The University of New Hampshire Law Review, formerly published under the title Pierce Law Review, is one of two scholarly journals entirely edited by University New Hampshire School of Law students. | Vol 9 | No. 3

The University of New Hampshire Law Review

Editorial Board


Luke Nelson
Managing Editor
Terri Nolan
Chief Articles Editor
Thomas Sanchez
Executive Editor/Chief Notes Editor
Megan Hertler

Senior Articles Editors

Anna T. Bragg
Ryan Fields
Erica Johnson
Daniel Lawson

Associate Editors

Uillame Bell
Sarah Crush
Kelly Donahue
Carroll Dortch
Jonathan Foskett
Carl Gunlefinger
Jon Jonsson
Ernest Kawka
Michael McCubbin
Kathryn Naughton

Faculty Advisor

Jordan Budd

Business Manager

Kathi Hennessy

Notes Advisor

Alice Briggs