Faculty may submit research here.
Submissions from 2025
The Forms of Representation: How to be a Kantian Realist, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2023
“Wilfrid Sellars and Pragmatism”, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2022
“Wilfrid Sellars and Liberal Naturalism”, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2021
Hegel today, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2020
Hegel’s Pragmatism, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2019
Hegel and Sellars on the Unity of Things, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2017
"Wilfrid Stalker Sellars", Willem A. deVries
Hegel's Revival in Analytic Philosophy, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2016
Sensation, Intuition, Space, and Time in Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, Willem A. deVries
Hegelian Spirits in Sellarsian Bottles, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2013
Inferentialism., Willem A. deVries
Subjective Spirit: Soul, Consciousness, Intelligence and Will., Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2012
All in the Family., Willem A. deVries
Ontology and the Completeness of Sellars’s Two Images, Willem A. deVries
Sellars, Realism, and Kantian Thinking., Willem A. deVries
Wilfrid Sellars Society Interview #1: Willem deVries, Wilfrid Sellars Society
Submissions from 2011
Sellars and the Myth of the Given, Willem A. deVries
Sellars' "Rylean Myth", Willem A. deVries
Sellars vs. McDowell on the Structure of Sensory Consciousness, Willem A. deVries
Some Forms of Trust, Willem A. deVries
Wilfrid Sellars, Willem A. deVries
Reaching disagreement, David R. Hiley
Von der wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit von Intentionalität und praktischer Vernunft: eine metabegriffliche Argumentation, Tobias Schlict and Willem A. deVries
"Brandom and the Spirit of Hegel" in Robert Brandoms expressive Vernunft, Holger Sturm, Christian Barth, and Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2010
Empiricism, Perceptual Knowledge, Normativity, and Realism: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, Willem A. deVries
Naturalism, the Autonomy of Reason, and Pictures, Willem A. deVries
“Kant, Rosenberg, and the Mirror of Philosophy” in Self, Language, and World: Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg, Willem A. deVries, James O'Shea, and Eric M. Rubenstein
Practicing What We Preach: Democratic Practices in Institutional Governance, Bruce L. Mallory
Stupider and worse?, Nick Smith
Submissions from 2008
"Sense-certainty and the 'this-such'" in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: A Critical Guide, Willem A. deVries, Dean Moyar, and Michael Quante
Poverty, money, and happiness, Nick Smith
Submissions from 2007
Does observational knowledge require metaknowledge? A dialogue on sellars., Willem A. deVries and Timm A. Triplett
What is democratic education?, David R. Hiley
Democracy and capitalism: oil and water?, Nick Smith
Submissions from 2006
“Folk Psychology, Theories and the Sellarsian Roots” in The Self-Correcting Enterprise: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, Willem A. deVries
McDowell, Sellars, and Sense Impressions, Willem A. deVries
Overpowered: American domination, democracy and the ethics of energy consumption, Ruth Sample
Is Sellars's Rylean Hypothesis Plausible? A Dialogue, Timm A. Triplett and Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2005
Wilfrid Sellars., Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2001
Looking Beyond the Technical: The First Step in Integrating Ethics, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 2000
Knowledge, Mind, and the Given: A Reading of Sellars’ “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind," including the complete text of Sellars's essay., Willem A. deVries and Timm A. Triplett
Submissions from 1998
On "Sophist" 255b-e, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1996
Experience and the swamp creature, Willem A. deVries
Sellars, Animals, and Thought, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1993
Who sees with equal eye, . . . Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd?, Willem A. deVries
"Hegel's logic and philosophy of mind," in The Routledge History of Philosophy, Willem A. deVries, Kathleen Higgins, and Robert C. Solomon
Submissions from 1991
Reality, knowledge, and the good life : an historical introduction to philosophy, Willem A. deVries
The Dialectic of Teleology, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1990
Burgeoning skepticism, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1988
Hegel on Reference and Knowledge, Willem A. deVries
Hegel's Theory of Mental Activity, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1987
Hegel on Representation and Thought, Willem A. deVries
Submissions from 1983
Meaning and Interpretation in History, Willem A. deVries