Assessing mood with affect-sensitive tasks
It is hypothesized that when an individual experiences a change in mood there are concomitant changes in performance at cognitive and psychomotor tasks. The present study attempts to identify tasks which are mood-sensitive. The nature of affect-sensitive tasks will yield information about how mood influences behavior. Further, to the extent that relationships between mood and affect-sensitive tasks are found, clients may be motivated to change their mood by a knowledge of expectable improvements in performance. Ten tasks and a mood-adjective checklist were administered to 106 subjects. Four of the tasks showed statistically significant relationships with self-reported mood. Results were promising for further investigations of affect-sensitive tasks.
Publication Date
Journal Title
Journal of Personality Assessment
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Mayer, J. D. & Bremer, D. (1985). Assessing mood with affect-sensitive tasks. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 95-99.