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Granite Staters are divided over President Biden's plan to require large employers to ensure employees are vaccinated against COVID-19 or are tested weekly. Slim majorities support requiring healthcare workers and federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated while support is higher for requiring employers to provide paid time off for vaccinations. Just under one in five New Hampshire adults say they will not get a COVID-19 vaccine and nearly all of these individuals say they would leave their job if vaccination were required. Face mask usage is unchanged since June in the state but stress related to the pandemic has increased. Many Granite Staters expect the COVID-19 situation to get worse rather than better over the next six months.
Granite State Poll
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UNH Survey Center, "Granite Staters Divided on Employer Vaccine Mandate; Nearly All Unvaccinated Will Leave Job if Shot Required 9/21/2021" (2021). All UNH Survey Center Polls. 670.