The Hugemanities Project Big Contest

Submission Date


Document Type


Contest Category

Digital Storytelling

College or School

University of New Hampshire

Course Name


Course Number


Course Instructor

Katayoun Hashemin

Project Description

This movie takes the audience through my first experience with online dating. It starts off in the beginning seeming like a harmless date, but then turns into something worse. The main character, me, will notice small red flags until I finally realize I need to get away from his man. This movie shows how dangerous the dating world can be for young women and how sadly we need to be more vigilant than men in the dating world.


I wrote a paper on a true story that happened to me. Our task was to write a paper based on true events that revolve around a social inequality. I chose gender inequality. For extra credit I volunteered to make a movie and a trailer for the spring symposium at Manchester Community College. If you would like the trailer as well, I can add that in under additional files.


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