
Submissions from 2004


Visual Interactive Stimuli Techniques: Interactive Tools for Exploring Data Using Behavioral Animation, Ralf Dorner and Colin Ware


A study of Haptic Linear and Pie Menus in a 3D Fish Tank VR Environment, Rick Komerska and Colin Ware


Mapping Paleo-Coastlines and Cultural Resources in Boston Harbor, MA, Stefan Claesson, Lloyd C. Huff, and Martin Jakobsson


Visualizing the Marine Geology off Southern California, James V. Gardner


Acoustic detection of organic enrichment in sediments at a salmon farm is confirmed by independent groundtruthing methods, D. J. Wildish, John E. Hughes Clarke, G. W. Pohle, B. T. Hargrave, and L. M. Mayer


U.S. Law of the Sea Cruise to Map the Foot of the Slope and 2500-m Isobath of the U.S. Arctic Ocean Margin, Barrow to Barrow. Cruise Report, Larry A. Mayer


Acoustic Propagation Through Bubbles: An Exploration of the 1st and 2nd Moments in Various Flow Conditions, Thomas C. Weber, David L. Bradley, Anthony P. Lyons, and L Bjorno

Activities of IHO-IEC Harmonization Group on Marine Information Objects (HGMIO), Lee Alexander


Application of surface sound speed measurements in post-processing for multi-sector multibeam echosounders, J. D. Beaudoin, John E. Hughes Clarke, and J. E. Bartlett

Automatic Radar Positioning as a Backup to DGPS, H H. Lanziner, Lee Alexander, G Ringuette, and A D. Virnot

Bathymetric Uncertainty Assessment, Larry A. Mayer and Brian R. Calder


Bathymetry and Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a Volume Search Sonar, Daniel S. Brogan and Christian de Moustier

Benthic Habitat Characterization of the Lower Piscataqua River Estuary, Randy G. Cutter Jr.

Bottom Segmentation and Classification Using Expectation-maximization Clustering Methods on SHOALS Data, Semme J. Dijkstra and Gareth R. Elston


Calibrated Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter Imagery with a 160 kHz Multibeam Sonar, Christian de Moustier and Alexandre C. Schimel

Calibration of a Reson SeaBat 8101 Multibeam Echosounder, Thomas C. Weber


CCGS Amundsen: A New Mapping Platform for Canada's North, J. Bartlett, J. Beaudoin, and John E. Hughes Clarke

CUBE and Navigation Surface: New Approaches for Hydrographic Data Processing and Management, Brian R. Calder

Data Fusion - Hyperspectral, Topo Lidar and High-Resolution Imagery, Christopher E. Parrish

Descriptions of seafloor roughness from sediment profile images, Randy G. Cutter Jr.


Detection of Direct-path Arrivals for Multi-narrowband Sequences (3-30 kHz) in Shallow Water, Arsen Zoksimovski and Christian de Moustier

Determination of the Foot of the Continental Slope as the Point of Maximum Change in the Gradient at Its Base, Dave Monahan

Digital Security in the Open Navigation Surface Model, Brian R. Calder

DNews Configuration for Private Ship to Shore Usenet Communication, Nathan Paquin and Brian R. Calder


Enhanced stereoscopic imaging, N Le, P R. Pochec, and Colin Ware

Estimation and Visualization of Seafloor Uncertainty - Annual Report, Brian R. Calder, Barbara J. Kraft, and Larry A. Mayer


Evaluating U.S. data holdings relevant to the definition of continental shelf limits, Larry A. Mayer, Martin Jakobsson, and Andy Armstrong

Hydrographic Interoperability Report, Lee Alexander

Ice-dammed Lakes and Rerouting of the Drainage of Northern Eurasia during the Last Glaciation, Jan Mangerud, Martin Jakobsson, H Alexanderson, Valery Astakov, G Clarke, M Henriksen, C Hjort, G Krinner, J P. Lunkka, P Moller, Andrew Murray, O Nikolskaya, M Saarnisto, and John I. Svendsen


Information Visualization : Perception for Design, Colin Ware

Inland ECS: More than just ECDIS in Montreal Canada, H H. Lanziner and Lee Alexander

Input/Output Devices and Interaction Techniques, K Hinckley, R K. Jacob, and Colin Ware

Investigations for Ergonomic Design of AIS Symbols for ECDIS, F Motz, H Widdel, P Oei, S Mackinnon, A Patterson, M Baldauf, and Lee Alexander


Los Angeles and San Diego Margin High-resolution Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Data, P. Dartnell, James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, and J.E. Hughes Clarke


Multibeam Error Management: New Data Processing Trends in Hydrography, Rob Hare, Brian R. Calder, Lee Alexander, and Susan Sebastian


Multibeam sonar observations of hydrodynamic forcing functions and bubble persistence in a ship wake, Thomas C. Weber, Anthony P. Lyons, and David L. Bradley


On the fly GPS tide measurement along the Saint John River, Jianhu Zhao, John E. Hughes Clarke, Steven Brucker, and Garret Duffy

PHB Evaluation Report on CUBE/Navigation Surface, Snow Passage, Memo for NOS, Brian R. Calder


Predicted Seafloor Facies of Central Santa Monica Bay, California, Peter Dartnell and James V. Gardner

Robust Characterization of SHOALS Lidar Signals for Bottom Segmentation and Classification: A Combined Parameter-estimation and Curve Fitting Approach, Semme J. Dijkstra

Seabed Characterization Using Normalized Backscatter Data by Best Estimated Grazing Angles, Tianhang Hou and Lloyd C. Huff

Security in the Open Navigation Surface Model, Brian R. Calder


Submarine landslides of San Pedro Escarpment, southwest of Long Beach, California, Robert G. Bohannon and James V. Gardner

Tackling Modern Multibeam Data with CUBE, Brian R. Calder

The CCOM Chart of the Future Project: Maximizing Mariner Effectiveness Through Fusion of Marine & Visualization Technologies, Matthew D. Plumlee, Roland J. Arsenault, Rick T. Brennan, and Colin Ware

The effects of fluctuating spatial structures in bubble clouds on the statistics of acoustic propagation, Thomas C. Weber, Anthony P. Lyons, and David L. Bradley

The Global Ocean Mapping Project (GOMap): Promoting international collaboration for a systematic, high-resolution mapping of the world's oceans, Marie H. Cormier, Christian de Moustier, John K. Hall, Larry A. Mayer, Dave Monahan, and Peter R. Vogt

The impacts of a non-accepted boundary claim: Russia's frontier in the Arctic Ocean, Dave Monahan

Using Lidar in Obstruction Chart Surveys, Christopher E. Parrish

Waveform characterization, clustering and segmentation of SHOALS, Gareth R. Elston and Semme J. Dijkstra

Submissions from 2003


A Modeling Experiment on the Grounding of an Ice Shelf in the Central Arctic Ocean During MIS 6, Martin Jakobsson, M Siegert, and Mark Paton


High-Resolution Multibeam Sonar Survey and Interactive 3-D Exploration of the D-day Wrecks off Normandy, Larry A. Mayer, Brian R. Calder, and J S. Schmidt


High-resolution Photo-mosaicing of the Rosebud Hydrothermal Vent Site and Surrounding Lava Flows, Galapagos Rift 86W: Techniques and Interpretation, Yuri Rzhanov, Larry A. Mayer, D J. Fornari, Tim M. Shank, S Humphris, D Scheirer, J Kinsey, and Louis Whitcomb


Lost in Iceland? Fracture Zone Complications Along the mid-Atlantic Plate Boundary, B Brandsdottir, P Einarsson, R S. Detrick, Larry A. Mayer, Brian R. Calder, Neal W. Driscoll, and B Richter


The Tectonic Evolution of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, Offshore Northern Iceland-ridge Jumps and Rift Propagation, R S. Detrick, B Brandsdottir, Neal W. Driscoll, B Richter, Larry A. Mayer, D J. Fornari, Brian R. Calder, and G. M. Kent


We Visited for You - 2nd International ECDIS Conference, Lee Alexander and Robert Ward


Hypsometry, Volume and Physiography of the Arctic Ocean and Their Paleoceanographic Implications, Martin Jakobsson, Ron Macnab, Arthur Grantz, and Yngue Kristoffersen


Remote sensing of sediment characteristics by optimized echo-envelope matching, Daniel D. Sternlicht and Christian de Moustier


Time dependent seafloor acoustic backscatter (10-100kHz), Daniel D. Sternlicht and Christian de Moustier

Joint USM-NAVOCEANO ECDIS Laboratory, Darrell H. Smith, Lee Alexander, and Maxim F. Van Norden


Haptic-GeoZui3D: Exploring the Use of Haptics in AUV Path Planning, Rick Komerska and Colin Ware


Haptic-GeoZui3D: Exploring the Use of Haptics in AUV Path Planning, Rick Komerska, Colin Ware, Matthew D. Plumlee, and Roland J. Arsenault


High-Frequency Volume and Boundary Acoustic Backscatter Fluctuations in Shallow Water, Timothy C. Gallaudet and Christian de Moustier


Report on the LOTS Cruise to Map Foot of the Slope and 2500-m Isobath of Bowers Ridge and Beringian Margin, Bering Sea. Cruise Report, James V. Gardner


Central Arctic Ocean Sedimentation: mm/ka-scale or cm/ka-scale Rates?, Jan Backman, Martin Jakobsson, Reidar Lovlie, and Leonid Polyak


Geomorphology, acoustic backscatter, and processes in Santa Monica Bay from multibeam mapping, James V. Gardner, P. Dartnell, Larry A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke


Impact of Ice-dammed Lakes on the Early Weichselian Climate of Northern Eurasia, G Krinner, Jan Mangerud, Martin Jakobsson, M Cruicifix, C Ritz, John Inge Svendsen, and C Genthon


Integrating Multiple 3D Views through Frame-of-reference Interaction, Matthew D. Plumlee and Colin Ware


Automatic Processing of High-Rate, High-Density Multibeam Echosounder Data, Brian R. Calder and Larry A. Mayer


Moticons: Detection, Distraction and Task, Lyn Bartram, Colin Ware, and Tom Calvert


Preliminary Studies of the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Environments (New Hampshire, USA), Larry G. Ward, Dave M. Burdicki, and J R. Adams


An Evaluation of Methods for Linking 3D Views, Matthew D. Plumlee and Colin Ware


Analysis of Data Relevant to Establishing Outer Limits of a Continental Shelf under Law of the Sea Article 76, Martin Jakobsson, Larry A. Mayer, and Andy Armstrong


Paleomagnetic Chronology of Arctic Ocean Sediment Cores: Reversals and Excursions -The Conundrum, Reidar Lovlie, Martin Jakobsson, and Jan Backman


The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO): An Improved Morphological Framework for Oceanographic Investigations, Ron Macnab and Martin Jakobsson


Diagramming Information Structures Using 3D Perceptual Primitives, Pourang Irani and Colin Ware


Do Quaternary Sediments Register Paleoseismicity or Neotectonic Rejuvenation of Ancient Faults Beneath Lake Ontario?, C.F. M. Lewis, S M. Blasco, D A. Forsyth, Larry A. Mayer, Semme J. Dijkstra, R D. Jacobi, Brian J. Todd, D R. Parrott, and J. P. Coakley


Electronic Chart of the Future: The Hampton Roads Project, Rick Brennan, Colin Ware, Lee Alexander, Andy Armstrong, Larry A. Mayer, Lloyd C. Huff, Brian R. Calder, Shep M. Smith LT, Matthew D. Plumlee, Roland J. Arsenault, and Gerd Glang


Fusing Information in a 3D Chart-of-the-Future Display, Roland J. Arsenault, Matthew D. Plumlee, Shep M. Smith LT, Colin Ware, Rick Brennan, and Larry A. Mayer


Fusing Information in a 3D Chart-of-the-Future Display, Roland J. Arsenault, Shep M. Smith LT, Colin Ware, Larry A. Mayer, and Matthew D. Plumlee


Haptic Task Constraints for 3D Interaction, Rick Komerska and Colin Ware

High-resolution Multibeam Mapping and Habitat Characterization of Topographic Features in the Northwest Gulf of Mexico, G P. Schmal, E L. Hickerson, D C. Weaver, and James V. Gardner


Marine Information Objects (MIO) and ECDIS: Concept and Practice, Lee Alexander


Providing the Third Dimension: High-resolution Multibeam Sonar as a Tool for Archaeological Investigations - An Example from the D-day Beaches of Normandy, Larry A. Mayer, Brian R. Calder, J S. Schmidt, and C Malzone


Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating Supports Central Arctic Ocean CM-scale Sedimentation Rates, Martin Jakobsson, Jan Backman, Andrew Murray, and Reidar Lovlie


A Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Status of Benthic Habitat Quality in the Virginia Chesapeake Bay, Robert J. Diaz, Randy G. Cutter Jr., and Daniel M. Dauer


Automated segmentation of seafloor bathymetry from multibeam echosounder data using local Fourier histogram texture features, George R. Cutter, Yuri Rzhanov, and Larry A. Mayer


The Importance of Physical and Biogenic Structure to Juvenile Fishes on the Shallow Inner Continental Shelf, Robert J. Diaz, George R. Cutter, and K W. Able


Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter of the mid and outer continental shelf, head of De Soto Canyon, northeastern Gulf of Mexico data, images, and GIS, James V. Gardner, J.E. Hughes Clarke, Larry A. Mayer, and P. Dartnell

A Synopsis of Electronic Charting Standards and Organizations, with Recommendations for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Involvement, Lee Alexander

Automated and Visual Inspection Tools for Multibeam Quality Assurance and Data Analysis, Mark Paton, Brian R. Calder, and S Sebastian


Automatic Statistical Processing of Multibeam Echosounder Data, Brian R. Calder


A World Class ECDIS Laboratory, Darrell H. Smith and Lee Alexander

Bathymetry and Physiography of the Arctic Ocean and Its Constituent Seas, Martin Jakobsson, Arthur Grantz, Yngue Kristoffersen, and M Macnab


Bathymetry and Selected Perspective Views of 6 Reef and Coastal Areas in Northern Lake Michigan, Peter Barnes, Guy Fleisher, James V. Gardner, and Kristen Lee

Characteristics of Several Tsunamigenic Submarine Landslides, H J. Lee, R E. Kayen, James V. Gardner, and J Locat

Comparison and Combination of Shallow Survey 2003 Datasets, Brian R. Calder

Constructing Composite Chart/Bathymetry Hybrids with Fledermaus, Brian R. Calder

Converting High-Density Bathymetry into the 'Next Generation' ENC, Lee Alexander, Rick T. Brennan, and Friedhelm Moggert


Crater Lake Revealed, David W. Ramsey, Joel E. Robinson, Peter Dartnell, Charles R. Bacon, James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, and Mark W. Buktenica