"Granite staters weigh in on renewable energy versus drilling: Environm" by Lawrence C. Hamilton and Cameron P. Wake


Since the fall of 2001, the University of New Hampshire’s Survey Center has been conducting the Granite State Poll—a statewide, scientific survey of public opinion and behavior concerning policy issues—via telephone interviews with random samples of New Hampshire residents about four times each year. Starting in 2010, the poll began regularly including environmental topics among its mix of survey questions. In 2012, the environmental questions expanded to include non-climate topics, in connection with a new five-year project on Ecosystems and Society under the New Hampshire Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. In this brief, authors Lawrence Hamilton and Cameron Wake report that, by a two-to-one margin, New Hampshire residents surveyed by the Granite State Poll believe that increased use of renewable energy should be a higher priority than more exploration and drilling for oil. Similarly, high percentages say that ecosystem services including clean water, scenic values, outdoor recreation, and trees for wood products or climate benefits are very important to their own quality of life. Although partisan differences are evident on several questions, there is broad agreement on most points.


Carsey School of Public Policy; New Hampshire EPSCoR

Publication Date



New Hampshire and New England Issue Brief 33


Durham, N.H. : Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire

Document Type



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