University of New Hampshire Survey Center | University of New Hampshire Research | University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository

University of New Hampshire Survey Center


The Survey Center has conducted survey research projects at the University of New Hampshire since 1976. The Center has grown rapidly during the past 30 years and now conducts approximately 40 - 50 major survey projects each year. Our growth is due in part to our commitment to work closely with each client on an individual basis to provide high quality, cost-effective public opinion polling data.

The Survey Center conducts mail, telephone, Internet, E-mail, and self-administered surveys for university researchers, public agencies, non-profit organizations, private businesses, and media clients. We have experience working with a variety of state and federal agencies, private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and national news media sources. We have conducted state, regional, and national general population surveys based on probability sampling, surveys which target specific populations, surveys which utilize complex stratified sampling techniques, and panel studies.


Browse the University of New Hampshire Survey Center Collections:

All UNH Survey Center Polls

Bay State Poll

Granite State Poll

Green Mountain State Poll

New Hampshire Election Polls

New Hampshire Primary Polls

Nutmeg State Poll

Ocean State Poll

Pine Tree State Poll

Portland Press Herald Poll

The Boston Globe Poll