"ARTIFICIAL: Media Production in an Age of AI" by Alec D. Dubois

The Hugemanities Project Big Contest

ARTIFICIAL: Media Production in an Age of AI

Submission Date


Document Type


Contest Category

Change the World

College or School

University of New Hampshire

Course Name

Honors Thesis

Course Number

CMN 799H

Course Instructor

Michael Soha

Project Description

"ARTIFICIAL: Media Production in an Age of AI" is a thesis documentary examining how artificial intelligence is being used to enhance the media production process, and what the implications are for human creativity. The project looks at what AI tools are already being used in various aspects of production, what government regulation may be necessary, and what are the broader ethical concerns when thinking about the role of AI in an industry of imagination. The film integrates research, an online survey, and a multitude of interviews conducted with media professionals.


I am submitting the introductory segment and various selected interview clips to represent my project. The full documentary will be complete prior to the end of the semester.
