Honors Theses and Capstones
Date of Award
Spring 2022
Project Type
Senior Honors Thesis
College or School
Physics and Astronomy
Program or Major
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
First Advisor
David Mattingly
This report represents the creation of a field theory which is capable of describing quasiparticle excitations that preserve 2^k -pole moments. These quasiparticles exhibit certain ’semidynamic’ properties such as individual particle immobility but free movement of bound 2^L-tuples. We provide a review of work done on dipole conserving fractons and their dynamics [1] and expand upon it to describe higher moment conserving systems with global quadratic (and higher) phase symmetry. This requires the selection of the temporal and spatial directions. The selection of a temporal direction is done with a foliation defined by an anisotropic scaling of space and time, defining a hypersurface of constant time, the vector tangent to this hypersurface, u^µ, is our temporal direction. The selection of a spatial direction is done by introducing a ghost field, S, characterized by a wrong sign kinematic term. The gradient of this ghost field, s^µ, is our spatial direction. Dynamically selecting these directions and defining a Lagrangian which conserves a particular multipole moment creates a generally covariant theory of multipole conserving quasiparticles.
Recommended Citation
Riley, Gavin Eric, "Generally Covariant Theory of Multipole Moment Conserving Quasiparticles" (2022). Honors Theses and Capstones. 665.
Included in
Condensed Matter Physics Commons, Elementary Particles and Fields and String Theory Commons, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics Commons
Future work on the subject includes quantization of what is currently a classical field theory as well as understanding how the quasiparticles may be produced in the laboratory or by natural processes.