University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository - Open Access Events: Hot Topics in IP and Technology: Open Access Publishing

Hot Topics in IP and Technology: Open Access Publishing

Presenter Information

UNH Innovations


UNHI Training Room, 21 Madbury Rd.

Event Website




For October’s seminar, we've invited Chris Harris and Jen Goodrich from Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to share their expertise and experience in Open Access (OA) – freely available, digital, online information. Jen is Director of Product Management and Publisher Solutions at CCC and Chris serves as Legal Counsel. CCC provides collective copyright licensing services for corporate and academic users of copyrighted materials.

OA is a newer form of scholarly publishing that is of interest to many in academia, but researchers often struggle with the decision of whether to publish in OA journals versus traditional journals. In this seminar, Chris and Jen will provide a general overview of OA, including the benefits and challenges of publishing in the OA space, and will discuss recent trends. They will also take a deeper dive into the subject to compare OA publishing in humanities and social sciences versus STEM research, and how it might affect funding.

Start Date

24-10-2019 4:30 PM

End Date

24-10-2019 5:30 PM

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Oct 24th, 4:30 PM Oct 24th, 5:30 PM

Hot Topics in IP and Technology: Open Access Publishing

UNHI Training Room, 21 Madbury Rd.

For October’s seminar, we've invited Chris Harris and Jen Goodrich from Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to share their expertise and experience in Open Access (OA) – freely available, digital, online information. Jen is Director of Product Management and Publisher Solutions at CCC and Chris serves as Legal Counsel. CCC provides collective copyright licensing services for corporate and academic users of copyrighted materials.

OA is a newer form of scholarly publishing that is of interest to many in academia, but researchers often struggle with the decision of whether to publish in OA journals versus traditional journals. In this seminar, Chris and Jen will provide a general overview of OA, including the benefits and challenges of publishing in the OA space, and will discuss recent trends. They will also take a deeper dive into the subject to compare OA publishing in humanities and social sciences versus STEM research, and how it might affect funding.