"Language, identity and social networks among LGBTQ Latin@s in Phoenix " by Holly R. Cashman

Language, identity and social networks among LGBTQ Latin@s in Phoenix and the urgency of queering research on Spanish in the U.S.


In this essay I reflect on where I have been and where I am going in my research on the occasion of the 2012 Presidential Address at the meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I contextualize this reflection within a brief survey of the research on Spanish language maintenance and shift to English, with passing mention of the fields of queer linguistics and queer Latin@ studies. Finally, I argue for why sociolinguistic research on Spanish and bilingualism in the U.S. should pay attention to LGBTQ Latin@s and queer communities.


Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Publication Date


Journal Title

Southwest Journal of Linguistics


Linguistic Association of the Southwest

Document Type

