
The University of New Hampshire Law Review


[H]igh recidivism rates shows that the threat of jail time alone is not sufficient to curb sex crimes. With this in mind, legislators sought to find other ways that would protect potential victims. Community notification laws were the first policy to be implemented. Community notification methods included press releases, flyers, phone calls, door-to-door contact, neighborhood meetings, and Internet sites, which informed citizens of the name, location, and/or other information of persons who had been convicted of sex crimes.

Part II of this note will describe current sex-offender restrictions in place across the country. Part III will provide a constitutional analysis of these sex-offender restrictions. Based on this analysis, Part IV will conclude by advocating against sex-offender restrictions and offering alternatives.

Repository Citation

Ryan Hawkins, Human Zoning: The Constitutionality of Sex-Offender Residency Restrictions as Applied to Post-Conviction Offenders, 5 Pierce L. Rev. 331 (2007), available at http://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol5/iss2/6
