Honors Theses and Capstones
Date of Award
Fall 2019
Project Type
Senior Honors Thesis
College or School
Natural Resources and the Environment
Program or Major
Environmental Sciences: Ecosystems
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science
First Advisor
John Aber
At the Organic Dairy Research Farm in Lee, New Hampshire, the practice of aerated static composting is researched for potential heat capture. In early 2019, an Excel model was created to illustrate the ability of greenhouses to retain heat during a cold month of January and the total energy balance for each day. This model shows that an average greenhouse, based on the dimensions of the greenhouse at Kingman Farm, requires an additional, external heat source to supplement its heating needs. By adding the heat generated by the aerated static composting pile to the greenhouse in the Excel model, the greenhouse is able to run without needing the additional heat.
Recommended Citation
Hoffman, Dena M., "Connecting Composting and Greenhouses: An Energy Capture and Usage Model" (2019). Honors Theses and Capstones. 485.