Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
Tissue nitrogen and carbon variations in New England estuarineAscophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis populations (Fucales, Phaeophyta)
The seasonal patterns ofAscophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis tissue composition (N, C and ash) and ambient inorganic N were measured for 18 months at seven sites throughout the Great Bay Estuary System, New Hampshire-Maine, U.S.A. Overall, the seasonal cycle of tissue N coincided with ambient dissolved inorganic N, with low values in the late spring and summer and highest values in late fall and winter. even so, a pronounced lag occurred in the spring when ambient nutrients decreased, and the levels of tissue N remained high. The seasonal patterns of tissue N were very similar throughout the estuary, although the spring maxima were conspicuously greater at inner than outer estuarine sites. No conspicuous seasonal trend was apparent for tissue C, and the C/N ratios merely reflected variation in N. The percent ash values were extremely variable, and they did not reflect a simple salinity gradient within the Estuary. Two examples of the potential significance ofAscophyllum to the nitrogen pools in northern New England estuaries are discussed.
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Hardwick-Witman, M.N. and A.C. Mathieson. 1986. Tissue nitrogen and carbon variations in New England estuarine Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis populations. Estuaries 9:43-48. (Contribution No. 1313 in the Agriculture Experiment Station Series)