The Law Faculty Scholarship series is a section of the University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. A service of the Law Library, it is designed to preserve, promote and disseminate the scholarship and activities of law school faculty in accordance with UNH’s commitment to open access.


Submissions from 2008


Considering the Reach of Phelps, Thomas G. Field Jr.


Copyright Law and Pornography: Reconsidering Incentives to Create and Distribute Pornography, Ann Bartow


Franklin Pierce Law Center Educational Report: Patent Landscape of DNA Vaccines for HIV, Jon R. Cavicchi and Stanley P. Kowalski


Got Controversy - Milk Does, Margaret Sova McCabe


Loco Labels and Marketing Madness: Improving How Consumers Interpret Information in the American Food Economy, Margaret Sova McCabe


Pornography, Coercion, and Copyright Law 2.0, Ann Bartow


Review Essay: Janet Halley, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism, Ann Bartow


River Rats, Megan M. Carpenter


Situationist Torts, John D. Hanson and Michael McCann


The Lexical Heart: A Dictionary, Megan M. Carpenter


The True Colors of Trademark Law: Green-lighting a Red Tide of Anti Competition Blues, Ann Bartow


Viewing Virtual Property Ownership Through the Lens of Innovation, Ryan G. Vacca


What Helps Law Professors Develop as Teachers? -- An Empirical Study, Gerald F. Hess and Sophie M. Sparrow


When Bias is Bipartisan: Teaching About the Democratic Process in an Intellectual Property Law Republic, Ann Bartow


Why Hollywood Does Not Require “Saving” From the Recordkeeping Requirements Imposed by 18 U.S.C. Section 2257, Ann Bartow

Submissions from 2007

‘An Experiment Is When You Try It and See If It Works’: A Study of Grade 7 Students’ Understanding Of the Construction of Scientific Knowledge, Susan Carey, Risa Evans, Maya Honda, Eileen Jay, and Christopher Unger

Can Congress Constitutionally Declare the World to be Flat, John M. Greabe

Consumer-Confusion Analysis and Judicial Subjectivity in Trademark Law, Ann Bartow

Contracts Companion for Writers, Tonya M. Evans

Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty in Intellectual Property Valuation and Exploitation, William J. Murphy

Everything New is Old Again: Brain Fingerprinting and Evidentiary Analogy, Alexandra J. Roberts


Everything New Is Old Again: Brain Fingerprinting and Evidentiary Analogy, Alexandra J. Roberts


Expanding Preferential Treatment Under the Record Rental Amendment Beyond the Music Industry, Ryan G. Vacca


Freedom-to-Operate in the Crop Sciences: Procedure, Stanley P. Kowalski


Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices, Vol. 1, Anatole Krattiger, Richard T. Mahoney, Lita Nelsen, Jennifer A. Thomson, Alan B. Bennett, Kanikaram Satyanarayana, Gregory D. Graff, Carlos Fernandez, and Stanley Kowalski