"Review: Don Quichotte contre l’Ange Bleu [Don Quixote against the Blue" by Jorge Abril Sanchez

Review: Don Quichotte contre l’Ange Bleu [Don Quixote against the Blue Angel]. By La Boîte aux Rêves. Directed by Jérôme Savary


Review of Don Quichotte contre l’Ange Bleu [Don Quixote against the Blue Angel]. By La Boîte aux Rêves. Directed by Jérôme Savary. Loosely inspired by Miguel de Cervantes’s novel. Translated and adapted into Spanish by Piti Español. Original music by Roland Romanelli and French flamenco gipsy singer Paco El Lobo. Cuarto Festival Internacional de las Artes de Castilla y León (FIACyL). May 30, 2008 – June 14, 2008. Centro de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (CAEM). Salamanca, Castilla y León, Spain. June 11, 2008 (one-day performance at this venue at 8:00 pm). Duration: approximately 90 minutes


Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Publication Date


Journal Title

Comedia Performance


Association for Hispanic Classical Theater

Document Type

Book Review
