Applied Engineering and Sciences Scholarship | Applied Engineering and Sciences | University of New Hampshire


Submissions from 2023


Quantitative Results from a Study of Professional Dispositions, Amruth N. Kumar, Renee McCauley, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Mihaela Sabin, Natalie Kiesler, and Rajendra K. Raj


Fostering Dispositions and Engaging Computing Educators, Mihaela Sabin, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Renee McCauley, Rajendra K. Raj, and John Impagliazzo

Submissions from 2022


Using a Professional Skills Framework to Support the Assessment of Dispositions in IT Education, David S. Bowers and Mihaela Sabin


Advancing Computing Education: Assessing CC2020 Dispositions, David S. Bowers, Mihaela Sabin, Rajendra K. Raj, and John Impagliazzo


Computing Competencies: Mapping CC2020 Dispositions to SFIA Responsibility Characteristics, David S. Bowers, Mihaela Sabin, Rajendra K. Raj, and John Impagliazzo


Managerial and Professional Skills and Dispositions from Professionals’ Interviews, Suzhen Duan, Marisa E. Exter, Deepti Tagare, and Mihaela Sabin


Making Visible and Modeling the Underrepresented: Teachers' Reflections on Their Role Modeling in Higher Education, Virginia Grande, Paivi Kinnunen, Anne Kahtrin Peters, Matthew Barr, Asa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Amari N. Lewis, Mihaela Sabin, Matilde Sanchez-Pena, and Neena Thota


Role Modeling as a Computing Educator in Higher Education: A Focus on Care, Emotions and Professional Competencies, Virginia Grande, Paivi Kinnunen, Anne Kahtrin Peters, Matthew Barr, Asa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Amari N. Lewis, Mihaela Sabin, Matilde Sanchez-Pena, and Neena Thota


Perspectives on Dispositions in Computing Competencies, John Impagliazzo, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Rajendra K. Raj, and Mihaela Sabin

Submissions from 2021


Retention in 2017--18 higher education computing programs in the United States, Rodrigo Duran, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Mihaela Sabin, Cara Tang, Mark Allen Weiss, and Stuart H. Zweben


Student Emotional Response to Oral Assessments in Computing and Mathematics, Jeremiah Johnson, Karen H. Jin, and Mihaela Sabin


Professional Competencies in Computing Education: Pedagogies and Assessment, Rajendra K. Raj, Mihaela Sabin, John Impagliazzo, David S. Bowers, Mats Daniels, Felienne F. J. Hermans, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Renee McCauley, Syed Waqar Nabi, and Michael J. Oudshoorn


Toward Practical Computing Competencies, Rajendra K. Raj, Mihaela Sabin, John Impagliazzo, David S. Bowers, Mats Daniels, Felienne F. J. Hermans, Natalie Kiesler, Amruth N. Kumar, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Renee McCauley, Syed Waqar Nabi, and Michael J. Oudshoorn


Oral Exams in Shift to Remote Learning, Mihaela Sabin, Karen H. Jin, and Adrienne Smith


Oral Exams in Shift to Remote Learning, Mihaela Sabin, Karen H. Jin, and Adrienne Smith

Submissions from 2020


Information Technology Transfer Curricula 2020: Curriculum Guidelines for Two-Year Transfer Programs in Information Technology, Markus Geissler, Dana Brown, Norma McKenzie, Svetlana Peltsverger, Tim Preuss, Mihaela Sabin, and Cara Tang


Implementing the IT-Transfer2020 Curriculum Guidance for Two-Year IT Transfer Programs, Markus Geissler, Mihaela Sabin, and Cara Tang


New ABET Information Technology Program Criteria: The 5 W's Questions, Jim Leone, Sandra Gorka, Scott Murray, and Mihaela Sabin


Evaluating Student Participation in Undergraduate Information Technology Programs in the U.S., Mihaela Sabin, Stuart H. Zweben, Barry M. Lunt, and Rajendra K. Raj

Submissions from 2019


Report from the STEM 2026 Workshop on Assessment, Evaluation, and Accreditation, Rebecca Bates, Angela Arnold, Cary Komoto, Peggy Brickman, R. Alan Cheville, Elizabeth Longley, Jose Mestre, Mihaela Sabin, and James Warnock


Panel: Transfer Students, Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Mihaela Sabin, and Sandra Gorka


De-Constructionism: An Effective Premise to Constructionist Learning, Mihaela Sabin


Changing Perceptions of Who Can Code: A Professional Development Program for Career and Technical Education Teachers, Mihaela Sabin, Wendy DuBow, Adrienne Ann Smith, and Rosabel Deloge

Submissions from 2018


An Overview of the New ACM/IEEE Information Technology Curricular Framework, Hala Alrumaih, Mihaela C. Sabin, and John Impagliazzo


Modelling competencies for computing education beyond 2020: a research based approach to defining competencies in the computing disciplines, Stephen Thomas Frezza, Mats Daniels, Arnold N. Pears, Asa Cajander, Viggo Kann, Amanpreet Kapoor, Roger McDermott, Anne Kahtrin Peters, Mihaela Sabin, and Charles Robert Wallace


Modeling global competencies for computing education, Stephen Thomas Frezza, Arnold N. Pears, Mats Daniels, Viggo Kann, Amanpreet Kapoor, Roger McDermott, Anne Kathrin Peters, Charles Robert Wallace, Mihaela Sabin, and Asa Cajander


Using Physical Computing Projects in Teaching Introductory Programming, Karen H. Jin, Howard Eglowstein, and Mihaela Sabin


Revising the ABET Information Technology Criteria to Reflect the IT 2017 Curriculum Guidelines, Scott Murray, Sandra Gorka, Becky Rutherfoord, and Mihaela Sabin


Implementing a competency-based information technology curriculum: challenges and opportunities, Mihaela Sabin


Implementing a Competency-Based Information Technology Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities (Poster Abstract), Mihaela C. Sabin


A Competency-based Approach toward Curricular Guidelines for Information Technology Education, Mihaela C. Sabin, Hala Alrumaih, and John Impagliazzo


Creative Computing Challenge: A Teacher Professional Development to Enhance Non-Computing Career and Technical Education Curriculum with Engaging Computational Practices for All Students (Poster Abstract), Mihaela C. Sabin, Wendy DuBow, Adrienne Smith, and Rosabel Deloge


IT2017 Report: Implementing A Competency-Based Information Technology Program (Panel), Mihaela C. Sabin, John Impagliazzo, Hala Alrumaih, Cara Tang, and Ming Zhang


Representative Names of Computing Degree Programs Worldwide, Mihaela C. Sabin, Paul Snow, Dr. Simon, John Impagliazzo, Alison Clear, and Yan Timanovsky


IT2017 Report: Implementing A Competency-Based Information Technology Program, Mihaela Sabin, John Impagliazzo, Hala Alrumaih, Cara Tang, and Ming Zhang


Creative computing challenge: teacher professional learning to enhance non-computing career and technical education curricula with engaging computational practices for all students, Mihaela Sabin, Adrienne Smith, Wendy DuBow, and Rosabel Deloge

Submissions from 2017


An engineering technology capstone project: The snow load network, Christopher D. Leblanc, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Christopher Dundorf


Rebooting Information Technology Programs: Panel, Rajendra K. Raj, Jim Leone, Allen Parrish, and Mihaela C. Sabin


Summer learning experience for girls in grades 7–9 boosts confidence and interest in computing careers, Mihaela C. Sabin, Rosabel Deloge, Adrienne Smith, and Wendy DuBow


IT2017 Report: Putting It to Work, Mihaela C. Sabin, Svetlana Peltsverger, Bill Paterson, Ming Zhang, and Hala Alrumaih


Performance Testing of Small Water Pumps: A Versatile and Economical Laboratory Exercise for Engineering Technology Students, Theodore S. Tavares

Submissions from 2016


An Interdisciplinary Approach Combines Physiology, Engineering, and Computer Science to Increase Awareness of STEM Professions among Middle School Students, Patricia A. Halpin, Theodore S. Tavares, and Mihaela C. Sabin


Latin American perspectives and the IT2017 curricular guidelines, John Impagliazzo, Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, Gonzalo Begazo Escobedo, Juan Jose Miranda del Solar, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Barbara Viola


An information technology competency model and curriculum, John Impagliazzo, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Hala Alrumaih


Make and learn: A CS Principles course based on the Arduino platform, Ingrid Russell, Karen H. Jin, and Mihaela C. Sabin


Industry and faculty surveys call for increased collaboration to prepare information technology graduates, Mihaela C. Sabin


ACM/IEEE-CS information technology curriculum 2017: A status update, Mihaela C. Sabin, Svetlana Peltsverger, Cara Tang, and Barry M. Lunt


Towards the internationalization of curriculum guidelines for undergraduate IT degree programs, Mihaela C. Sabin, Paul Snow, and John Impagliazzo


Latin American perspectives to internationalize undergraduate information technology education, Mihaela C. Sabin, Barbara Viola, John Impagliazzo, Renzo Angles, Mariela Curiel, Paul Leger, Jorge Murillo, Hernan Nina, Jose Antonio Pow-Sang, and Ignacio Trejos

Submissions from 2015


Case Study: Design and Performance Verification Testing of a Screw Compressor Discharge Silencer, Thomas Chirathadam, Benjamin White, Eugene Broerman, Theodore S. Tavares, Jawad Abbas Esmaeel, and Sharad Kumar Meshram


Information technology and computer science programs: How do we relate?, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Gregory Hislop, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Amber Settle


Computational thinking in Greenfoot: AI game strategies for CS1: conference workshop, Mihaela C. Sabin


Computing summer camp to pave the way to rigorous and engaging computer science education in career and technical education centers, Mihaela C. Sabin


Multinational perspectives on information technology from academia and industry, Mihaela C. Sabin, John Impagliazzo, Hala Alrumaih, Brenda Byers, Daina Gudoniene, Margaret Hamilton, Vsevolod Kotlyarov, Barry Lunt, James W. McGuffee, Svetlana Peltsverger, Cara Tang, Barbara Viola, and Ming Zhang


Updating the ACM/IEEE 2008 curriculum in information technology, Mihaela C. Sabin, Svetlana Peltsverger, and Cara Tang


Evaluation of a computing and engineering outreach program for girls in grades 8–10, Mihaela C. Sabin, Paul Snow, and Mary Laturnau

Submissions from 2014


Bridging the academia-industry gap in software engineering: A client-oriented open source, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Allen B. Tucker

Submissions from 2013


Scaling a framework for client-driven open source software projects: a report from three schools, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Mihaela C. Sabin, and Allen B. Tucker


QuizPower: a mobile app with app inventor and XAMPP service integration, David Meehan and Mihaela C. Sabin


Girls in IT: How to develop talent and leverage support, Mihaela C. Sabin, Deborah LaBelle, Hiranya Mir, Karen Patten, Suzanne Poirier, and Seth Reichelson


Performance Assessment of Gas Turbine Driven Centrifugal Compressor Trains Derived from Field Testing, Theodore S. Tavares, J. T. Gatewood, and T. N. Sivadas

Submissions from 2012


Dynamic Pipeline System Simulation of Multi-stage Compressor Trains, Augusto Garcia-Hernandez, Theodore S. Tavares, and Melissa Wilcox


Student-pull instead of instructor-push: in preparation for a student learning dash­board, Mihaela C. Sabin


Interactive learning online: Challenges and opportunities, Mihaela C. Sabin, Amber Settle, and Becky Rutherford

Submissions from 2011


Free and open source software in computing education, Stephen Jacobs, Clif Kussmaul, and Mihaela C. Sabin


Free and open source software development of IT systems, Mihaela C. Sabin

Submissions from 2010


Assessing collaborative and experiential learning, Mihaela C. Sabin

Submissions from 2009


Investigation of High Efficiency Pulsation Filter Bottle Design, Marybeth Nored, Theodore S. Tavares, and Eugene Broerman


IT education 2.0, Mihaela C. Sabin and Jim Leone

Submissions from 2008


A collaborative and experiential learning model powered by real-world projects, Mihaela C. Sabin

Submissions from 2007


Conditional constraint satisfaction and configuration: A win-win proposition, Esther Gelle and Mihaela C. Sabin


Teaching and learning in live online classrooms, Mihaela C. Sabin and Bryan Higgs


Configuration, Carsten Sinz, Albert Haag, Nina Narodytska, Toby Walsh, Esther Gelle, Mihaela C. Sabin, Ulrich Junker, Barry O'Sullivan, Rick Rabiser, Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grunbacher, Klaus Lehner, Christian Federspiel, and Daniel Naus

Submissions from 2006


Evaluation of solving methods for conditional constraint satisfaction problem, Mihaela C. Sabin

Submissions from 2005


Towards using online portfolios in computing courses, Bryan Higgs and Mihaela C. Sabin


Designing and running a pre-college computing course, Mihaela C. Sabin, Bryan Higgs, Vladimir Riabov, and Alberto Moreira

Submissions from 2003


Greater efficiency for conditional constraint satisfaction, Mihaela C. Sabin, Eugene C. Freuder, and Richard J. Wallace

Submissions from 2001


Using constraint technology to diagnose configuration errors in networks managed with spectrum, Mihaela C. Sabin, Robert D. Russell, and Eugene C. Freuder

Submissions from 1999


Network service management with constraint technology, Mihaela C. Sabin


A constraint-based approach to fault management for groupware services, Integrated Network Management, 1999, Mihaela C. Sabin, A. Bakman, and Eugene C. Freuder


Detecting and resolving inconsistency and redundancy in conditional constraint satisfaction problems, Mihaela C. Sabin and Eugene C. Freuder

Submissions from 1997


Generating diagnostic tools for network fault management, Mihaela C. Sabin, Robert D. Russell, and Eugene C. Freuder

Submissions from 1996


Automated formulation of constraint satisfaction problems, Mihaela C. Sabin and Eugene C. Freuder

Submissions from 1995


The Behavior of Linear Reconstruction Techniques on Unstructured Meshes, Michael Aftosmis, Datta Gaitonde, and Theodore S. Tavares


A constraint-based approach to diagnosing configuration problems, Daniel Sabin, Mihaela C. Sabin, Robert D. Russell, and Eugene C. Freuder


A constraint-based approach to diagnosing software problems in computer networks, Daniel Sabin, Mihaela C. Sabin, Robert D. Russell, and Eugene C. Freuder

Submissions from 1994


On the Accuracy, Stability, and Monotonicity of Various Reconstruction Algorithms for Unstructured Meshes, Michael Aftosmis, Datta Gaitonde, and Theodore S. Tavares

Submissions from 1993


Perspective: Unsteady Wing Theory - The Karman/Sears Legacy, James E. McCune and Theodore S. Tavares


The Effect of Leading-Edge Cross-Sectional Geometry on Vortex Flow Aerodynamics, Theodore S. Tavares


Aerodynamics of Maneuvering Slender Wings with Leading-Edge Separation, Theodore S. Tavares and James E. McCune

Submissions from 1988


Unsteady 3-D Aerodynamics of Slender Wings in Severe Maneuver, James E. McCune and Theodore S. Tavares


Slender Wing Theory Including Regions of Embedded Total Pressure Loss, James E. McCune, Theodore S. Tavares, Norman K. W. Lee, and David Weissbein

Submissions from 1985


A Supersonic Fan Equipped Variable Cycle Engine for a Mach 2.7 Supersonic Transport, Theodore S. Tavares