Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
Spatial and temporal trends of chemical contaminants in tissues of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis L., in the Gulf of Maine: 1993-2001
Publication Date
Journal Title
Molluscan Shellfish Safety: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway June 14th – 18th, 2004
Marine Institute
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Jones, S.H., L. White, P. Hennigar, P. Wells, C. Krahforst, G. Harding, J. Aube, G. Brun, J. Swartz, M. Chase, P. Vass, N. Landry and J. Stahlnecker. 2004. Spatial and temporal trends of chemical contaminants in tissues of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis L., in the Gulf of Maine: 1993-2001. In: K. Henshilwood, B. Deegan, T. McMahon, C. Cusack, S. Keaveney, J. Silke, M. O’Cinneide, D. Lyons and P. Hess (eds.), Molluscan Shellfish Safety. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway June 14th – 18th, 2004. pp. 373-385.