Project Type
URC Presentation
College or School
Class Year
Earth Sciences
Faculty Research Advisor
Dianna Schulte
Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation is dedicated to protecting marine life in the Gulf of Maine through research, education and inspiring action. The summer internship program involves hands-on experience in whale research including data collection, data input, educational practices and the chance to learn about the inner workings of a non-profit organization. Additionally, one-on-one work with researchers and educators aboard commercial whale watch boats as well as at outreach programs rounded out the internship to bring the science to the public. Data collected contributed to long-term studies involving cetacean populations, habitat use, demographics, and threats, including marine debris near whales. Study sites included Jeffreys Ledge and Stellwagen Bank, which are productive areas within 15-20 miles of the NH and MA coast. Additional duties pertaining to public education involved demonstrating baleen and the local habitat, attending guest lectures to gain insight into the expansive field of marine biology, assisting with beach cleanups and school programs, as well as educating diverse guests at the Blue Ocean Discovery Center at Hampton Beach.
Pictures on poster were taken by Blue Ocean affiliates.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Van De Walle, Brandon Victor, "Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation Summer Internship" (2017). Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) Student Presentations. 385.