
Jackson Estuarine Laboratory

The Cortical Morphogenetic Cycle Associated with Cell Division in Diophrys Dujardin, 1841 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida)1


Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Diophrys scutum, D. oligothrix, and D. appendiculata utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Diophrys is similar to that of other members of the family Euplotidae. The opisthe oral primordium, which develops in a subsurface pouch, forms posterior to the parental buccal cavity. The proter inherits the parental adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) apparently unchanged. The endoral membrane forms to the right of the posterior end of the AZM in the proter, in association with the developing AZM in the opisthe. The paroral cirrus and membrane develop from a single streak that first appears along the right edge of the buccal cavity in the proter to the right of the developing buccal structures of the opisthe. Frontal and transverse cirri develop in both proter and opisthe from five separate cirral primordia that form to the right of the buccal cavity. Left marginal cirri do not develop in association with the corresponding parental structures. Kinetosomes formed within the opisthe oral primordium, or kinetosomes that were part of any parental ciliary structure, do not appear to become part of any developing paroral structures, frontal, transverse, or left marginal cirri. Speciation within the genus Diophrys and evolution of the family Euplotidae as they relate to the morphogenesis of cortical structure are discussed.

Publication Date


Journal Title

The Journal of Protozoology

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