Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
An index based on rapid visual determination of the relative amount of necrotic tissue on eelgrass shoots infected with wasting disease is described. The utility of the index for assessing and monitoring disease levels in natural and experimental populations of eelgrass is illustrated with examples from the field and a mesocosm experiment. Using the Wasting Index, monitoring of the disease along with environmental variables provided correlational data that aided understanding of the disease progression and linked disease severity with salinity. Once salinity increased above a threshold, disease spread rapidly and was inversely correlated with leave area
Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, Natural Resources and the Environment
Publication Date
Journal Title
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Document Type
© Inter-Research 1993
Recommended Citation
Burdick, D.M., F.T. Short, and J. Wolf. 1993. An index to assess and monitor the progression of wasting disease in eelgrass Zostera marina. Marine Ecology Progress Series 94:83-90. http://www.int-res.com/articles/meps/94/m094p083.pdf