
Submissions from 1999


Mapping a Continental Shelf and Slope in the 1990s: A Tale of Three Multibeams, James V. Gardner, J.E. Hughes Clarke, Larry A. Mayer, Art Kleiner, and Mark Paton


Rotating Virtual Objects with Real Handles, Colin Ware and Jeff Rose


Sedimentology of the New Hampshire Inner Continental Shelf Based on Subbottom Seismics, Side Scan Sonar, Bathymetry and Bottom Samples, Larry G. Ward and Francis S. Birch

High-resolution multibeam bathymetry of East and West Flower Gardens and Stetson Banks, Gulf of Mexico, James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, and J E. Hughes Clarke


Multibeam Sonar : potential applications for fisheries research, L. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, and S. Dijkstra


The dependence of target strength of the northern right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) on the acoustic properties of blubber, James H. Miller, Thomas C. Weber, Angela Tuttle, and David C. Potter

The STRATAFORM GIS, Larry A. Mayer, Luciano E. Fonseca, M Pacheco, S Galway, J Martinez, and Tianhang Hou


The target strength of the northern right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), J H. Miller, David C. Potter, Thomas C. Weber, and J Felix


Using multibeam sonar surveys for submarine landslide investigations, John E. Hughes Clarke

Using multibeam sonar surveys for submarine landslide investigations, J Locat, James V. Gardner, H J. Lee, Larry A. Mayer, J E. Hughes Clarke, and E Kammerer

Visualizing Causal Relations, Colin Ware, E M. Neufeld, and L Bartram

Submissions from 1998


Variations in sedimentary environments and accretionary patterns in estuarine marshes undergoing rapid submerge, Chesapeake Bay, Larry G. Ward, Michael S. Kearney, and J Court Stevenson


The limits of spatial resolution achievable using a 30kHz multibeam sonar: model predictions and field results, John E. Hughes Clarke, James V. Gardner, Mike Torresan, and Larry A. Mayer


Visualization of large nested graphs in 3D: Navigation and Interaction, Greg Parker, Glenn Franck, and Colin Ware


Combining SAR data of Huon Peninsula and HAWAII MR1 data of Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea, for studies of tectonic and sedimentary processes, John E. Hughes Clarke, Keith A. W. Crook, Donald R. Montgomery, Keyu Liu, Gregory P. Whitmore, and David P. Johnson


Detecting small seabed targets using high frequency multibeam sonar, John E. Hughes Clarke


Dynamic adjustment of stereo display parameters, Colin Ware, Cyril Gobrecht, and Mark Paton


High-Resolution multibeam bathymetry of east and west Flower Garders and Stetson Banks, Gulf of Mexico, J. V. Gardner, L. A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, and A. Kleiner

High Resolution Side-Scan and Seismic Images of Landslides on the Northern California Continental Shelf, Neal W. Driscoll, Dan Orange, Luciano E. Fonseca, and Larry A. Mayer


Mapping U.S. Continental Shelves, J. V. Gardner, P. B. Butman, L. A. Mayer, and John E. Hughes Clarke


Real Handles, Virtual Images, Colin Ware and Jeff Rose


Semivariogram textural classification of JERS-1 (Fuyo-1) SAR data obtained over a flooded area of the Amazon rainforest, F P. Miranda, Luciano E. Fonseca, and J Carr


The limits of spatial resolution achievable using a 30kHz multibeam sonar: model predictions and field results, John E. Hughes Clarke, J. V. Gardner, and M. Torresan

Submissions from 1997


Layout for Visualizing Large Software Structures in 3D, Colin Ware, Glenn Franck, Monica Parkhi, and Tim Dudley


Selection using a one-eyed cursor in a Fish Tank VR environment, Colin Ware and Kathy Lowther


Interactive 3-D Tools for Pipeline Route Planning, Mark Paton, Larry A. Mayer, and Colin Ware


Areal Seabed Classification using Backscatter Angular Response at 95 kHz, John E. Hughes Clarke, B. W. Danforth, and P. Valentine

Context Sensitive Flying Interface, Colin Ware and D Fleet


Detecting small seabed targets using a high frequency multibeam sonar: Geometric Models and Test Results, M. B. Brissette, John E. Hughes Clarke, J. Bradford, and B. MacGowan


How Effectively Have You Covered Your Bottom?, J. Miller, John E. Hughes Clarke, and J. Patterson


Interactive tools for the exploration and analysis of multibeam and other seafloor acoustic data, L. A. Mayer, S. Dijkstra, John E. Hughes Clarke, M. Paton, and C. Ware


Multibeam bathymetric data for regional assessment of Marine Geology, R. Parrott, G. Fader, J. Shaw, and John E. Hughes Clarke


Multibeam Sonar: Applications in fisheries research, John E. Hughes Clarke


Ocean Surface Feature Detection with the CCRS Along-Track InSAR, J. W. M. Campbell, A. L. Gray, K. E. Mattar, John E. Hughes Clarke, and M. W. A. van der Kooij


Three Dimensional Imaging of the Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction using Magnetic Resonance, Albert L. Cross, Robin L. Armstrong, Cyril Gobrecht, Mark Paton, and Colin Ware

Submissions from 1996


In-Situ Far-Field Calibration of Multibeam Sonar Arrays for Precise Backscatter Imagery, Larry Fusillo, Christian de Moustier, John H. Satriano, and Stanley Zietz


Moving Motion Metaphors, Colin Ware


Vection with Large Screen 3D Imagery, Kathy Lowther and Colin Ware


Evaluating Stereo and Motion Cues for Visualizing Information Nets in Three Dimensions, Colin Ware and Glenn Franck


Multimedia Output Devices and Techniques, Colin Ware


Analysis of JERS-1 (Fuyo-1) SAR data for vegetation discrimination in northwestern Brasil using the semivariogram textural classifier (STC), F P. Miranda, Luciano E. Fonseca, J Carr, and J Taranik

Correções radiométricas dos dados sonográficos da Bacia de Campos (Radiometric Corrections of sidescan sonar data from Campos Basin.), Luciano E. Fonseca

PVMtrace: A 3D distibuted program visualizer, Cyril Gobrecht, V Bhavsar, and Colin Ware

Research Cooperation Between the National Space Development Agency of Japan and Petrobras for Monitoring a Tropical Rain Forest Environment using JERS-1 Sar Data: Preliminary Results of Geologic Studies, F P. Miranda, C Bentz, Luciano E. Fonseca, and R Almeida

Structuring the First Course In HCI, L F. Johnson and Colin Ware

Submissions from 1995


Submarine features of modern open-sea fan deltas, Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, Keyu Liu, Keith A. W. Crook, John E. Hughes Clarke, and Greg P. Whitmore


The DragMag Image Magnifier, Colin Ware and Marlon Lewis


Dynamic Stereo Displays, Colin Ware


Algorithm for dynamic disparity adjustment, Colin Ware, Cyril Gobrecht, and Mark Paton

Acquisition of sonography, bathymetric and high-frequency profile data in Campos Basin, P Piauilino, Luciano E. Fonseca, and P Maldonado

Aplicação de geoprocessamento, processamento digital de imagens e fotogrametria terrestre no rastreamento litofaciológico de afloramentos (Use of geoprocessing, digital image processing and terrestrial photogrametry for tracing lithof, Luciano E. Fonseca and B Carrasco

Use of geographical information system, digital image processing and terrestrial photogrametry for tracing elements and lithofacies on outcrop images, Luciano E. Fonseca and B Carrasco


Using Visual Texture for Information Display, Colin Ware and William Knight

Submissions from 1994


Accuracy of the Spatial Representation of the Seafloor with Bathymetric Sidescan Sonars, Pierre Cervenka, Ute Christina Herzfeld, and Christian de Moustier


Reaching for objects in VR displays: Lag and Frame Rate, Colin Ware and Ravin Balakrishnan


Classification of seafloor geology using multibeam sonar data from the Scotian Shelf, Neil C. Mitchell and John E. Hughes Clarke


Geometric Corrections on Sidescan Sonar Images Based on Bathymetry. Application with SeaMARC II and Sea Beam Data, Pierre Cervenka, Christian de Moustier, and Peter F. Lonsdale


Postprocessing and Corrections of Bathymetry Derived from Sidscan Sonar Systems: Application with SeaMARC II, Pierre Cervenka and Christian de Moustier


Representing Nodes and Arcs in 3D Networks, Glenn Franck and Colin Ware


Viewing a Graph in a Virtual Reality Display is Three Times as Good as a 2D Diagram, Colin Ware and Glenn Franck


First Results From a Deep Tow Multibeam Echo-Sounder*, Christian de Moustier, F. N. Spiess, D Pantzartzis, R Zimmerman, R M. Lawhead, F V. Pavlicek, Richard Zimmerman, and F V. Pavlicek


Sonography of a glaciated continental shelf, B. D. Loncarevic, R. C. Courtney, G. B. J. Fader, P. S. Giles, D. J. W. Piper, G. Costello, John E. Hughes Clarke, and R. R. Stea


Application of a maximum likelihood processor to acoustic backscatter for the estimation of seafloor roughness parameters, Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou and Christian de Moustier


Passive Force Feedback for Velocity Control, Mark Paton and Colin Ware


Virtual Hand Tool with Force Feedback, Ravin Balakrishnan, Colin Ware, and Tim Smith

Target acquisition in Fish Tank VR: The effects of Lag and Frame Rate, Colin Ware and Ravin Balakrishnan

The GIS and image processing state of the art in PETROBRAS, C Bentz, Luciano E. Fonseca, F P. Miranda, and F Cunha


The Western Fiji Transform Fault and its role in the dismemberment of the Fiji Platform, Philip Jarvis, John E. Hughes Clarke, Donald Tiffin, Manabu Tanahashi, and Loren Kroenke


Toward remote seafloor classification using the angular response of acoustic backscattering: a case study from multiple overlapping GLORIA data, John E. Hughes Clarke

Submissions from 1993


Application of high-resolution beamforming to multibeam swath bathymetry, D Pantzartzis, Christian de Moustier, and Dimitri Alexandrou


Visualizing Object Oriented Software in Three Dimensions, Colin Ware, David Hui, and Glenn Franck


Evaluating 3D Task Performance for Fish Tank Virtual Worlds, Kevin W. Arthur, Kellogg S. Booth, and Colin Ware


Tectonic Activity and Plate Boundaries along the Northern Flank of the Fiji Platform, John E. Hughes Clarke, P. Jarvis, D. Tiffin, R. Price, and Loren Kroenke


Fishtank Virtual Reality, Colin Ware, Kevin W. Arthur, and Kellogg S. Booth


Lag as a Determinant of Human Performance in Iteractive Systems, I. Scott MacKenzie and Colin Ware


Sidescan Sonar Image Processing Techniques, Pierre Cervenka and Christian de Moustier


Seafloor Acoustic Remote Sensing with Multibeam Echo-Sounders and Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar Systems, Christian de Moustier and Haruyoshi Matsumoto


The Foundations of Experimental Semiotics, Colin Ware


A multi-faceted acoustic ground-truthing experiment in the Bay of Fundy, L. A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, and D. E. Wells


A multi-faceted acoustic ground-truthing experiment in the Bay of Fundy, Larry A. Mayer, John E. Hughes Clarke, David E. Wells, and Colin Ware


EEZ mapping in Canada: Advances in shallow water surveying, in Saxena, John E. Hughes Clarke, L. A. Mayer, D. E. Wells, G. Costello, and D. R. Peyton


Processing and interpretation of 95 kHz backscatter data from shallow-water multibeam sonars, John E. Hughes Clarke, L. A. Mayer, N. C. Mitchell, A. Godin, and G. Costello

Signal Processing for Swath Bathymetry and Concurrent Seafloor Acoustic Imaging, Christian de Moustier


Slope morphology adjacent to the cool‐water carbonate shelf of South Australia: GLORIA and Seabeam imaging, C. C. von der Borch and John E. Hughes Clarke


The potential for seabed classification using backscatter from shallow water multibeam sonars, John E. Hughes Clarke

Thoughts on User Studies: Why, How and When, R Kosara, C G. Healey, V Interrante, D H. Laidlaw, and Colin Ware

Submissions from 1992


Downhole logging as a paeoceanographic tool on ocean drilling program leg 138: Interface between high-resolution stratigraphy and regional syntheses, Mitchell Lyle, Larry A. Mayer, Nicklas G. Pisias, T. K. Hagelberg, Kathleen A. Dadey, and Stephen F. Bloomer


3-d visualization of evolutionary spectra of Leg 138 carbonate records, Larry A. Mayer, N. J. Shackleton, T. K. Hagelberg, Nicklas G. Pisias, Colin Ware, and K Marinelli


Differential Phase Estimation with the SeaMARC II Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar System, M A. Masnadi-Shirazi, Christian de Moustier, Pierre Cervenka, and Stanley H. Zisk


Manipulating the Future: Predictor Based Feedback for Velocity Control in Virtual Environment Navigation, Dale Chapman and Colin Ware


Orderable Dimensions of Visual texture Useful for Data Display: Orientation, Size and Contrast, Colin Ware and William Knight


Evaluation and Verification of Bottom Acoustic Reverberation Statistics Predicted by the Point Scattering Model, Dimitri Alexandrou, Christian de Moustier, and G Haralabus


A System for Cleaning High Volume Bathymetry, Colin Ware, L Slipp, K W. Wong, B Nickerson, David E. Wells, Y C. Lee, D Dodd, and G Costello


Ocean Mapping - A Canadian Perspective, John E. Hughes Clarke, L. A. Mayer, D. E. Wells, and G. Costello

Simple Animation as a Human Interrupt, Colin Ware, J Bonner, R Cater, and W Knight

Submissions from 1991


Sidescan Sonar Image Enchancement Using a Decomposition Based on Orthogonal Functions. Applications with Chebyshev Polynomials, Pierre Cervenka and Christian de Moustier


Ocean Mapping Initiatives in Canada, David E. Wells and Colin Ware


Using Velocity Control to Navigate 3D Graphical Environments: A comparison of Three Interfaces, Colin Ware and Leonard Slipp


Angular dependence of 12-kHz seafloor acoustic backscatter, Christian de Moustier and Dimitri Alexandrou

Integrated processing for bathymetry and sidescan data in swath bathymetry sidelooking sonars, Christian de Moustier, M A. Masnadi-Shirazi, and P Cervenka