"The Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Latimer County, Oklahoma, with Revisio" by Donald S. Chandler

The Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Latimer County, Oklahoma, with Revisions of Four Genera from Eastern North America. Part 1. Faroninae and Euplectinae


The species of Pselaphidae found in Latimer County, Oklahoma, in the subfamilies Faroninae (1 genus, 1 species) and Euplectinae (14 genera, 31 species) are listed, and their seasonality and biology discussed. Four genera are revised (Rhexius LeConte, Thesiastes Casey, Bibloplectus Reitter, Melba Casey), and two others (Trimioplectus Brendel, Pygmactium Schuster & Grigarick) have keys provided for the first time. Species collected in Latimer County are: Mayetia domestica Schuster, Marsh & Park, Conoplectus canaliculatus (LeConte), C. susae Carlton, Rhexius stephani n. sp., R. ferrugineus Casey, R. insculptus Casey, R. schmitti Brendel, R. ouachita n. sp., Thesium caviforns (LeConte), Thesiastes fossulatus (Brendel), T. atratus Casey, T. pumilis (LeConte), Euplectus acomanus Casey, E. confluens (LeConte), Pycnoplectus interruptus (LeConte), P. linearis (LeConte), P. spinifer Casey, Saxet decora (Casey), Trimioplectus australis n. sp., Bibloplectus ruficeps (LeConte), B. choctaw n. sp., B. creek n. sp., B. cherokee n. sp., B. osage n. sp., B. chickasaw n. sp., Dalmosella tenuis Casey, Melba thoracica (Brendel), M. parvula (LeConte), M. sulcatula Casey, Trimiomelba dubia (LeConte), Pygmactium quercavum n. sp., Sebaga ocampi Park. Species covered or figured that were not collected in Latimer County are: Rhexius substriatus Casey, Thesiastes debilis (LeConte), Trimioplectus obsoletus Brendel, T. auerbachi Park, Bibloplectus leviceps Casey, B. integer (LeConte), B. sobrinus Casey, Melba maja (Brendel), Pygmactium steevesi Schuster & Grigarick, P. mollyae (Park). A number of new synonymies were discovered: Rhexius substriatus LeConte (= R. virginicus Casey), R. ferrugineus Casey (= R. transversus Casey, = R. ruber Casey), R. schmitti Brendel (= R. hirsutus Casey), Thesium cavifrons (LeConte) (= Thesium laticolle Casey), Thesiastes fossulatus (Brendel) (= E. rotundicollis Brendel), T. debilis (LeConte) (= E. planipennis Brendel), Trimium brevicorne (Reichenbach) (= T. discolor LeConte, apparent mislabeled European specimen), Melba parvula (LeConte) (= T. durum Brendel, = T. gracilis Brendel, = T. laticolle Brendel, = Melba texana Casey, = M. uniformis Casey), M. sulcatula Casey (= M. fossiger Casey, = M. dentipes Raffray) NEW SYNONYMIES. Trimium americanum LeConte is transferred to Trimiomelba (NEW COMBINATION), and Rhexius simplex Motschulsky, Bibloplectus exilis Bowman, and Melba simplex (LeConte) are placed as Incertae sedis (NEW STATUS). Sebaga ocampi Park is the first member of the Neotropical tribe Jubini recorded from North America.

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Journal Title

Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1890-)


American Entomological Society

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