The University of New Hampshire Law Review
[Excerpt] “On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States put forth a set of constitutional amendments, ten of which would later become the Bill of Rights. The first of these amendments states, ―Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech . . . . In subsequent caselaw, the U.S. Supreme Court has applied this prohibition to the federal government, as well as state governments through the Fourteenth Amendment. Although this appears to be a simple standard to follow, history has proven otherwise, and the deviations taken have been the subject of much debate.”
Repository Citation
Jason M. Dorsky, A New Battleground for Free Speech: The Impact of Snyder v. Phelps, 7 Pierce L. Rev. 235 (2009), available at