Publications from 2017
Senior Tax Breaks on the Move—but Are Seniors Actually Moving?, Karen S. Conway
State EITC Programs Provide Important Relief to Families in Need, Douglas J. Gagnon, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Andrew P. Schaefer
Teen Dating Violence in New Hampshire: Who Is Most at Risk?, Katie Edwards and Angela Neal
The Zika Virus Threat: How Concerns About Scientists May Undermine Efforts to Combat the Pandemic, Thomas G. Safford, Lawrence C. Hamilton, and Emily Whitmore
Three in Ten Rural and Urban Medicaid Recipients May Be Affected by Potential Work Requirements, Andrew P. Schaefer and Jessica A. Carson
Toward a More Equal Footing: Early Head Start In Maine, Jessica A. Carson
Transportation and Taxes: What New Hampshire Residents Think About Maintaining Highways and Bridges, Linda M. Fogg, Lawrence Hamilton, and Erin Bell
Understanding Early Childhood Education Needs and Opportunities in the Upper Valley, Jessica A. Carson
Publications from 2016
After a Parent Left Employment, One in Five Children Lost Private Insurance, Kristin Smith
After Years of Decline, Private Health Insurance Rates Among Children Grew in 2014, Michael J. Staley
Carsey Perspective: Is the Poverty Rate 1.1 Percent?, Michael P. Ettlinger and Andrew P. Schaefer
Carsey Perspectives: Bridging Farm and Table: The ‘Harvest to Market’ Innovation, Andrew Walters and Edie Allard
Carsey Perspectives: Saving Salt, Protecting Watersheds, in Winter Road Maintenance. Highlights from a Social Venture Innovation Challege Winner, Andrew Jaccoma
CDFIs and Online Business Lending: A Review of Recent Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities, Jack Northrup, Eric Hangen, and Michael E. Swack
Child Care Costs Exceed 10 Percent of Family Income for One in Four Families, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Andrew P. Schaefer, and Jessica A. Carson
Child Poverty Higher and More Persistent in Rural America, Andrew P. Schaefer, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Kenneth M. Johnson
Clean Water for Less Integrated Planning Reduces the Cost of Meeting Water Quality Goals in New Hampshire, Alison W. Watts, Robert Roseen, Paul E. Stacey, Renee Bourdeau, and Theresa Walker
Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Immigrant and Native-Born Populations in Rural and Urban Places, Andrew P. Schaefer and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Exclusionary Discipline Highest in New Hampshire’s Urban Schools Suspension and Expulsion Found to Disproportionately Affect Disadvantaged Students, Douglas J. Gagnon, Eleanor M. Jaffee, and Reeve Kennedy
Fewer Than Half of WIC-Eligible Families Receive WIC Benefits, Kristin Smith
First in the Nation: New Hampshire's Changing Electorate, Kenneth M. Johnson, Dante J. Scala, and Andrew Smith
Forests in Flux: The Effects of Demographic Change on Forest Cover in New England and New York, Mark J. Ducey, Kenneth M. Johnson, Ethan P. Belair, and Miranda H. Mockrin
Hispanic Children Least Likely to Have Health Insurance: Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Language Barriers to Coverage, Jessica A. Carson and Michael J. Staley
Most U.S. School Districts Have Low Access to School Counselors: Poor, Diverse, and City School Districts Exhibit Particularly High Student-to-Counselor Ratios, Douglas J. Gagnon and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Over 80 Percent of New Hampshire Residents Support Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance, Kristin Smith
Overall Declines in Child Poverty Mask Relatively Stable Rates Across States, Andrew P. Schaefer, Jessica A. Carson, and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Paid Family and Medical Leave in New Hampshire: Who Has It? Who Takes It?, Kristin Smith and Nicholas Adams
The Impact of State Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage at the County Level, Danielle Rhubart
The Unmet Need for Care: Vulnerability Among Older Adults, Rebecca K. Glauber and Melissa Day
U.S. Births Remain Low as the Great Recession Wanes; More Than Three Million Fewer Births and Still Counting, Kenneth M. Johnson
Was December Warm? Family, Politics, and Recollections of Weather, Lawrence C. Hamilton and Mary D. Lemcke-Stampone
Water Concerns Unite Citizen Activists:A Community Rights Movement Transcends Party, Age, and Gender, Cliff Brown
Where Is the North Pole? An Election-Year Survey on Global Change, Lawrence C. Hamilton
White Deaths Exceed Births in One-Third of U.S. States, Rogelio Saenz and Kenneth M. Johnson
Publications from 2015
2014 Data Indicate That Four in Ten Children Live in Low-Income Families, Jessica A. Carson, Andrew P. Schaefer, and Marybeth J. Mattingly
A Community Schools Approach to Accessing Services and Improving Neighborhood Outcomes in Manchester, NH, Justin R. Young
After Great Recession, More Married Fathers Providing Child Care, Kristin Smith
Although Child Poverty Declined in 2014, Persistent Racial and Ethnic Disadvantages Remain, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Andrew P. Schaefer, and Jessica A. Carson
A Transformation in Mexican Migration to the United States, Rogelio Saenz
Behind at the Starting Line: Poverty Among Hispanic Infants, Daniel T. Lichter, Scott R. Sanders, and Kenneth M. Johnson
Carsey Perspectives: Polling and the New Hampshire Primary, David W. Moore and Andrew E. Smith
CDFIs Stepping into the Breach: An Impact Evaluation—Summary Report, Michael E. Swack, Eric Hangen, and Jack Northrup
Child Protective Services May Link Families to Needed Income Supports, Wendy A. Walsh and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Conservative and Liberal Views of Science, Does Trust Depend on Topic?, Lawrence C. Hamilton
Coverage Rates Stabilize for Children’s Health Insurance: State Policy Change May Be Needed to Address Remaining Children Without Insurance, Michael J. Staley
Deaths Exceed Births in Most of Europe, But Not in the United States, Kenneth M. Johnson, Layton M. Fields, and Dudley L. Poston Jr.
Diversity Growing Because Births Far Exceed Deaths Among Minorities, But Not Among Whites, Kenneth M. Johnson
Federal EITC Kept 2 Percent of the Population Out of Poverty Greatest Poverty Reductions in Texas, North Carolina, and Arizona, Douglas J. Gagnon, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Andrew P. Schaefer
Forest Views: Shifting Attitudes Toward the Environment in Northeast Oregon, Angela E. Boag, Joel N. Hartter, Lawrence C. Hamilton, Forrest R. Stevens, Mark J. Ducey, Michael W. Palace, Nils D. Christoffersen, and Paul T. Oester
Limited Access to AP Courses for Students in Smaller and More Isolated Rural School Districts, Douglas J. Gagnon and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Many Eligible Children Don’t Participate in School Nutrition Programs; Reauthorization Offers Opportunities to Improve, Jessica A. Carson
Migration Trends Shifted in 2014: Also Record Deaths and Continuing Low Fertility, Kenneth M. Johnson
Official Poverty Statistics Mask the Economic Vulnerability of Seniors A Comparison of Maine to the Nation An, Andrew P. Schaefer and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Oral Health Care Access in New Hampshire, Eleanor M. Jaffee, Joan Widmer, and Lisa Speropolous
Rates of SNAP Receipt Stabilize or Drop in All Regions for First Time Since Great Recession, Jessica A. Carson and Paul Anskat
Red Rural, Blue Rural; Rural Does Not Always Equal Republican, Dante J. Scala and Kenneth M. Johnson
Rural Adolescents Are More Likely Than Their Urban Peers to Abuse Prescription Painkillers, Shannon M. Monnat and Khary K. Rigg
Should I Say Something? Dating and Sexual Aggression Bystander Intervention Among High School Youth, Katie Edwards, Robert P. Eckstein, and Kara Anne Rodenhizer-Stampfli
Strategies to Strengthen Youth Leadership and Youth Participation Opportunities in Central Appalachia, Rebecca O'Doherty, Ada Smith, Ben Spangler, Elandria Williams, and Katie Richards-Schuster
Trump and Sanders Supporters Differ Sharply on Key Scientific Fact, Lawrence C. Hamilton
Why Do the Children Flee? Public Security and Policing Practices in Central America, Mary Fran T. Malone
Women As Economic Providers: Dual-Earner Families Thrive As Women's Earings Rise, Kristin Smith
Publications from 2014
Cause for Optimism? Child Poverty Declines for the First Time Since Before the Great Recession, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Jessica A. Carson, and Andrew P. Schaefer
Do You Trust Scientists About the Environment?, Lawrence C. Hamilton
Families Continue to Rely on Wives As Breadwinners Post-Recession, Kristin Smith and Andrew P. Schaefer
Forest management and wildfire risk in inland northwest, Joel N. Hartter, Forrest R. Stevens, Lawrence C. Hamilton, Paul T. Oester, Russell G. Congalton, Mark J. Ducey, and Morgan A. Crowley
Health Insurance Among Young Adults Rebounds Post Recession: More Become Dependents on a Parent's Plan After ACA Extends Coverage to Adult Children, Michael J. Staley and Jessica A. Carson
Immigration to Manchester, New Hampshire, Sally Ward, Justin R. Young, and Curt D. Grimm
Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ college students, Katie Edwards and Kateryna Sylaska
Key Findings and Recommendations from the Coös Youth Study: Research from the First Half of the Study, Michael S. Staunton and Eleanor M. Jaffee
Levels of Household Chaos Tied to Quality of Parent-Adolescent Relationships in Coös County, New Hampshire, Corinna J. Tucker
New Population Projections Reflect Slower Growth and Increasing Diversity, Kenneth M. Johnson
Proposed EITC Expansion Would Increase Eligibility and Dollars for Rural and Urban “Childless” Workers, Jessica A. Carson and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Public Insurance Drove Overall Coverage Growth Among Children in 2012, Michael J. Staley
Related Foster Parents Less Likely to Receive Support Services Compared With Nonrelative Foster Parents, Wendy A. Walsh and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Restraint and Seclusion of Students With a Disability Continue to Be Common in Some School Districts Patterns Remain Relatively Consistent Despite Recent Policy Changes, Douglas J. Gagnon, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Vincent J. Connelly
Social Connections, Safety, and Local Environment in Three Manchester, New Hampshire, Neighborhoods Survey of Residents’ Perceptions, Justin R. Young
The Hidden Cost of the Recession: Two Million Fewer Births and Still Counting, Kenneth M. Johnson
The importance of outdoor activity and place attachment to adolescent development in Coös County, New Hampshire, Jayson Seaman and Sean R. McLaughlin
The Increasing Diversity of America's Youth, Kenneth M. Johnson, Andrew P. Schaefer, Daniel T. Lichter, and Luke T. Rogers
The long-term unemployed in the wake of the Great Recession, Andrew P. Schaefer
Understanding Connections Between Rural Communities and Family Well-Being, Cynthia Fletcher
Walking builds community cohesion: Survey of two New Hampshire communities looks at social capital and walkability, Shannon H. Rogers, Kevin H. Gardner, and Cynthia H. Carlson
Publications from 2013
2012 National child poverty rate stagnates at 22.6 percent, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Jessica A. Carson, and Andrew P. Schaefer
2012 New Hampshire Civic Health Index, Bruce L. Mallory and Quixada Moore-Vissing
Age and lifecycle patterns driving U.S. migration shifts, Kenneth M. Johnson, Richelle Winkler, and Luke T. Rogers
Child care subsidies critical for low-income families amid rising child care expenses, Kristin Smith and Nicholas Adams
Comparing teen substance use in northern New Hampshire to rural use nationwide, Karen T. Van Gundy
Coös youth with mentors more likely to perceive future success, Kent Scovill and Corinna J. Tucker
Deaths Exceed Births in Record Number of U.S. Counties, Kenneth M. Johnson
Granite staters weigh in on renewable energy versus drilling: Environmental quality of life ranks high across party lines, Lawrence C. Hamilton and Cameron P. Wake
Informal kinship care most common out-of-home placement after an investigation of child maltreatment, Wendy A. Walsh
Mental health among northern New Hampshire young adults: depression and substance problems higher than nationwide, Karen T. Van Gundy
Middle-skill jobs remain more common among rural workers, Justin R. Young
New Hampshire Children in Need of Services: Impacts of 2011 Legislative Changes to CHINS, Lisa Speropolous and Barbara Wauchope
Psychotropic medication use among children in the child welfare system, Wendy A. Walsh and Marybeth J. Mattingly
Recent data show continued growth in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program use, Jessica A. Carson and William W. Meub
Record number of children covered by health insurance in 2011, Michael J. Staley
Rural natives’ perceptions of strengths and challenges in their communities, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad