"Assessing collaborative and experiential learning" by Mihaela C. Sabin


Collaborative and experiential learning has many proven merits. Team projects with real clients motivate students to put in the time for successfully completing demanding projects. However, assessing student performance where individual student contributions are separated from the collective contribution of the team as a whole is not a straightforward, simple task. Assessment data from multiple sources, including students as assessors of their own work and peers' work, is critical to measuring certain student learning outcomes, such as responsible team work and timely communication. In this paper we present our experience with assessing collaborative and experiential learning in five Computer Information Systems courses. The courses were scheduled over three semesters and enrolled 57 students. Student performance and student feedback data were used to evaluate and refine our assessment methodology. We argue that assessment data analysis improved our understanding of (1) the assessment measures that support more closely targeted learning outcomes and (2) how those measures should be implemented.

Publication Date


Journal Title

Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges


ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

Document Type



Copyright © 2010, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.


© 2010, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1791136.
