyne, Kiara Jordon, Dana I. Filoti, Thomas M. Laue, and Peter B. Crowley


Children’s Contributions in Family Work: Two Cultural Paradigms, Andrew D. Coppens, Lucia Alcala, Barbara Rogoff, and Rebeca Mejia-Arauz


Supporting children’s initiative: Appreciating family contributions or paying children for chores, Andrew D. Coppens and Lucia Alcala


Fungi exposed to chronic nitrogen enrichment are less able to decay leaf litter, Linda T. A. van Diepen, Serita D. Frey, Elizabeth A. Landis, Eric W. Morrison, and Anne Pringle


Soil microbial biomass and function are altered by 12 years of crop rotation, Marshall D. McDaniel and A. Stuart Grandy


Stream tracer breakthrough curve decomposition into mass fractions: A simple framework to analyze and compare conservative solute transport processes, Adam N. Wlostowski, Michael N. Gooseff, William B. Bowden, and Wilfred M. Wollheim

Racial Diversity in Academic Outdoor Programs at U.S. Colleges and Universities, Brent Bell

Enhanced control of soil nitrogen cycling through soil functional zone management, Alwyn Williams, Patrick M. Ewing, Nicholas R. Jordan, Adam S. Davis, A. Stuart Grandy, Richard G. Smith, Daniel A. Kane, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Roger T. Koide, David A. Mortensen, Kurt A. Spokas, and Anthony C. Yannarell


Charge matters, Thomas M. Laue


Nitrogen Cluster Anions, Nikolaus Weinberger, Johannes Postler, Paul Scheier, and Olof Echt


Multiple discrete soluble aggregates influence polyglutamine toxicity in a Huntington's disease model system, Wen Xi, Xin Wang, Thomas M. Laue, and Clyde L. Denis


Review of Stacey Sell and Hugo Chapman, eds., Drawing in Silver and Gold: Leonardo to Jasper Johns, exh. cat., National Gallery, Washington, Patricia A. Emison


Carotid Artery IMT, Blood Pressure, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Males and Females, Christina M. Cromwell, Kristin R. Aichele, Joyann E. Oakman, Michael P. Neal, Jessica M. Lenzo, Avery N. Perez, Naomi L. Bye, Erica L. Santaniello, Jessica A. Hill, Rachel C. Evans, Karla A. Thiele, Lauren N. Chavis, Allyson K. Getty, Tia R. Wisdo, and Deborah L. Feairheller


Perceptions of risk in communities near parks in an African biodiversity hotspot, Joel N. Hartter, Nicholas Dowhaniuk, Catrina A. MacKenzie, Sadie J. Ryan, Jeremy E. Diem, Michael W. Palace, and Colin A. Chapman


Performance of Holstein calves fed whole milk with or without kefir, S. Fouladgar, A. D. Foroozandeh Shahraki, G. R. Ghalamkari, M. Khani, F. Ahmadi, and Peter S. Erickson


The Forest around the Fir Tree: Looking for Marcantonio Raimondi's Art, Patricia A. Emison


Comment on “Atmospheric ionization by high‐fluence, hard spectrum solar proton events and their probable appearance in the ice core archive” by A. L. Melott et al., Katharine A. Duderstadt, Jack E. Dibb, C. H. Jackman, C. E. Randall, Nathan A. Schwadron, S. C. Solomon, and Harlan E. Spence


Beyond microbes: Are fauna the next frontier in soil biogeochemical models?, A. Stuart Grandy, William R. Wieder, Kyle Wickings, and Emily Kyker-Snowman


Adsorption of Sodium and Cesium on Aggregates of C60, Martina Harnisch, Matthias Daxner, Paul Scheier, and Olof Echt


Comparison of Permanganate-Oxidizable Carbon and Mineralizable Carbon for Assessment of Organic Matter Stabilization and Mineralization, Tunsisa T. Hurisso, Steve W. Culman, William R. Horwath, Jordon Wade, Deandra Cass, Joshua W. Beniston, Timothy M. Bowles, A. Stuart Grandy, Alan J. Franzluebbers, Meagan E. Schipanski, Shawn T. Lucas, and Carmen M. Ugarte


The Charge Properties of Phospholipid Nanodiscs, Cheng Her, Dana I. Filoti, Mark A. McLean, Stephen G. Sligar, J. B. Alexander Ross, Harmen Steele, and Thomas M. Laue


Detecting Precontact Anthropogenic Microtopographic Features in a Forested Landscape with Lidar: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes Region, AD 1000-1600, Meghan L. Howey, Franklin B. Sullivan, Jason Tallant, Robert Vande Kopple, and Michael W. Palace


The Forest Around the Fir Tree: Looking for Marcantonio Raimondi's Art, Patricia A. Emison


Why Study Prints Now, Redux, Patricia A. Emison


River Discharge: In State of the Climate in 2015., R. M. Holmes, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Suzanne E. Tank, James W. McClelland, and M. Tretiakov


Slowed Biogeochemical Cycling in Sub-arctic Birch Forest Linked to Reduced Mycorrhizal Growth and Community Change after a Defoliation Event, Thomas C. Parker, Jesse J. Sadowsky, Haley Dunleavy, Jens-Arne Subke, Serita D. Frey, and Philip A. Wookey


Comparison of In Situ Soil Moisture Measurements: An Examination of the Neutron and Dielectric Measurements within the Illinois Climate Network, Evan J. Coopersmith, Michael H. Cosh, and Jennifer M. Jacobs


Eleven years of crop diversification alters decomposition dynamics of litter mixtures incubated with soil, M. D. McDaniel, A. Stuart Grandy, Lisa K. Tiemann, and Michael N. Weintraub


Dissolved organic carbon uptake in streams: A review and assessment of reach‐scale measurements, Madeleine M. Mineau, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Ishi Buffam, Stuart E. G. Findlay, Robert O. Hall Jr., Erin R. Hotchkiss, Lauren E. Koenig, William H. McDowell, and Thomas B. Parr


Invisible water, visible impact: How unsustainable groundwater use challenges sustainability of Indian agriculture under climate change, Esha Zaveri, Danielle S. Grogan, Karen Fisher-Vanden, Stephen E. Frolking, Richard B. Lammers, Douglas H. Wrenn, Alexander A. Prusevich, and Robert E. Nicholas


Future Landsat data needs at the local and state levels: An AmericaView perspective., Ramesh Sivanpillai and Russell G. Congalton


Precision control of soil nitrogen cycling via soil functional zone management, Alwyn Williams, Adam S. Davis, Patrick M. Ewing, A. Stuart Grandy, Daniel A. Kane, Roger T. A. Koide, David A. Mortensen, Richard G. Smith, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Kurt A. Spokas, Anthony C. Yannarell, and Nicholas R. Jordan


Biogeochemical drivers of microbial community convergence across actively retreating glaciers, Sarah C. Castle, Diana R. Nemergut, A. Stuart Grandy, Jonathan W. Leff, Emily B. Graham, Eran Hood, Steven K. Schmidt, Kyle Wickings, and Cory C. Cleveland


Assessing differences in intimate partner obligations based on relationship status, gender, and parental status, Lawrence Ganong, Tyler B. Jamison, and Ashton Chapman


Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities: The Influence of Interest Groups, Growth Patterns, and Institutional Characteristics, Vanessa R. Levesque, Kathleen P. Bell, and Aram J. K. Calhoun


Geospatial modeling approach to monument construction using Michigan from A.D. 1000–1600 as a case study, Meghan L. Howey, Michael W. Palace, and Crystal H. McMichael


Understanding the impact of climate change on pavements with CMIP5, system dynamics and simulation, Rajib B. Mallick, Jennifer M. Jacobs, Benjamin J. Miller, Jo S. Daniel, and Paul H. Kirshen


Chronic nitrogen additions fundamentally restructure the soil fungal community in a temperate forest, Eric W. Morrison, Serita D. Frey, Jesse J. Sadowsky, Linda T. A. van Diepen, W. Kelley Thomas, and Anne Pringle


Longer thaw seasons increase nitrogen availability for leaching during fall in tundra soils, Claire C. Treat, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Ruth K. Varner, and William B. Bowden


Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils, Christina Schadel, Martin K.-F. Bader, Edward A. G. Schuur, Christina Biasi, Rosvel Bracho, Petr Capek, Sarah De Baets, Katerina Diakova, Jessica G. Ernakovich, Cristian Estop-Aragones, David E. Graham, Iain P. Hartley, Colleen M. Iversen, Evan Kane, Christian Knoblauch, Massimo Lupascu, Pertti J. Martikainen, Susan M. Natali, Richard J. Norby, Jonathan A. O'Donnell, Taniya Roy Chowdhury, Hana Santruckova, Gaius Shaver, Victoria L. Sloan, Claire C. Treat, Merritt R. Turetsky, Mark P. Waldrop, and Kimberly P. Wickland


Immovable food storage facilities, knowledge, and landscape in non-sedentary societies: Perspectives from northern Michigan, Meghan L. Howey and Kathryn Frederick


Nation, College, Wartime: Archaeology at a WWI Student Army Training Corps Camp at New Hampshire College, Jillian Price and Meghan L. Howey


Sustainability science graduate students as boundary spanners, Spencer R. Meyer, Vanessa R. Levesque, Karen H. Bieluch, Michelle L. Johnson, Bridie McGreavy, Stacia Dreyer, and Hollie Smith


Uplift of Central Mongolia Recorded in Vesicular Basalts, D. Sahagian, Alexander A. Prusevich, L. D. Ancuta, B. D. Idleman, and P. K. Zeitler


Turning Contention into Collaboration: Engaging Power, Trust, and Learning in Collaborative Networks, Vanessa R. Levesque, Aram J. K. Calhoun, Kathleen P. Bell, and Teresa R. Johnson


Genetic manipulation of putrescine biosynthesis reprograms the cellular transcriptome and the metabolome., Andrew Francis Page, Leland J. Cseke, Rakesh Minocha, Swathi A. Turlapati, Gopi K. Podila, Alexander V. Ulanov, Zhong Li, and Subhash C. Minocha


Longitudinal outcomes for youth transported to wilderness therapy programs, Anita Reithoffer Tucker, Katie Massey Combs, Joanna E. Bettmann, Te-Hsin Chang, Suzanne Graham, Matt Hoag, and Callie Tatum


Understanding the influence of climate change on the embodied energy of water supply, Weiwei Mo, Haiying Wang, and Jennifer M. Jacobs


How Novelle May Have Shaped Visual Imaginations, Patricia A. Emison


Effects of 4-Week Lifestyle Intervention on Fitness Levels of Adults, Tia R. Wisdo, Allyson K. Getty, Jessica A. Hill, Alyssa N. Polimeni, Lauren N. Chavis, Avery N. Perez, William T. DiCiurcio, Kerri-Anne Ciesielka, Rejeanna M. Jasinski, Cassandra C. Derella, Joseph A. Cruz, Samantha N. Close, and Deborah L. Feairheller


Effects of a 4 Week Exercise Intervention on Brachial and Core Blood Pressures, Alyssa N. Polimeni, Jessica A. Hill, Tia R. Wisdo, Lauren N. Chavis, Allyson K. Getty, Avery N. Perez, William T. DiCiurcio, Kerri-Anne Ciesielka, Rejeanna M. Jasinski, Cassandra C. Derella, Joseph A. Cruz, Samantha N. Close, and Deborah L. Feairheller


Effects Of A Short-term Functional Exercise Program On Cardiac And Vascular Health, Allyson K. Getty, Tia R. Wisdo, Jessica A. Hill, Alyssa N. Polimeni, Lauren N. Chavis, Avery N. Perez, William T. DiCiurcio, Kerri-Anne Ciesielka, Rejeanna M. Jasinski, Cassandra C. Derella, Joseph A. Cruz, Samantha N. Close, and Deborah L. Feairheller


Predicting colostrum quality from performance in the previous lactation and environmental changes, Rosemarie G. Cabral, Colleen E. Chapman, Kayla M. Aragona, E. Clark, M. Lunak, and Peter S. Erickson


Prepartum supplementation of nicotinic acid: Effects on health of the dam, colostrum quality, and acquisition of immunity in the calf, Kayla M. Aragona, Colleen E. Chapman, Andre B. D. Pereira, B. J. Isenberg, R. B. Standish, C. J. Maugeri, Rosemarie G. Cabral, and Peter S. Erickson


Short communication: Cinnamaldehyde taste preferences of weaned dairy heifers, Colleen E. Chapman, Rosemarie G. Cabral, Kayla M. Aragona, and Peter S. Erickson


Vascular Health and Fitness Levels in Metabolically Healthy and Unhealthy Obese Young Adults, Jessica A. Hill, Alyssa N. Polimeni, Tia R. Wisdo, Lauren N. Chavis, Allyson K. Getty, Avery N. Perez, William T. DiCiurcio, Kerri-Anne Ciesielka, Rejeanna M. Jasinski, Cassandra C. Derella, Joseph A. Cruz, Samantha N. Close, Vanessa R. Yingling, and Deborah L. Feairheller


Northeast Passage PATH™ Program: A Strengths-Based and Recovery-Oriented Approach for Veterans Who Experience Mental Health Disorders, Tye Thompson, Jessie L. Bennett, Janet R. Sable, and Jill Gravink


Adventure therapy: Non deliberative group therapy in action, Anita Reithoffer Tucker, Christine L. Norton, Christian Itin, Jessalyn Hobson, and M. Antonio G. Alvarez


The ecologist's field guide to sequence-based identification of biodiversity, Simon Creer, Kristy Deiner, Serita D. Frey, Dorota Porazinska, Pierre Taberlet, W. Kelley Thomas, Caitlin Potter, and Holly M. Bik


Effect of milk replacer program on calf performance and digestion of nutrients with age of the dairy calf, Colleen E. Chapman, Peter S. Erickson, James D. Quigley, T. M. Hill, H. Gale Bateman II, F. X. Suarez-Mena, and R. L. Schlotterbeck


Integrated Climate Solutions: The Keene Energy and Agriculture Project (KEAP), Sarah Large, Jennifer Andrews, Cameron P. Wake, Catherine Ashcraft, Henry Herndon, Irene Queen, and Tom Kelly


OASIS - Optimal Agriculture Skills Initiative for Students, Kathleen R. Gorman


Nitrogen alters microbial enzyme dynamics but not lignin chemistry during maize decomposition, Zachary L. Rinkes, Isabelle Bertrand, Bilal Ahmad Zafar Amin, A. Stuart Grandy, Kyle Wickings, and Michael N. Weintraub


A comparison of soil hydrothermal properties in zonal and uniform tillage systems across the US Corn Belt, Alwyn Williams, Adam S. Davis, Patrick M. Ewing, A. Stuart Grandy, Daniel A. Kane, Roger T. A. Koide, David A. Mortensen, Richard G. Smith, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Kurt A. Spokas, Anthony C. Yannarell, and Nicholas R. Jordan


Climate change decreases nitrogen pools and mineralization rates in northern hardwood forests, Jorge Duran, Jennifer L. Morse, Peter M. Groffman, John L. Campbell, Lynn M. Christenson, Charles T. Driscoll, Timothy J. Fahey, Melany C. Fisk, Gene E. Likens, Jerry M. Melillo, Myron J. Mitchell, Pamela H. Templer, and Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur


Comparison of measured multi-decadal rainfall variability with farmers’ perceptions of and responses to seasonal changes in western Uganda, Jeremy E. Diem, Joel Hartter, Jonathan Salerno, Elvira McIntyre, and A. Stuart Grandy


The soil and plant biogeochemistry sampling design for The National Ecological Observatory Network, Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley, Gordon B. Bonan, Gabriel J. Bowen, Benjamin P. Colman, Paul A. Duffy, Christine L. Goodale, Benjamin Z. Houlton, Erika Marin-Spiotta, Kiona Ogle, Scott V. Ollinger, Eldor A. Paul, Peter M. Vitousek, Kathleen C. Weathers, and David G. Williams


Fission of Multiply Charged Cesium and Potassium Clusters in Helium Droplets - Approaching the Rayleigh Limit, Michael Renzler, Martina Harnisch, Matthias Daxner, Lorenz Kranabetter, Martin Kuhn, Paul Scheier, and Olof Echt


Morton et al. reply, Douglas C. Morton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Claudia C. Carabajal, Jacqueline Rosette, Michael W. Palace, Bruce D. Cook, Eric F. Vermote, David J. Harding, and Peter R. J. North


Anthropogenic Habitats Facilitate Dispersal of an Early Successional Obligate: Implications for Restoration of an Endangered Ecosystem, Katrina E. Amaral, Michael W. Palace, Kathleen M. O'Brien, Lindsey E. Fenderson, and Adrienne I. Kovach


Family therapy in Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare: Current practices and future possibilities, Anita Reithoffer Tucker, Mark A. Widmer, Troy Faddis, Bryan Randolph, and Michael A. Gass


Response of Quercus velutina growth and water use efficiency to climate variability and nitrogen fertilization in a temperate deciduous forest in the northeastern USA, Katie A. Jennings, Rossella Guerrieri, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, and Heidi Asbjornsen


Soil Functional Zone Management: A Vehicle for Enhancing Production and Soil Ecosystem Services in Row-Crop Agroecosystems, Alwyn Williams, Daniel A. Kane, Patrick M. Ewing, Lesley W. Atwood, Andrea Jilling, Meng Li, Yi Lou, Adam S. Davis, A. Stuart Grandy, Sheri C. Huerd, Mitchell C. Hunter, Roger T. Koide, David A. Mortensen, Richard G. Smith, Sieglinde S. Snapp, Kurt A. Spokas, Anthony C. Yannarell, and Nicholas R. Jordan


Vesiculation and fragmentation history in a submarine scoria cone-forming eruption, an example from Nishiizu (Izu Peninsula, Japan), Martin Jutzeler, James D. L. White, Alexander A. Prusevich, and Sarah M. Gordee


Examining spectral reflectance features related to foliar nitrogen in forests: Implications for broad-scale nitrogen mapping, Lucie C. Lepine, Scott V. Ollinger, Andrew P. Ouimette, and Mary E. Martin


Salience and Default Mode Network Coupling Predicts Cognition in Aging and Parkinson’s Disease, Deepti Putcha, Robert S. Ross, Alice Cronin-Golomb, Amy C. Janes, and Chantal E. Stern


Vascular Health in American Football Players: Cardiovascular Risk Increased in Division III Players, Deborah L. Feairheller, Kristin R. Aichele, Joyann E. Oakman, Michael P. Neal, Christina M. Cromwell, Jessica M. Lenzo, Avery N. Perez, Naomi L. Bye, Erica L. Santaniello, Jessica A. Hill, Rachel C. Evans, Karla A. Thiele, Lauren N. Chavis, Allyson K. Getty, Tia R. Wisdo, JoAnna M. McClelland, Kathleen M. Sturgeon, and Pamela S. Chlad


Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene, Clara T. Bolton, Maria T. Hernandez-Sanchez, Miguel-Angel Fuertes, Saul Gonzalez-Lemos, Lorena Abrevaya, Ana Mendez-Vicente, Jose-Abel Flores, Ian Probert, Liviu Giosan, Joel E. Johnson, and Heather M. Stoll


Influence of hemlock woolly adelgid infestation on the physiological and reflectance characteristics of eastern hemlock, Justin Patrick Williams, Ryan P. Hanavan, Barrett N. Rock, Subhash C. Minocha, and Ernst Linder


Climate-sensitive northern lakes and ponds are critical components of methane release, Martin Wik, Ruth K. Varner, Katey Walter Anthony, Sally MacIntyre, and David Bastviken


Analytical ultracentrifugation : Instrumentation, software, and applications, Susumu Uchiyama, Fumio Arisaka, Walter F. Stafford III, and Thomas M. Laue


Assessing Positional and Thematic Accuracies of Maps Generated from Remotely Sensed Data, Russell G. Congalton


Background, Part 2, Patricia A. Emison


Book Review of “Ancestral Mounds: Vitality and Volatility of Native America”, Miller, J., University of Nebraska Press, Meghan L. Howey


Citizen science and natural resource governance: program design for vernal pool policy innovation, Bridie McGreavy, Aram J. K. Calhoun, Jessica S. Jansujwicz, and Vanessa R. Levesque


Development of Distributed Research Center for analysis of regional climatic and environmental changes, E. Gordov, Alexander I. Shiklomanov, I. Okladnikov, Alexander A. Prusevich, and A. Titov


Environmental science applications with Rapid Integrated Mapping and analysis System (RIMS), Alexander I. Shiklomanov, Alexander A. Prusevich, E. Gordov, I. Okladnikov, and A. Titov


Epistemic and attitudinal meanings of rise and rise-plateau contours, Joseph Tyler and Rachel S. Burdin


EVALUATING BIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL DRIVERS OF EVAPOTRANSPIRATION TRENDS AT NORTHEASTERN US WATERSHEDS, John L. Campbell, Matthew A. Vadeboncoeur, Heidi Asbjornsen, Mark B. Green, Mary Beth Adams, and Elizabeth W. Boyer


Framework to Use CMIP5, System Dynamics, and Monte Carlo Analysis to Quantify the Impact of Climate Change on Pavements, Rajib B. Mallick, Jennifer M. Jacobs, Benjamin J. Miller, Jo S. Daniel, and Paul H. Kirshen


From Headwaters to Rivers to River Networks: Scaling in Stream Ecology, Wilfred M. Wollheim