The Hugemanities Project Big Contest

Taking a Knee: Colin Kaepernick and the Response to Protesting Police Brutality

Submission Date


Document Type


Contest Category

Digital Storytelling

College or School

University of New Hampshire

Course Name

Digital Shaming

Course Number

CMN 772

Course Instructor

Prof. Nora Draper

Project Description

This website was created as a capstone project for CMN 772, Digital Shaming (Seminar in Media Theory), in the fall of 2023. The digital essay covers the protests that former NFL player Colin Kaepernick engaged in, in order to show his support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and his stance against police brutality. Amid pushback from the public and the media, Kaepernick continued his protest, and was shamed in a variety of ways. Companies who partnered with him and friends who protested with him were also shamed, as shown in the essay.
