Publications from 2020
Rising Student Debt and the 2020 Election, James Kvaal and Jessica Thompson
Rural Areas with Seasonal Homes Hit Hard by COVID-19, Jessica A. Carson
Steyer Spends the Most, but Only Yang and Gabbard Focus Facebook Advertising on New Hampshire, Jordan Hensley
The Benefits and Barriers to Living in Coös County, New Hampshire: Perceptions of the Region From Emerging Adults, Kristine Bundschuh
The Inequities of Job Loss and Recovery Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Rogelio Saenz and Corey Sparks
The Poverty-Reducing Effects of the EITC and Other Safety Nets for Young Adult Parents, Jessica A. Carson
Trusting Scientists More Than the Government: New Hampshire Perceptions of the Pandemic, Lawrence C. Hamilton and Thomas G. Safford
U.S. Fertility Rates and Births Continue to Diminish, Kenneth M. Johnson
U.S. Population Growth Slows, but Diversity Grows, Kenneth M. Johnson
Views of a Fast-Moving Pandemic: A Survey of Granite Staters’ Responses to COVID-19, Thomas G. Safford and Lawrence C. Hamilton
Voting and Attitudes Along the Red Rural–Blue Urban Continuum, Kenneth M. Johnson and Dante Scala
What Do We Know About What to Do With Dams? How Knowledge Shapes Public Opinion About Their Removal in New Hampshire, Simone Chapman, Catherine M. Ashcraft, Lawrence C. Hamilton, and Kevin H. Gardner
Why People Move to and Stay in New Hampshire, Kenneth M. Johnson and Kristine Bundschuh
Publications from 2019
Child Poverty Declines Slightly in 2018 to 18 Percent, Jessica A. Carson
Climate-Change Views of New Hampshire Primary Voters, Lawrence C. Hamilton
Closing Racial-Ethnic Gaps in Poverty: How Government Programs Compare, Marybeth J. Mattingly and Jessica A. Carson
Data Snapshot: Hispanic Population of Child-Bearing Age Grows, but Births Diminish, Kenneth M. Johnson
Data Snapshot: “Trump Towns” Swung Democratic in New Hampshire Midterms, Dante Scala
Facial Recognition and Drivers’ Licenses: Should the DMV Share Your Photo?, Daniel Bromberg, Étienne Charbonneau, and Andrew Smith
First in the Nation: New Hampshire’s Changing Electorate in Changing Times, Kenneth M. Johnson, Dante Scala, and Andrew Smith
For One in Four Very Young, Low-Income Children, Parents Are Young Too, Jessica A. Carson
Government Spending Across the World: How the United States Compares, Michael P. Ettlinger, Jordan Hensley, and Julia Vieira
Half of Women in New Hampshire Have Experienced Sexual Harassment at Work, Kristin E. Smith, Sharyn J. Potter, and Jane Stapleton
Job Protection and Wage Replacement: Key Factors in Take Up of Paid Family and Medical Leave Among Lower-Wage Workers, Kristin Smith
Mapping the Food Landscape in New Hampshire, Jessica A. Carson
Migration Fuels a Second Year of Higher Population Gain in New Hampshire, Kenneth M. Johnson
“My Advice…Is Get Out of Town”: Economic Opportunities and Population Composition in Two Rural Counties, Marybeth Mattingly and Jessica Carson
New Hampshire Demographic Trends in an Era of Economic Turbulence, Kenneth M. Johnson
Northern New Hampshire Youth in a Changing Rural Economy: A Ten-Year Perspective, Eleanor M. Jaffee, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Karen T. Van Gundy, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Cesar Rebellon
Polling and the New Hampshire Primary: What to Watch, and Watch Out For, Andrew Smith and David Moore
Rural America Growing Again Due to Migration Gains, Kenneth M. Johnson
Rural Depopulation in a Rapidly Urbanizing America, Kenneth Johnson and Daniel Lichter
Social Service Delivery in Two Rural Counties, Jessica Carson and Marybeth Mattingly
Support for Paid Family and Medical Leave in New Hampshire, Kristin Smith
The First Primary: Why New Hampshire?, David W. Moore and Andrew Smith
The Motherhood Wage Penalty: High-Earning Women Are Doing Better Than Before, Rebecca Glauber
The Potential Role For CDFIs in the Opportunity Zones of the Investing in Opportunities Act (IIOA), Charles Tansey and Michael Swack
The Poverty-Reducing Effect of Five Key Government Programs in Rural and Urban America, Jessica Carson and Marybeth Mattingly
Tracking Change in the North Country: Paths to the Future of Coös County, Eleanor M. Jaffee
U.S. Fertility Rate Hits Record Low and Births Continue to Diminish, Kenneth M. Johnson
What to Do With Dams: An Assessment of Public Opinion to Inform the Debate in New Hampshire, Natallia Leuchanka Diessner, Catherine M. Ashcraft, Kevin H. Gardner, and Lawrence C. Hamilton
Publications from 2018
2020 Census Faces Challenges in Rural America, William P. O'Hare
Both Rural and Urban SNAP Recipients Affected by Proposed Work Requirements, Jessica A. Carson
Child Care Expenses Make Middle-Class Incomes Hard to Reach, Robert Paul Hartley, Beth Mattingly, and Christopher Wimer
Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise, and the Vulnerable Cultural Heritage of Coastal New Hampshire, Meghan Howey
Data Snapshot: Declines in Child Poverty Continue in 2017, Jessica Carson, Andrew Schaefer, and Marybeth Mattingly
Data Snapshot: EITC Continues to Reach Families in Poor Places, Andrew Schaefer, Marybeth Mattingly, Kennedy Nickerson, and Jessica Carson
Data Snapshot: Fewer Young Adults Lack Health Insurance Following Key ACA Provisions, Jessica Carson
Data Snapshot: Millennials and Climate Change, Lawrence Hamilton
Data Snapshot: Ten Years After the Great Recession Began, U.S. Birth Rate Is at Record Low, Kenneth Johnson
Data Snapshot: U.S. Population Growth Continues to Slow Due to Fewer Births and More Deaths, Kenneth M. Johnson
Domestic Migration and Fewer Births Reshaping America, Kenneth Johnson
Drug Overdose Rates Are Highest in Places With the Most Economic and Family Distress, Shannon M. Monnat
Full-Time Employment Not Always a Ticket to Health Insurance, Jessica Carson
More Young Adult Migrants Moving to New Hampshire From Other U.S. Locations, Kenneth Johnson
Parental Substance Use in New Hampshire: Who Cares for the Children?, Kristin Smith
Population, Greenspace, and Development:Conversion Patterns in the Great Lakes Region, Mark Ducey, Kenneth M. Johnson, Ethan P. Belair, and Barbara D. Cook
Public Awareness of Scientific Consensus on Climate Change Is Rising, Lawrence C. Hamilton
The Interaction Between the Minimum Wage and the Federal EITC, Andrew Schaefer, Jessica Carson, Marybeth Mattingly, and Andrew Wink
The Opioid Crisis in Rural and Small Town America, Shannon M. Monnat and Khary K. Rigg
The USDA Summer Food Service Program in Coos County New Hampshire, Jean Bessette
Understanding Early Childhood Education Needs and Opportunities in the Upper Valley: Phase 2, Jessica A. Carson
Utilization of Long-Term Care by an Aging Population, Reagan Baughma and Jon Hurdelbrink
Working Families’ Access to Early Childhood Education, Jessica Carson
Publications from 2017
2016 Child Poverty Rate Sees Largest Decline Since Before Great Recession, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Andrew P. Schaefer, and Jessica A. Carson
A Demographic and Economic Profile of Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin, Andrew P. Schaefer, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Douglas J. Gagnon
After the Bell: Youth Activity Engagement in Relation to Income and Metropolitan Status, Sarah E. Leonard
A Profile of Youth Poverty and Opportunity in Southwestern Minnesota, Marybeth J. Mattingly, Andrew P. Schaefer, and Douglas J. Gagnon
As Opioid Use Climbs, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Rises in New Hampshire, Kristin Smith
Beyond Urban Versus Rural:, Dante J. Scala and Kenneth M. Johnson
Carsey Perspectives: Innovative Financing for Community Businesses, Eric Hangen
Carsey Perspectives: Local Owners Driving Lasting Solutions, An Innovative Model for International Development and Poverty Alleviation, Ilona Drew, Fiona Wilson, and William Maddocks
Carsey Perspectives: Meeting Farmers Where They Are, Increasing Agricultural Sustainability in Malawi Through Business Format Franchising, Ilona Drew, Abraham DeMaio, William Maddocks, and Fiona Wilson
Carsey Perspectives: New Hampshire's Electricity Future; Cost, Reliability, and Risk, Cameron P. Wake, Matt Magnusson, Christine Foreman, and Fiona Wilson
Carsey Perspectives: To Dig, Or Not To Dig?, Tom W. Haines
Challenge and Hope in the North Country, Lawrence Hamilton, Linda Fogg, and Curt Grimm
Child Care Expenses Push Many Families Into Poverty, Marybeth J. Mattingly and Christopher Wimer
Concentrated Poverty Increased in Both Rural and Urban Areas Since 2000, Reversing Declines in the 1990s, Brian C. Thiede, Hyojung Kim, and Matthew Valasik
Data Snapshot: 2.1 Million More Childless U.S. Women Than Anticipated, Kenneth Johnson
Data Snapshot: Migration Fuels Largest New Hampshire Population Gain in a Decade, Kenneth Johnson
Data Snapshot: Nine Million Publicly Insured Children in the Twelve States Facing Federal CHIP Cutoff by End of Year, Jessica Carson
Data Snapshot: Poorer Working Families with Young Children and No Out-of-Pocket Child Care Struggle Financially, Robert Paul Hartley, Beth Mattingly, and Christopher Wimer
Data Snapshot: Poverty Estimates for New Hampshire Counties, Andrew Schaefer, Jessica Carson, and Marybeth Mattingly
Data Snapshot: Public Acceptance of Human-Caused Climate Change Is Gradually Rising, Lawrence Hamilton
Data Snapshot: SNAP Declines Continue in 2016, but Not for Rural Places, Jessica Carson
Data Snapshot: Working Families With Young Children Are Unlikely to Afford Child Care, Beth Mattingly, Robert Paul Hartley, and Christopher Wimer
Drier Conditions, More Wildfire, and Heightened Concerns About Forest Management in Eastern Oregon, Joel Hartter, Lawrence Hamilton, Mark Ducey, Angela Boag, Nils Chistoffersen, Ethan Belair, Paul Oester, Michael Palace, and Forrest Stevens
Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide Represent Growing Share of U.S. Mortality, Shannon M. Monnat
Employment, Poverty, and Public Assistance in the Rural United States, Rebecca K. Glauber and Andrew P. Schaefer
Eyes Off the Earth? Public Opinion Regarding Climate Science and NASA, Lawrence C. Hamilton, Jessica Brunacini, and Stephanie Pfirm
Gains in Reducing Child Poverty, but Racial-Ethnic Disparities Persist, Jessica A. Carson, Marybeth J. Mattingly, and Andrew P. Schaefer
Involuntary Part-Time Employment: A Slow and Uneven Economic Recovery, Rebecca K. Glauber
Maine Head Start Report: 2017, Jessica A. Carson
More Than 95 Percent of U.S. Children Had Health Insurance in 2015, Michael J. Staley
Moving to Diversity, Richelle L. Winkler and Kenneth M. Johnson
New Data Show U.S. Birth Rate Hits Record Low, Kenneth M. Johnson
"Not very many options for the people who are working here" Rural Housing Challenges Through the Lens of Two New England Communities, Jessica Carson and Marybeth Mattingly
On Renewable Energy and Climate, Trump Voters Stand Apart, Lawrence C. Hamilton
Public Support for Environmental Protection, Lawrence C. Hamilton