




Everyone benefits from increased access to the latest research. Making your scholarship Open Access should be easy! Instead, it can be confusing and expensive, especially if you're trying to decide on short notice. This presentation will help you sort out your options, find out how you can plan ahead, and put you on the pain free path to open.

Access link: https://unh.zoom.us/j/91844432673?from=msft

Start Date

23-10-2020 2:00 PM

End Date

23-10-2020 2:45 PM

Included in

Publishing Commons


Oct 23rd, 2:00 PM Oct 23rd, 2:45 PM

Open Access publishing: obstacles and options


Everyone benefits from increased access to the latest research. Making your scholarship Open Access should be easy! Instead, it can be confusing and expensive, especially if you're trying to decide on short notice. This presentation will help you sort out your options, find out how you can plan ahead, and put you on the pain free path to open.

Access link: https://unh.zoom.us/j/91844432673?from=msft


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