Faculty may submit research here.
Submissions from 1995
Death and Spring: Rodoreda’s Semiotic Chora, Jaume Marti-Olivella
La piedad profana de Pilar Miró, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Review: Mesures, alarmes i prodigis by Pere Calders; Xavier Luna, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Towards a New Transcultural Dialogue in Spanish Film, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1994
Ideología y juego intertextual en La Campaña de Carlos Fuentes, Daniel Chavez
Reviewed Work: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, Tolstoy’s Pierre Bezukhov: A Psychoanalytic Study, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review Works: Two Not-So-Little Russian Writers, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review Works: Villains No More, No More Villains: Rehabilitating the Evil Triumvirate, Ronald D. LeBlanc
L2 writing: Using pictures as a guided writing environment, Lina Lee
Paseo crítico e intertextual por el jardín edípico del cine español, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Review: Inscripcions, làpides, esteles by Joan Perucho, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1993
Fiction dans les archives': adultère et stratégies de défense dans deux mémoires judiciaires, Nadine S. Berenguier
Feeding a Poor Dog a Bone: The Quest for Nourishment in Bulgakov's Sobach'e Serdtse, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: Death in Quotation Marks: Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet by Svetlana Boym, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Unpalatable Pleasures: Tolstoy, Food, and Sex, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Bachelardian Myth in Rodoreda’s Construction of Identity, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Carta Oberta a David Rosenthal, Jaume Marti-Olivella
L'Escriptura Femenina Catalana: Vers una nova Tradició?, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Review: L'honor a la deriva by Pere Calders, Jaume Marti-Olivella
The Narcissus (Echo) Legend and the Literary Device as Hero(ine) in John Barth, Jorge Luis Borges and Carmen Martín Gaite, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1992
From Clarens to Hollow Park: Isabelle de Charrière's Quiet Revolution, Nadine S. Berenguier
Unfortunate Couples: The Status of Adultery in Four Eighteenth-Century French Novels, Nadine S. Berenguier
Reviewed Work: From Pushkin to Palisandriia: Essays on the Russian Novel in Honor of Richard Freeborn by Arnold McMillin, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: The Unknown Russian Theater: An Anthology by Michael Green, Jerome Katsell, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Homoeroticism and Specular Transgression in Peninsular Feminist Narrative, Jaume Marti-Olivella
La Mostra d'Art Català Contemporani de la NACS, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1991
El Ayuntamiento de Valladolid: Política y Gestión (1898-1936), Carmen García de la Rasilla
Goethe’s Egmont: Political Revolution and Personal Transformation, Edward T. Larkin
Teniers, Flemish Art, and the Natural School Debate, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: La primera pedra by Sergi Pàmies, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Review: Unitats de Xoc by Pere Calders; Enric Cluselles, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1990
Levin Visits Anna: The Iconology of Harlotry, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Reviewed Work: Orest Somov: Russian Fiction between Romanticism and Realism. by John Mersereau, Jr., Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: Puskin: Literature and Social Ideas by Sam Driver, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: The Poetics of Yury Olesha by Victor Peppard, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Teniersism: Seventeenth-Century Flemish Art and Early Nineteenth-Century Russian Prose, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Submissions from 1989
Gogol’s Chichikov: Russian Picaro or Real Vyzhigin?, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Reviewed Works: Pyostryye skazki by V. F. Odoyevsky, Neil Cornwell and Zhivye kartiny: povesti i rasskazy pisatelei 'Natural'noi shkoly' by A. L. Ospovat, V. A. Tunimanov, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Reviewed Work: The Double or My Evenings in Little Russia. by Antony Pogorelsky, Ruth Sobel, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: Narcís Oller, La fiebre del oro by Camilo José Cela; Narcís Oller, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1988
Dinner with Chichikov: The Fictional Meal as Narrative Device in Gogol's "Dead Souls", Ronald D. LeBlanc
Satisfying Khlestakov's Appetite: The Semiotics of Eating in The Inspector General, Ronald D. LeBlanc
The Soccer Match in Envy, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Catalan Cine Lit: A Critical Overview, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1987
Conseils à une amie de Madeleine de Puisieux, ou les paradoxes d'un ouvrage pédagogique, Nadine S. Berenguier
El Montepío Militar: la asistencia social en el ejército de la segunda mitad del s. XVIII, Carmen García de la Rasilla
Repercusiones del problema marroquí en la vida vallisoletana (1909-27), Carmen García de la Rasilla
A Russian Tarzan, or "Aping" Jocko?, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Review: Quim Monzó. O’Clock, Jaume Marti-Olivella
The Witches’ Touch: Towards a Poetics of Double Articulation, Jaume Marti-Olivella
Submissions from 1986
Roland Barthes et le roman, Nadine S. Berenguier
Literary Strategy in Narezhnyi’s Rossiiskii Zhilblaz, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Making "Gil Blas" Russian, Ronald D. LeBlanc
The Russianization Of Gil Blas: A Study In Literary Appropriation, Ronald D. LeBlanc
Submissions from 1985
Diderot/Foucault: Jacques le Fataliste, La religieuse et La volonté de savoir, Nadine S. Berenguier