Vertical Point Sampling with a Camera


Vertical point sampling has seen relatively little use in practical forestry, in part because existing field techniques are difficult. We show how vertical point sampling can be implemented quickly and easily using a camera. We give tables and equations for calculating the height-squared factor, which plays a role similar to that of the basal area factor in horizontal point sampling. Some suggestions for choosing a height-squared factor are discussed, along with potential applications for further exploration. We illustrate the technique using a case study in southern Maine. Direct estimates with no statistically detectable bias were obtained using height-squared factors greater than 3. The results also suggested that the technique could be used as a correlate in double sampling for variables such as cubic volume, stand density index, and biomass, and possibly board foot volume as well.

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Journal Title

Northern Journal of Applied Forestry


Society of American Foresters

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© Copyright by the Society of American Foresters
